

My name is Shadow King, and I just woke up from the weirdest of dreams. In the dream, I was sitting on a majestic throne overlooking all of Creation. Next thing I knew, I simply woke up. The dream makes no sense to me. After all, I have no lofty ambitions or desire to lord over people, so why would a 29 year old university graduate have such a dream? Maybe deep down I want to be the President? Ha! As if! No, this was just a crazy dream of mine and nothing more. At least I hope so. Yawning, I get up and stretch before heading out of my room in two bedroom apartment and make my way to the kitchen for some good old breakfast. Once I get some grub in me, then we can do the heavy thinking. Chuckling at how easily I was shoving my problems aside, I sat down with my plate of bacon, eggs and pancakes. Plowing through the food in record time, I let out a mighty belch before swiftly cleaning the plate and pan and putting them in my dishwasher. Turning it on, I turn around and head back to my bedroom and strip for the shower. That is when I noticed a discrepancy; I have muscles?! What in the hell am I seeing right now? Am I hallucinating? Is this even reality, or have I not actually woken up yet? What is reality, and what is fiction? Okay, I think I have taken this too far. I already ate and pinched myself, so I know that I am in fact awake, however, this begs the question of just how in the hell I went from being 100 pounds overweight, to being in possession of the body of a Greek God. This is very intriguing and pretty mind-blowing to say the very least. Anyway, I should go out and clear my head. Getting out and about should help me think more clearly about that dream of mine and I can brainstorm ideas on what's going on with my body. Finishing up with a good hot shower, drying off, and getting dressed, I grabbed my car keys to my 2005 Black Ford Mustang and head out the door.

Climbing into my car after leaving my apartment building, I start her up and begin to head downtown. I live in New Britain, Connecticut and yes the women really are high maintenance and vain as all hell. Yes rent is ungodly expensive, and yes I regret living here. However, what choice do I have? I can't simply just pack up and move back to good old Iowa now can I? Anyway, letting out a long and hot breath I continued along the road and took a few detours absent mindedly. Suddenly a woman appeared in front of my car. Quickly breaking and swerving passed her, I rapidly jump out of my car and run over to her. Feeling panicked that I might have injured her in some way, I nearly felt my soul leave my body as I saw just how unbelievably gorgeous this woman was. Jade green eyes, and pure white skin, shoulder length fiery red hair and barely 5 feet tall, she was a wonder woman that is for sure. Gulping in my saliva, I awkwardly reach my hand out to her and help her up on her feet. Blushing crimson, I realized that I have yet to say anything. "Oh my God, I am so sorry! Are you okay? I didn't hit you did I?" And did you know? The woman actually smiled at me and pat my shoulder before saying in a slightly playful way, "And if you did, how would you compensate me stranger? I happen to be a billionaire heiress, so I doubt you could even afford one of my finger nails." Seeing the look of abject horror on my face, the woman broke out into laughter before saying, "I am just kidding! About the compensation part anyway. My name is Jessica Parker by the way, may I know the name of the man who almost killed me?" Blushing again at her crass words, I nodded and simply said, "My name is Shadow King, it's a pleasure to meet you, even under these circumstances." Nodding in agreement with my statement, Jessica made a sudden and unexpected suggestion. "Hey, why don't we go into that coffee shop over there and talk over some drinks?" Excited and doing my best to hide it, I agreed without hesitating.

And so we talked. Oh did we ever talk. I learned that Jessica Parker was the heiress to a Fortune 500 company which had just came out during the last 10 years. It is a VR company called Morpheus, and they have managed to make the impossible reality: full dive technology is here! Jumping up in shock from my seat, I looked up Jessica quickly on my phone and after confirming her story with Google, my jaw dropped as I noticed that I actually had a friend request from her on Facebook. No freaking way man! This is way beyond awesome! Laughing at my over the top reaction, Jessica took a look at her phone before frowning and said, "Time's up I am afraid. I need to be going now, but we are definitely going to be hanging out again. I had a blast getting to know you and look forward to future conversations. I messaged you my number on Facebook, text me okay?" Sending a wink my way, Jessica then headed out the door. Reeling in disbelief, I took a second and then a third look at my Facebook before confirming that it was very real. I then accepted her friend request and immediately added her phone number to my contacts list without a moments hesitation. Let's head home!

Jessica's POV

Today has been one crazy thing after another. My father proposed that I get married to one of his close friends eldest sons, and mom totally was okay with it! Not a chance in hell! I want a funny and down to earth guy to be my one and only, not some silk pants pretty boy that only knows how to spend his daddy's money! Anyway, back to the topic at hand. After that episode with my dad, and mom siding with him, I also found out that mom and dad froze my accounts until I agree to the marriage, and so I am currently stuck in the middle of New Britain, and have no idea where I am. Just as I noticed a coffee shop across the street and was intending to head there to rest for a bit before going home when I called my parents, suddenly a black car came out of no where and almost hit me. The cutest guy ever came rushing out of the car fast as lightning, and began to freak out over me. I decided to tease him and laughed at his cutest of reactions. Finally calming him down, I then suggested we go to the nearby coffee shop for drinks and a chat. Luckily I was smart enough to carry cash on me before my accounts were frozen, so I was able to pay for my own drink even though Shadow, as he was called, tried to pay for me. Smiling at this down to earth and humorous guy, I realized something pretty quick. This guy was too perfect, and was way too in my strike zone to be a coincidence. Deciding to add him on Facebook to scroll through his page, I laughed as his eyes almost popped when he saw my friend request. After sending him my phone number in a message, I quickly made my way out of the coffee shop and called a cab to take me home. I hope to see this guy again some time soon!

Back to Shadow's POV

I have returned home, and oh boy am I excited for the next time I see Jessica. I mean, we just met and yet I felt this instant and powerful connection with her. I know, I am the toad seeking to eat swan meat, but a guy can dream right? I know that I have no chance in hell with her, but still I wont know unless I try anyway right? Laughable, I know, but I have decided to chase after this girl. Money? Are you kidding me? I couldn't give a damn if she was poor or the richest woman in the world. The one I like is Jessica, not the money. Anyway, after getting home I have been feeling pretty odd. I feel this overpowering feeling like I am about to be shocked by electricity flowing through me. You know that feeling you get right before you are zapped? That first tingling numb sensation, and then the pulsating happens? Well, I am experiencing that feeling right now and I am not even in contact with electricity. Ugh what's happening to me? Looking down at my hands, I see the impossible. Fire is floating above one hand, water above the other, then I see light, and darkness and all of the other elements that you usually see in a fantasy novel or a video game begin to manifest in front of me. Then I suddenly saw black and everything faded away before my very eyes...

Hmm. Why did I decide to write this story? I dunno. Maybe because my creative juices aren't flowing for my other stories, and I seem to have a really easy time starting a story but continuing is so hard. However, I will do my best to release chapters for this and Why Am I A Girl?

Lord_Vancheltzcreators' thoughts