
All Alone And Lost

Wyatt : Yo God? You there?.... Ah shit now what am I supposed to do. Umm wait Mentors body is still here. Oohhhh this Armor is cool bruhh i love it sorry mentor hehe

Kai : oi is ya name Wyatt or smth?

Wyatt : ye? What bout it

Kai : I'm Kai I was sent by "GOD" To guide you. And how did you get level 27 Armor lemme check your level coz you don't seem like level 27. What? Why isn't your system opening?

Wyatt : God said that i was the chosen one or smth? Like idk bro what should I do

Kai : are you fr fam? Like they were exterminated 200 years ago. I think you were the last one.

Wyatt : Maannn why don't I get cool shit like you guys. Life's unfair

Kai : i agree. Wyatt do you have any plans on how to defeat the AI?

Wyatt : IDK lemme ask God. Yo god?

God : Wyatt Your Answer Is With You.

Wyatt : Bruh.

Kai : What happened what'd he say?

Wyatt : he told me " YoUr AnSWeR Is WiTh YoU"

Kai : Your funny man.

Wyatt : it's you're

Kai : whatever

Wyatt : wait he told me that the answer is with me so lemme check the Armor

Kai : You're A Genius Wyatt

Wyatt : I know. I found a map?

Kai : open it.

Wyatt : Woah It's like a hologram it's epic

Um so it shows our postion wait is it like the gugle maps? So we are in district 21 we need to go to district 1 to find where the AI is. What are these districts Kai?

Kai : District 1?. That's like 210 kilometres away.

Wyatt : oh you got a car or anything?

Kai : Nope Only people with level 35 and up can get access to cars. We just have to walk i guess


Kai : Don't Shout! It might take days but you have to do it to defeat the AI.

Wyatt : Fine.