
Gathering of Goddesses

As dawn broke in Orario, Alex awoke in Hestia's church with said goddess laying on top of him.

Currently her legs were wrapped around his waist while her fingers clung to his fur, as Alex used his magic to revert to his SSJ4 appearance despite still being in his base form. She looked like a baby koala clinging to its mother, or would've if it weren't for Alex's two cocks buried in her cunt and ass.

Hestia had wanted to feel completely 'full' from Alex like she had seen on the Chatroom, which led to him using his dual cock technique on her. And then she wanted to sleep while feeling 'full', so here they were with him still being buried inside both of her tight holes.

But now he was in a conundrum since their current position made it exceedingly difficult for Alex to slip out of bed, and he knew Hestia tended to sleep in.

Eventually Alex decided to leave Hestia as is, and slowly got up out of bed even as she continued to cling to him.

And so, with Hestia still clinging to him like a koala while being supported/impaled on his cocks, Alex made his way to the kitchen where Lili and Haruhime were preparing breakfast.

"Morning!" Alex greeted them cheerfully, as if nothing was wrong.

Lili and Haruhime meanwhile both stared at him in amazement from Alex's current appearance, even blushing a little from his lack of modesty. Though, they both knew Alex had no modesty when it came to his own body to begin with.

"Why the shyness? You certainly didn't mind looking last night." Alex asked with a smirk, making their blushes intensify even as Alex conjured a table full of luxurious foods.

"Eat up. They're all amazing dishes prepared by Mikan and Haruna." He told them while taking a few plates for himself.

There was an awkward silence in the church as the trio ate and Hestia continued sleeping. Well, awkward for Lili and Haruhime, while Alex simply enjoyed his meal.

As he ate Alex figured he must've really worn Hestia out the night before, as even the orgasmic smell of their enhanced cooking wasnt enough to wake her. Though Alex was sure he saw her nose twitch a little in her sleep, but that could have just been a strand of his fur tickling her.

Alex had just finished eating and magicked his plates away when he noticed something outside the church.

"Looks like we have company." He told the two girls, right before the thunderous boom of a knock echoed throughout the church.

The two girls jumped, as they still weren't used to the church being restored to its full glory, which meant that the acoustics allowed sound to transfer within like never before.

"Better go get that. I'll wake Hestia up." Alex told the two girls as he stood and made his way to the main room of the church's basement.

Lili and Haruhime both hurried up to the upper level of the church and to the large main doors, where they composed themselves before opening the door. And they were glad they took a second to ready themselves, as the two girls found themselves before two goddesses.

"Yo! Is that runt and guy here?" Loki, the goddess of mischief asked nonchalantly.

"Loki... I know you and Hestia have a history, but please TRY to be professional." The second goddess said with undisguised exasperation, Hephaestus.

Hephaestus was accompanied by a woman with tanned skin and long black hair, wearing an eyepatch over her left eye, a hakama to cover her lower half, and only a sarashi to cover her ample breasts. She was the captain of the Hephaestus Familia, Tsubaki Collbrande.

Accompanying Loki meanwhile was a trio of women that were relatively more well known. First was Ais of course, but the other two were Elven women. The first stood tall and regally, her waist length Jade-colored hair marking her as Riveria Ljos Alf, High Elven princess.

The other was a notably younger looking elf, who still appeared childish in her face and appearance, with golden-yellow hair. She was one of the newer members of Loki Familia, Lefiya Viridis.

"How can we help you, Loki-Sama and Hephaestus-Sama?" Lili asked them politely.

"Are Hestia and.....Alex here?" Hephaestus asked them.

"We want to 'talk' before the Denatus later." Loki stated afterwards, in a falsely pleasant voice.

"Of course. They're right inside." Haruhime said as she gestured inside the church.


Liliruca: should we REALLY bring them inside?

Haruhime: Alex asked us to welcome them. So I guess?]

The duo traded a quick couple of messages with one another through the Chatroom as they tried to figure out what to do, even as they led their guests into the church toward the basement.

Surprisingly, when they arrived to the main room, they found Alex and Hestia properly dressed and ready to greet their guests as they relaxed on the couch, though Hestia appeared annoyed as she sat there.

"Good morning Hestia." Hephaestus said as looked her friend up and down. Other than looking annoyed she didn't appear any different.

"Sup itty bitty. Enjoy yourself last night?" Loki asked tauntingly.

"Well I WAS, until a certain GUY interrupted us." Hestia pouted irritably, before smirking as she took a jab at Loki's nonexistent bust.

"Listen midget-" Loki began, before she was cut off as Alex put a stern hand on Hestia's head.

"Now now Hestia, you shouldn't try to shame people based on their bodies. Some of my other wives might get angry with you about it." Alex told her sternly, as it was already fairly common for the girls in his harem to use each others bodies as area to take a jab at when arguing.

Though Rias and Yue would usually be the main culprits when they'd have one of their usual spats, it wasn't too unusual for Alex to have to reassure several of his girls afterwards that he did in fact appreciate their bodies.

"Oh? Not picky, are you?" Loki said as she directed her attention to Alex.

"No, not really. Every girl has her charm, it just doesn't necessarily need to reside in her chest." Alex responded truthfully. He much rather have a thousand girls of different body types than a thousand girls who all looked alike.

It was the main reason he refused to use Alteration magic on any of his wives who were dissatisfied with their bodies, and actively discouraged them from doing it themselves or finding someone who would.

"Is that so?" Loki asked pointedly, obviously not believing Alex since all guys typically preferred large breasts. The main reason Loki didn't have nearly as many hookups with other gods anymore was because they would blatantly compare her breasts to other goddesses.

"I don't get what the big deal is." Tsubaki suddenly said as she fondled her own breasts through her sarashi. "They're just lumps of flesh. I actually wish mine were smaller so they wouldn't get in the way of my forging."

"Haaa..." Hephaestus just sighed at the attitude of her captain, while Alex told her seriously,

"A true master smith doesn't let something so 'small' get in their way. One of my wives is a goddess of Forging, just like Hephaestus, and I've never once heard her complain about her breasts when they're larger than yours Tsubaki."

Even as he mentioned her, Alex smiled slightly as he recalled the image of said wife, Brigid, as she either worked the forge or tended to her garden, always naked unless she was forced to wear clothing for some occasion.

And he loved every second was watching her work, the little splotches of soot or dirt she'd get on her skin. And of course there would never be any worry of her being burned, you know, as a goddess of Fire along with Forging, Spring and Fertility and all.

"She must be quite the smith..." Hephaestus said, though there was a tone of sadness in her voice.

"Of course!" Alex readily responded. "And as young as our daughter is, she's already quite capable as well! I mean, look at this masterpiece she made me!" As he said that Alex eagerly took out the club given to him by Aife, which had metal rivets all along it.

"Amazing..." Hephaestus uttered as she admired the weapon alongside Tsubaki. "Does it have a name?"

"Sir Bonkers." Alex readily replied, before accepting the club back from her.

"An....unusual name, but I've heard worse." Hephaestus said thoughtfully.

"Is it just me, or is there more to that club than meets the eye?" Tsubaki asked with interest.

"Yeah, I enchanted Sir Bonkers so it wouldn't break, and so it'll just knock out the people I hit with it instead of actually damaging them." Alex explained to her.

"Wait, you can create MAGIC weapons!?!" Tsubaki exclaimed excitedly.

"Of course, it's not too hard in Asora since we have things like Creation magic. If you want I can grant you the magic as well. I'm not sure how much you'll be able to use it, but it for sure will help you improve your smithing." Alex offered her.

"Wait, REALLY!?!"

"Yeah, why not?" Alex asked her before stating, "my goal was cooperation between Asora and Orario to begin with, everything yesterday was just a bit of fun after Cara appeared."

"By the way, what IS the deal between you and Cara anyways?" Loki asked with furrowed brows. Alex was sure that, if her eyes weren't always closed, they would be narrowed dangerously at him right now.

"We come from the same background, more or less." Alex stated calmly, surprising the two goddesses and their attendants.

"Wait, really?!" Riveria asked incredulously.

Alex nodded at her as he explained, "there were a thousand of us scattered throughout the omniverse, all in a type of battle Royale against each other. Several of the other participants however have become infatuated with the powers we got, and they let them get to their heads while going around committing numerous atrocious acts. Cara merely believed I was such a person when she heard Hestia talking about me."

As he drank her blood, Alex was very aware of the fact that Cara had fought a few other participants before, and the types of people they were. He couldn't really blame her for her hostility against him as well.

"So what then? The two of you keep fighting until one or the other dies?" Loki asked testily.

"No no, I'll just have to convince Cara that I'm not the threat she thinks I am. If I can't do that, then I'll have to deal with her another way." Alex said, recalling how he'd had to deal with Beth when they'd first met.

Plus he'd have to try and cure her love of shoutas as well.

"Who cares about that?!" Tsubaki suddenly exclaimed as she looked at Alex eagerly.

"Can you REALLY give me an ability that could help my smithing?!" She asked excitedly.

"Of course. Creation magic is one of the ones we refer to as Age of Gods magics, and grants the user complete control over inorganic materials such as stone, metals, and water." Alex said as he detailed what Creation magic could do.

"Can it even help me smith with adamantite and mithril?"

"Naturally, since they're not organic. Though drops from monsters would probably be pretty hard to do with Creation magic-" Alex began, before cutting himself off as Tsubaki stood suddenly.

Alex watched as she loosened the sarashi covering her breasts, allowing them to bounce freely as the strip of cloth fell to the ground. Her hands then went to her waist to undo her hakama, before it too fell to the ground to reveal the band she wore in place of panties. And with a flick of her fingers that too fell to the floor so that she was completely naked.

"I don't usually put myself out like this, but if it'll TRULY help my smithing..." Tsubaki said as she approached Alex before climbing into his lap.

"Are you sure? I have a habit of breaking women." Alex said, even as his hands slid up her thighs to grab her ass.

"Then I'll just make you take responsibility afterwards." Tsubaki said with a smirk, but that smirk soon disappeared as Alex raised her up above his hips, and vanished his shorts to reveal his erect cock.


Tsubaki had no time to be surprised, before Alex suddenly pulled her down onto his shaft to impale her.

"Humph!" Hestia pouted beside Alex and Tsubaki as he proceeded to fuck her in front of them all.

Meanwhile the others were watching in shock, as Hephaestus looked between Alex and Hestia in awe, Loki was showing her dirty old man side as she watched unabashedly, Riveria was trying to look away awkwardly, and Ais was shocked as her hand went to her own belly, trying to imagine how something like that had fit inside her the day before.

"So is this what you plan to do to all the pretty ladies of this world?" Loki asked as if they were still in the middle of a conversation.

"Only those that want to." Alex stated, even as he used Tsubaki like a cock sleeve.

"Like our Amazons?" She asked testily.

"How DID you manage to get to ALL of them anyways?" Loki followed up.

"Well firstly, my species can be said to be the ideal mates for the Amazons of this world, since we are all naturally more powerful than even a level ten adventurer. And secondly, it's probably because of a title I possess."


"Yeah, titles actually have an affect with me and others like me. For example, my recently acquired title of Elven Emperor makes those of the Elven people more submissive to me."

As he said that Alex looked to Riveria pointedly, who turned back at him in alarm.

"I thought you were the 'Dragon Emperor'?!" she exclaimed.

"Oh, I am. I'm also the Yuuki-Onna Emperor, Demonic Emperor, Fallen Emperor, Holy Emperor, Divine Emperor, Orcish Emperor, Elven Emperor, Dwarfish Emperor, Gnomish Emperor, Goblin Emperor, Troll Emperor, Draenai Emperor, and so on and so forth. I just go by Dragon Emperor in day to day matters."

"But not the 'Amazonian Emperor'?" Loki asked pointedly.

"No, my title for them is Amazonian Husband. Don't ask how I got it, I still don't know. But I'm sure everyone can guess the affects."

Even as he said that Alex's mind wandered to how he might've gotten the title to begin with. Hancock was obvious answer, but she hasn't said anything on the Chatroom ever since he healed the brand on her back and sent her several things to protect Amazon Lily from outsiders, aka the marines.

That wasn't too surprising though since she despised all men, and was infamous for her pride. She probably couldn't even bring herself to thank Alex after what he did for them.


*Meanwhile, on Amazon Lily*

"AHHHHH! What am I going to say!?!?!?!?!?!?" Wailed Boa Hancock, the Pirate Empress and most beautiful woman on the sea, as she desperately tried to figure out how to say good morning to the man she loved.

"Is this too weird?!"

"Does this seem natural?!"

"This one is ok, right?????"

Hancock, the widely admired Pirate Empress, was agonizing over a simple greeting.

"How can saying 'good morning' be so difficult!?! Is this what they call, marriage?"

"NO IT'S NOT!" Snapped Elder Nyon as she smacked Hancock over the head with a paper fan, which the empress didn't even register.


Alex meanwhile continued to move Tsubaki up and down his cock at a pace that awed the goddesses, before he finally brought her down one last time and filled her womb to the brim with cum.

Tsubaki was left a gasping mess as she tried to catch her breath, her tanned skin glistening with a sheen of sweat as she fell forward to pressed her chest into Alex's own.

After a couple minutes of enjoying the afterglow though, Tsubaki leaned back and looked down at her own body, patting it in various places as she did so.

"I don't feel any different?" She asked curiously, to which Alex smiled wryly as he placed the tip of his finger against her forehead and passed the information to use both Creation and Alteration magic to her, so that she could still forge with monster drop materials as well.

"Wait, that was it?" Tsubaki asked incredulously.

"Yeah. I don't need sex for ALL my magic." Alex said wryly.

Tsubaki frowned for a second before linking her hands behind Alex's head as she smirked, "then I guess I just HAVE to make sure you take responsibility."

"Sure, but I have to warn you now that I can be VERY possessive of my women." Alex replied as he gave her ass a crisp smack.

Just as he was considering going another round with Tsubaki, or updating Ais' status, Loki suddenly said, "As much as I'd like to see another show, we've got the Denatus to go to today. And I can assume you want to participate."

Alex didn't even need to think, as he still needed to properly 'talk' to all of those gods since they were interrupted yesterday.

"Yeah, just let me call a few women who should attend as well." Alex said as he pulled up the Chatroom.

"What kind of women?" Hephaestus asked curiously.

"Just a few of my 'heavenly' wives." Alex replied.


Freya was not happy.

She intended to use an acquaintance of hers that she knew would give her an in with Alex, but unfortunately that plan hadn't worked out quite as well as she had hoped with the Denatus today.

Now she was tapping her perfectly maintained nails on the table before her as she waited impatiently for the Denatus to start.

How much longer would she have to wait to be with her Odr?

Every second she couldn't be with him was like torture, and her longing only grew as thoughts of him filled her head.

"I wonder what's wrong with Freya?"

"I've never seen her look so sad."

"But she looks so beautiful like this as well~!"

Freya ignored the comments of the idiotic gods and goddesses around her as she thought, before the doors leading outside were thrown open.


"It's HIM!"

"The Dragon Emperor!"

"Isn't that Loki and Hephaestus with him along with Hestia?!"

Muttering filled the hall as Alex arrived with Hestia beside him, which was expected. But none of them expected Loki and Hephaestus to be accompanying Alex as well.

None of them were as shocked as Freya though, who grit her teeth irritably when she saw those tramps with HER Odr!

How dare they!?!

"Welcome, Dragon Emperor." Ouranos declared from his seat at the head of the great table.

"Yo Ouranos, how ya doing?" Alex asked casually as he conjured his own throne at the other end of the table, on more grand than Ouranos' was.

"To be honest, I've been fairly troubled of late." Ouranos answered truthfully.

"Well let's hope we can relieve some of those troubles today." Alex answered, before looking around.

"Is everyone else here?" He asked Ouranos curiously.

"I believe we were just waiting on yourself, and your companions." Ouranos stated as everyone settled into their seats.

"Ok then, but there are some other guests I'd like to introduce to everyone." Alex said as the grand doors opened behind him once more, revealing six incredibly beautiful women.

"I'd like to introduce my wives that are goddesses in their home world." Alex stated before pointing to the woman at the far end, who had long pitch black hair and dressed in a gothic Lolita style.

"Firstly I'd like to introduce Nyx, goddess of Night and Darkness."

"Charmed." Nyx declared coolly as she stood beside him.

"Secondly I'd like to introduce the goddess of Hearth, Fire, and Home, Hestia."


There was barely contained shock in the hall as a young looking woman stepped forward, her eyes appearing like living coals as they scanned the gods assembled in the hall.

"It's like looking in a mirror!" The other Hestia declared as she stepped up to her otherworldly counterpart. Though several gods wanted to say otherwise, they couldn't deny that there were some similarities between, such as appearing exceptionally young while possessing massive tits.

"And thirdly..." Alex continued a moment later. "There is the goddess of the Hunt, Archery, and the Moon, Artemis."

As Alex said that a woman dressing in hunting leathers stepped forward, her silver hair gleaming like moonlight in the great hall. Unlike the first two though she was armed with a bow and full quiver strapped to her back, which she could draw in a millisecond if she needed to.

"Next is the goddess of Wisdom, War and Knowledge, Athena!"

This time a goddess wearing leather armor stepped forward, looking more like she was preparing to go to war with the shield on her back, and the sword on her hip.

While her introduction created another stir, no one was as shocked as one of the gathered goddesses while was dressed in formal attire resembling that worn by guild employees. She adjusted the glasses on her face as she stared incredulously at the newly announced goddess, before uttering,

"Impossible...!" But there were two Hestia, so it stood to reason that there could be two Athena as well.

But any attention Athena had was immediately dwarfed as the next woman stepped up, attired in thick plates of metal with a massive sword strapped to her back.

"An this is the goddess of Fire, Forging, Spring, and Fertility, Brigid!"

As she was introduced Brigid gave a curt nod while her fiery red and curly hair flowed in a nonexistent wind, making her truly look like a warrior goddess.

But as the final of the goddesses that had arrived with Alex stepped forward, there was a collective gasp, while even Freya felt her breath hitch in her throat.

The goddess had long golden hair that seemed to glow with an ethereal light, tied back into a warriors braid, and had features so fair that nearly every single goddess present felt humbled by her very presence. The only exceptions being goddesses of beauty, but even they felt threatened by her.

Instead of a fair and delicate maiden though, she too was attired in leather armor while wielding a long and lethal looking Lance, along with a small buckler on her left arm.

Of everyone present though, Freya felt genuinely threatened by the woman's presence for some reason, while she also felt a sense of incongruity, as the woman appeared to be the spitting image of the young girl that caught her eye, except she was missing the golden monkey tail.

But what Alex said next was quite possibly the worst possible thing she had ever heard, as he declared,

"And last, but certainly not least, I present the goddess of Love, Beauty, Fertility, and War, Freya!"

Thanks for reading!

Harry_Dresdencreators' thoughts
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