


Countless dark beam exploded into the horizon and smoke gush to the air. Two person fighting mid-air with all of their guts and spirit.

Wait, no, i mean it's one sided bullying. A man in a black robe dodging all of the attack of the other person.

"You're boring" The man in the black said with lazy voice.

"You!!! you!! you despicable ant!" Shouted angrily by the other guys with tattered robe and a dark aura surrounding him. He rise his two hand and two dark orb form, next he fuse it and "Eat this!!!" He throw the uncontrollable attack but it'still manage to hit the man in the black.


A big explosion erupt and the surrounding area vanish like a smoke in the air. The tattered man or the King of the Underworld stood outside of the explosion and witnessing if he killed the enemy. Even he doesn't have a competent to destroy the enemy with that attack his still smile. 'You dare to mock this King you lowly bastard ant' he thought.

The smoke cleared up. A transparent Flower violet shield with five petal showed up in the smoke. Behind it the man in the black stood up eyeing the king of the underworld.

The king of the underworld did not falter to the enemy. Even he guested that the enemy will survive his still doubt the he can't win this battle. His guest that the man have a bruise or just a scratch on the enemy shield but no even a single dust did not land to the enemy. He can't help but feel cold a little on his back. But he doesn't have a luxury to think and attack again.


Six void rip open and Six 12 meter giant knight emerge to the void with a imposing aura.

"Attack" The king of the underworld command and in the blink of an eye they banish and surround the man in the black. but the man is more faster than them in just a flash his shield change to spear and he slash full swing.


The six giant upper body lost intact on their lower body.


Unexpectedly their body came intact again and continue their attack. The man block the six giant.

"Hooo. how about this"

*shing* *shing* *shinh* *shing*

Countless slash pierce to the six giant body. But still the giants came in one piece again without a scratch.

On the other side the king of the underworld witnessing the fight chuckle the six giant he set is a million spirit. How many you kill it will comeback and comeback again. He doesn't let this chance past and charge his powerfull attack and get ready to end this fight.

"7th form: Ring Bell of the Banishing Voice" The man in the black back of to the enemy and called a weapon. His spear became a little bell with size of his fist.

"Roar of the Voice!" he shout a shockwave of voice wave on the surrounding. The six giant struggle to the tortuous voice.

The king of the underworld keeping his stance steady with difficulties. Finally he fuses the last of his dark energy to the dark orb. The orb glow lightly and became dark again.


A throb sounded and the man in the black notice it. He grown a bit and change his weapon.

"10th form: Heavenly staff of the Moon and the Sun" His weapon change to the metal staff and to the tip is a moon curve glowing blue light and in the middle is a moon glowing into yellow.

"EAT THIS!!! "DARK TERRA ORB OF THE DEEPEST DARK!!!" he shouted a swing his two hand toward to the enemy.

"Light of the Moon guide the light of the Sun. Moon and the Sun will glow to the dark of the night and universe. Shall be their hope "GLOW!!!" He chanted and transparent scripture form on his background and hand and pointed the staff to the king of the underworld. A two light beam pointed to the Big dark orb and next a yellow little light travel between the two beam the light intercepted the dark orb and past through it's body. The time stop and only the orb and the two person remain moved. Unexpectedly the orb became small same the size of the yellow light. The dark orb lit a light on his surrounding bringing life on this stop time. Slowly the reality came back and time resume again and.


The dark orb explode bringing disaster and salvation on the surrounding Billions of life died animal, plant, tree and human. Nothing survive only two remain. Hovering to the air their stair on each other.


Author: I don't no what the spelling of that sound 😐😄😅😧😥

The water on the sea enter the crater what left behind by the explosion. A small continent vanish like a cake in the world body. The two survive with their ability.

"I will end you now" The man in the black said. He became enlarge because of the destruction people died without retaliation. He know someone will die but still he can't help but feel angrily. He thought that his attack can stop the enemy skill but he miscalculated and many perish because of his foolishness.

"Forbidden form: God hand" His weapon disappear. His hand glow with a purist light. He grab the air pointing to the enemy. The king of the underworld became confused but still keep his guard up. But it's all too late and a invisible force grab him. He tried to fight back but no avail, he is like a child holding by an adult. Little by little his body is appearing to be becoming a dust. He panicked and tried everything he could muster to break free but still the same. With no hope he thought a great grave mistake.


The sky became grimmer than the grim and thunder louder after one another. Sea and air create a tornado and vortex. The surrounding became more chaos, wind blow to the man face making his hair dance like crazy.

Two big red fiery eye's appear on the sky sizing and seeing who called him. He see a man clutching on something and a man struggling. He see a heavenly aura that making the man unable to move. He find it interesting.

"I'm the god of he'll and shall fulfill you're wish" A grumble voice sounded on their head only them can see and hear this called "God of he'll"

When the king of the underworld hear the voice he became delighted and glimpse of mockery can be see on his eye's taking a last look on the enemy before he vanish to the fire that engulfs him. He already sell his soul so the god of he'll will do anything he want with him.

"Now, let's go on your business now" and continue glaring at him "how do you want to die?"

The man in black kneel. Unbelievable pressure keeping him kneel without retaliation. He feel that anytime he just relax his muscle to take brake he will be crush to death.

"Answer me mortal or you will just perish in that state" The god of he'll insisted him to take the question.

"Fuc* off! dogshit. Just kill me if you want you fuc*er! I will not submit to the fate or any kind of fate that you offer me. I will die when I wanna die" He said with a great difficulty.

"Why? that's how the world work child. Everyone have a fate, even me. I don't wanna became like this but here i'am taking the role to rule and perish the sin one. All of has have a fate that need to be fulfill like you. You save the world to that person called- eh, wait what he called again? Well doesn't matter his just a piece of thrash that calling him the king of the underworld. See that's your fate you defeated him, isn't great"

"Well, I will said mother of the dogshit on that." He cursed.

"Well if you do not answer I will make this fast"

Suddenly he feel his body griped on his own and struggling him. But the god of he'll became suddenly quiet and talk again "You're lucky indeed, you will just be punished. We really don't meddle in this kind of thing, even everyone died but here am I taking the move" He sigh.

"Off you go then" He command.

"Wai-" he didn't done speaking but void engulfed him.

Only the god of he'll remain. He hear a faint voice only he can hear.

"Alright alright" he said facing the heaven above him. His eye became more fiery red and mountain and land and life comeback to time like nothing happen.

"Your lucky indeed young man" He said before he vanish.