
God System: The Path Beyond Heavens

One fateful day, Luke was betrayed by the person he loved the most, leaving him with a deep sense of betrayal. Consumed by a desire for revenge, Luke's life was abruptly cut short in a tragic accident. However, fate had other plans for him. Just as his soul was about to depart to reincarnate, a system intervened, offering him a second chance to seek vengeance and reunite with his beloved family. Luke found himself reincarnated in a new world, vastly different from the one he had known. Here, infected zombies and animals underwent horrifying mutations, transforming into terrifying monsters that launched large-scale attacks on humanity. In the face of impending destruction, humans constructed walls and established fortified cities, becoming humanity's last bastions of hope. The trials faced by mankind during this period were known as the "Nirvana Period." In this harsh and unforgiving environment, human physical strength gradually evolved and developed. Martial arts flourished, and human capabilities surpassed their previous limits. The qualitative improvement in human physical strength led to the rise of the finest warriors known as the "Star Warriors." This is the tale of Luke's journey as he embarks on the path to becoming a Star Warrior and reclaims his lost revenge.

Lord_Olethros · Fantasy
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49 Chs

Can A Man Say No To Such An Offer?

In such a dangerous world, Luke would be forced to constantly be on high alert. 

"I should make sure not to stir up a young master's anger against me," Luke thought to himself.

Because he spent most of his time alone, Luke liked to read novels in order to escape from the harsh reality.

The stories transported him to different worlds and allowed him to forget about the harsh reality.

The types of novels Luke read the most were cultivation novels and fantasy novels. 

These genres provided Luke with a sense of adventure and empowerment, as he could imagine himself as the protagonist, overcoming great challenges and mastering incredible abilities.

And the most important thing that shocked Luke the most was the frequency of harems in the cultivation novels he read. 

That's the reason he's always wanted to have his own harem, surrounded by gorgeous and powerful ladies who are devoted to him.

Can a man say no to such an offer?

While some may view this as a shallow desire, for Luke, it was a dream he always held close to his heart. 

But for now, Luke put that dream on hold as he focused on improving his strength.

He knew that he would be killed the moment he tried to establish a harem without sufficient power and influence. 

Furthermore, Luke was scared to approach any woman for now.

Not to mention, after what his ex-girlfriend did to him, Luke's opinion of getting a girlfriend wasn't so favorable.

The emotional scars left by his ex-girlfriend's betrayal made Luke hesitant to trust and open up to anyone romantically. 

Furthermore, any woman in this world could kill him with a flick of her finger if he revealed his true intentions. 

So it was a no for now-----


"Oh, isn't that Luke?" a middle-aged man called out to Luke.

Luke already knew who it was, having been in this gym several times before. 

"Hello, Coach Johnson."

It was Coach Johnson, a renowned martial arts expert who had trained countless fighters. 

Luke trained under Coach Johnson for the past few years, hoping to gain enough skill and strength to become a Warrior, so Coach Johnson was used to seeing Luke in the gym. 

As Luke approached him, Coach Johnson greeted him with a warm smile.

"Luke, don't you have a girlfriend or friends outside this gym? You're always here training!" 

Coach Johnson said teasingly. 

Luke chuckled and replied, "Well, Coach, the gym has become my second home. But don't worry; I do have a life outside these walls. I just can't resist the opportunity to learn from the best."

Coach Johnson nodded approvingly, knowing Luke's dedication to becoming a warrior.

'This kid is really hardworking and determined,' Coach Johnson thought to himself. 

He admired Luke's passion and devotion to his training. 

Coach Johnson knew that with Luke's drive and perseverance, he had the potential to achieve great things in the future.

'If this kid had the talent to become a warrior, he would have shaken the Warriors world with how much he could accomplish,' Coach Johnson mused. 

He had seen many talented fighters in his years as a coach, but Luke's unwavering commitment stood out among them. 

"So you come here for the usual, right?" Coach Johnson said.

"Yes, the same place." Luke nodded in agreement. 

"Okay, follow me; you're lucky because that room is empty at the moment," Coach Johnson said with a smile. 

Luke's eyes lit up with excitement as he followed Coach Johnson from behind.

Both of them arrived in front of a metallic door that led to dimly lit, spacious training rooms that were also closed with a metallic door. 

As they entered, Luke couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation. 

They continued walking until they arrived in a particular room that had several devices installed inside, each with their own set of weights. 

Luke's eyes broadened as he took in the sight before him. 

"You have four hours inside this room to train," Coach Johnson said with a grin. 

Luke just nodded as he knew the time limit for each person inside a training room.

With that said, Coach Johnson left the room, leaving Luke to begin his training. 

Luke wasted no time; he locked the door.


The metallic door slammed shut, sealing Luke inside the room. 

The sound echoed through the empty space, filling Luke with a mix of excitement and determination. He knew that in the next three hours he would try to achieve the Martial Apprentice Stage.

"Let's do this," Luke whispered to himself, taking a deep breath to steady his nerves. 

A boxing bag was suspended from the ceiling, ready for Luke to unleash his punches and kicks upon it. 

He approached the bag, feeling the weight of his determination and the pressure to prove himself. 

The boxing bag wasn't a normal punching bag; it was used by warriors, so it had to be extra sturdy and durable. 

Its surface was worn and marked with countless blows from previous trainees. 

This punching bag could hold up to a punching force of 32,000 kg.

That can take the fist strength of a Peak 3-Star Warrior.

"System, do I have to punch at full force?" Luke wondered, so he asked the system in his mind.

[Yes, host, you need to give it your all.] The system instantly responded.

"Okay, let's do this," Luke said with determination as he stepped forward and prepared to strike the boxing bag with all his might. 

He knew that to become a true warrior, he had to push himself to his limits and beyond. 

With a deep breath, he unleashed his fist, feeling the power surge through his body as it connected with the sturdy surface of the bag. 

With each strike, he poured all his energy and focused on punching the bag.

Sweat dripped down his forehead the more he punched, but he refused to let exhaustion hinder his progress.

Luke's punches were dealing 50 kg each strike, a testament to the previous Luke training.

It wasn't that strong, but it was a significant improvement from Luke previous life.