
Chapter 13 ~Can't Kill~

Brother Ryo is right how can I wear the same color as this slut male pet. Humph she is a famous model and no matter what Ryo will end up with her anyway and he will be kicked out of the carb.

See that country bumpkin Brother Ryo only cares about me you are just a replacement for me. Humph let's see how you can handle everything. 

As long as you are happy Selena do you think you can take away my mission rewards no way he will be the best time system travel in the world of immortals and no one can stop him.

Ryuu, you wear your emotions on your face, it's easy to understand you. What do you see in that fucking woman maybe she should just disappear. 

"Staring at other for a long time, what do you see in her she is so dramatic and a whore she has cheated on many people," Ryo said.

"Huh what are you talking about?" Ryuu asked.

Wait does this guy think he actually likes that fucking woman oh my gosh let's not throw up at that thought! This son in law is misunderstanding him.

"I only like you! Only an idiot would like that woman I only like my Silly Ryo!" Ryuu said with a sweet smile and Ryo sighed that's good! 

Inside Selena Dressing Room

"Lady Selena what are you doing this dress you waited to show it off to Mr. Black for so long."

"He said I look tacky in this outfit and he is right how can I wear the same color of clothes as that damn guy he just a male pet who is a mistress after I get married to Brother Ryo I will have him kicked out and I never want to see his face ever again.

"Mr. Black, treats the young lady different even though you have been gone for so long he still cares about you so don't worry to much about him."

"Put that away I won't wear it again no burn it disgusting, anyway this beautiful dark red dress is much better same as Mr. Black outfit."

"That's great, here is the family brooch it's a gift from Mr. Black when you turned 21 years old this would make him happy, here let me redo your hair as well," the maid said while she sweetly smiled.

Knock knock

A guy walked inside, this person has red hair and his eyes were blue while he smiled brightly and he looked at Selena who looked back at him.

"Oliver Davis what are you doing here?"

"Why are you changing your outfit?"

"Oh Mr. Black lover was wearing the same color of clothes and told her to change into something else," the maid said.

"I will head out!" Oliver said and he stormed out and Selena smirked while she stared at her red wine the show has just started Ryuu Smith you will fucking pay.

Gardening Pond 

Ryuu was staring at the fishes and he was feeding them inside there is so bullying and annoying so being outside where it's quiet and calm while he feed the fishes he smiled at himself this is so wonderful and peaceful this is what he wanted if he could live in peace in this moment like this he would be so happy. Ryo was pulled away by that old man Selena father James Snow. 

Although Ryo wanted him to go with he couldn't say yes. Those business thing is nothing more then bullying to him so he just came out of here. fishes you are so lucky don't have to worry about any kind of drama.

Ryuu Smith you dare anger Lady Selena you will pay for everything you have done.

"Silly Ryo, you are back so soon," Ryuu said with a smile while he feed the fish even more food.

"Are you Ryuu Smith!?" Oliver snapped.

"Oh," Ryuu said. Oliver eyes widen he saw a beautiful young man he wore a choker. This guy is so good looking, lovely and not only he looks so innocent.

"Who are you what do you want?" Ryuu asked. He isn't someone who wants to course trouble so he wants to stay here.

His voice is so sweet. Even when he talked he looks like a fashion model that would win so many female and male over with just a charming smile.

"I-I just came to ask...."

There must be something misunderstanding about Ryuu and Selena he is so kind. 

"Oh," Ryuu said and went back to feeding the fishes and he sighed can he go home and watch some kind of good movie. Mj used his point to buy Sex In The City movie. 

"Do you have any business with me?"



Ryuu didn't know what to say at the moment he felt tired and he was having a headache.

"Alright then I will head out," Ryuu said and he started to walk away and Oliver turn around.


What is this person planning I am going to kill him. Mj who sitting on Ryuu shoulder let out a sigh and shook his head.

Mj: Host you can't kill do you understand my words can't kill!