
Meet The Bad Boys

George , Fredrick , Sammy and Randery are best of THE best friends. They are roommates , go into the same college and have been together since they were not older than four year olds.

George has been wondering ever since they met , that- "How come I got into with these bad boys?"

He was always known as a wise person or you say , A total bookworm in his school times and even now.

He loves reading books and does all the kind of stuff which a "perfect" child would do from the start.

Fredrick , Sammy and Randery. Whenever he saw them walking down the street ; George unintentionally gave them very rude looks. His mind suddenly called out and he stopped.

No. I am not like them and I am not doing this. He thought.

One of the boys then approached me and said , "Heya buddy! Wanna be friends?" He asked to George's suprise.

"Huh?! What do you mean? You think we can be FRIENDS?! For godsake , NEVER." He said and walked away fuming inside his house and slammed the door with a "BANG!" angrily.

What? How can I loose my temper in front of these guys? I am the one who is always quiet and never shouts at people unnecessarily.

What has happened to me? What has the boys done to me?! He thought.

He did a summersault on his bed ; regretting on what he had said out of his rising temper.

The next day , He had decided it. He was going to be a good boy and apologize to the boys for being too rude to them.

As they are my neighbours , my mom had invited them to a tea ceremony at our place.

This was the only opportunity for him ; As he was too shy to go in front of the bad boys.


The sun was setting ; It was the evening time. The boys would be at his door step any minute now.

He was feeling nervous.

He suddenly heard the sound of the doorbell. His mom shouted , "Geo! Please open the door! The boys are here!"

He nodded and did what she said. When he opened the door , I saw three boys. One with jet black , messy hair with freckles ; wearing a suit to my suprise.

The other boy had light brown hair , they were not as messy as the other black haired boy.

The third boy was a lightly tanned-skinned , skinny and he looked like a real gentleman but George knew deep down inside that he wasn't one.

He was wearing a suit too. "Are you done staring at us? Or you want to look at us like we are the Statue Of Liberty or something?" They said together.

He soon realised they were right ; He was staring at them , it must have looked so creepy ; George thought. Now turning a little red.

These guys were making me feel guilty and regretful everytime. Why? Oh god , I hate this.

I let them in and closed the door behind me.

They kept looking around the house. I found it annoying and told them to sit down on the sofa. They smirked and sat.

When my mom came she greeted them and then we drank some Darjeeling tea.

I didn't talk much as I was trying to avoid these boys as much as I could.

My mom kept giving unnecessary compliments to them. He became fuming angry. Now the tiniest intention of apologizing to them was completely vanished.

He stood up. He could not endure it anymore.

"I think I am done with the tea." he said with gritted teeth and stood up. "But George..!" My mum began , and placed her hand on my shoulder. He shrugged her hand off and said , "Not right now , mum." And briskly went outside the house ; Slamming the door on their faces. George was too angry to pay attention to anyone.

George was from a rich family. He had everything ; grades , A nice life with his mom and dad. But since those brats came in his life , His happiness was ruined. Mum kept complimenting them and one night she even said to them , "Wish I had three sons just like you three." Am i not good enough? I am good in academics as well as sports! Then why choosing those ill-mannered boys over me? There is no comparison between me and them.

Thinking all this , George didn't even payed attention to where he was. He got out of his thoughts finally and decided that they are not worth of thinking about.

All of a sudden he felt something was wrong , He had came to the wrong place at the wrong time. He was eventually right and before he could move a step back from the scene , He got terrified. A man behind him just had a revolver in his hand ; pointing on the back of my head.


"Shhh! Shut up or I'll cut you in half right now." The man said.

He was trapped. He wasn't like Sammy , Fredrick and Randery who would do stupid stunts and get out off here.

George was inside a shack. He could guess it. No one was going to save him , no one. He was very sad and tears started to fall down his cheeks.

And BAAM. Someone broke the window of the shack ; what's happening? Am I going to be saved?!

He thought.

The people guarded me wanted money from my parents as they knew I was rich. They couldn't let me go just like that , they shouted , "huh?!"

Before anyone could give anymore reactions I saw someone grab me and whisper "let's get Outta here buddy." I felt happy and followed the person.

Until...I found out that it were none other than Fredrick , Sammy and Randery. I was saved by the bad boys. "uhh....I am...sorry..." George began , but Fredrick shushed him. "Whatever happened let's just leave it there and there." others nodded in agreement ; to my suprise. I could neither believe my ears and nor my eyes. Whatever George thought about them was wrong. They weren't as bad as he thought.

And since that day they are the best of the best friends.

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