
God Reincarnated as a Demon

Conflictus, the god of his word, has suffered a severed wound that has made him neglect his world for hundreds of years. He can die at any moment, but there is no way for his kind to be revived or reincarnated... or that was what his race thought, until he broke this natural law and reincarnated in the body of the most prosecuted race in his world, a demon.

Dimwitwriter · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs


The city soldiers… they could be often seen patrolling in and out of the city. They wore bronze or silver armor on their body. They have cheap sword, strong enough to decapitate someone. As for their strength, it can be easily answer with their position. Staying as a city soldier means only one thing, they were stocked on beginners' stage.

They were supposed to be here to mediate the situation but all they do was to side with Marcos. But that was only the surface because two of them were just forced since they couldn't go against those who have power. The remaining two however, excitedly raised their sword towards Raijin while coming into him.

"Don't underestimate him idiots!" Gibbs said quickly as much as possible but it was too late. For any non sorcerer on the site, all they saw was a flash between Raijin and the two men, then, they fell on their knees while quivering weirdly.

"Wha!" "What just happened!" "Hey what were you doing!"

"Idiots! Return your focus! That was lightning sorcery!" Gibbs announced.

"Oi oi, guard up. Boss ain't kidding!" Gibbs' bald companion said.

"Tsk. So what?" the birdman dissed.

Gibbs warned them again after recognizing what he did. All of them were in utter shocked of a demon having such feats. Being able to use any type of sorcery meant only one thing… he already reached intermediate stage or higher. But behind them, Marcos' sight has turned quite excitedly…

Since Gibbs has acknowledged the danger Raijin possessed, he became more serious now. His body began to pump like his muscles were enlarging. Then on his finger, he has a ring that was probably made of a high quality silver. The center has a brownish grey, translucent quartz with circle as its shape. Then, the strange markings on it has let out some spark and instantly, a pair of metal knuckles had just magically popped in on Gibbs' hand.

Back to the fight, Raijin speed has surpassed the movement of the two remaining guards and the bald among Marcos' men. The guards' faces has trembled on what they were seeing. Raijin was moving with electricity on his body that launches his mobility on a higher degree.

One of the guard thrust his sword on a blank air because his target did a sidestep, Raijin was about to do a side punch but he withdrew as the bald man tried to throw some dirt on his eyes. The other guard was waiting for this and swung his sword downward but before he knew it, a zap of lightning has entered on his field of vision and Raijin's chopped him on his neck that knocked him out.

"Damn brat!"

Raijin foresee the second soldier swinging his sword so he produced another mass of electricity on his body and he accelerated on an extreme speed, he then forced a lighting palm on the soldiers' abdomen that sent him flying to crowd. The faces of people were disappointed to the guard but they went pale when they saw the dent on his armor plate.

He didn't let his guard down since those who remain were clearly fighter. He then analyzed the situation. The bald one who threw dirt on him was a human named Cristian, Raijin sees him now as the craftiest one. Then, the Birdman and Gibbs. Birdmen or the Wingrace was known to be physically stronger than humans, they also have their better speed. Even so, the one who has the most strength here was Gibbs, a member of Gigant race who were known for their incredible strength.

To describe the whole situation, the demons gathered on one corner, forming a tight circle to protect anyone who tried to harm them. Kazan was leading them while they nervously watched Raijin and puts their trust on the demon child. Then, there are the spectators with raring faces like they put a bet on a gladiator match. But in the middle of this battle, something was amiss. The who Raijin feared the most was talking to Marcos…

Raijin doesn't have time for that so he watched the two instead for the moment.

"Steven, follow my lead," Cristian said with a fighting stance.

"Shut up. I'm f*cking this kid up by myself."

The name of the birdman was Steven. He just joined not too long and he acts arrogant towards them.

"Fool," Cristian said to himself.

Raijin saw through their mismatched teamwork so he used this opportunity to attack.

[I must hurry before the Gigant join!] He thought.

He drives through with a flash of lightning and passes Steven. His aim was Cristian but a danger came from his left, a dagger attack from the birdman. It didn't hit him but a blade of wind wounded his face.

Some blood seeped out from Raijin's face.

[His dagger was to fool huh…] he thought when he saw the wind blades on Steven's hands.

From the look of it, Steven was as fast as Raijin. Seeing this, the crowd started to cheer and asked them to go for the kill.

Cristian ran behind Raijin as this happens and touched the ground with one hand, then after, rock spikes came out and nearly pierced the demon kid if he didn't jumped. Raijin got into a disadvantage position in mid air but he fired two electric projectile for each of them. His enemies avoided it so he managed to came back to his footing. His attack didn't stop as he kicked the silver dagger on Steven's hand.

With that momentum, Raijin initiated a hand to hand combat with the skills he learned from fighting the Gobons. But just like him, the birdman knows how to fight. A fight between a demon with an electricity current on him against a birdman with blades of wind to his hands has started.

Steven was more on dagger attacks while Raijin was a complete fighter. He was deflecting the attacks of the birdman by stopping them on the wrist. Raijin was dominating the fight, nearly landing some blows on the birdman until a stone staff tried to ram his side.

"I can handle that!" Steven angrily spoke to Cristian who just saved him.

The latter didn't replied, instead, he focused his gaze on the devil in front of him. Raijin's charges went up and his feet got covered with electricity too. Instantly, his image blurred but when it came back, the only thing Cristian saw was an incoming kick filled with electricity. He saw this as a threat for his life so his reflexes made him guard using both of his arms and a cracked was heard after.

"Gahh!!" gritted on pain after his arms broke.

Because of this, Steven got even more pissed. Not because of his injured comrade but because he couldn't react with Raijin's speed.

"Don't get cocky!!"

The birdman let out gust of wind with his wing but got easily avoided by Raijin. He then throws his body in full speed with blade winds when he propelled himself with his wings. He thought that Raijin won't be able to react to him but before he knew it, a small hand was about to grabbed his head. Fortunately for him, he barely evade with his proud speed but he sensed death the moment he saw the demon who was scrunched down and lightning hand was about to pierced his abdomen when…

"Waahhh!" Gibbs grabbed his wings, pulled him, and caught the electric punch instead.


Raijin's eyes widened when he saw what caught his attack. It was Gibbs' shoulder that was hard enough that his fingers nearly broke. Then, the one that Raijin fears the most has began. Gibbs' body became abnormal as he started growing. All of his body parts enlarged two times his original body, even his black hair. He also noticed how his clothes and his gauntlets became bigger.

"GAHAHA! Now you have done it brat!" He shouted in a war cry.

For all the fighting Raijin did, this was the only moment he thought he was at disadvantage.

[Strong… stronger than me.] Raijin concluded, so now, all he could do was wait for Marcos' move.

Gibbs pushed forward and swung his arm horizontally towards Raijin. He almost got caught up but managed to barely avoid it by bending backwards.

[He's also faster!]

His surprise was justified because when they had a fight back then, he wasn't this fast even with sorcery. Raijin then back off to fixed his stance, which gave Gibbs time to speak.

"What? Surprised eh?! If you want to know, here!"

Before assaulting again, he showed his knuckles who were glowing with white light. The source of the light were the magic circles that were imprinted of each. Seeing them, Raijin only reached one conclusion and that was—

[A magic tool for speed!]

"Hehe. You surprised eh?! HAHAHA! Gigants weren't known for speed so we got this, see?!" Gibbs started talking and… he let his guard down. But Raijin didn't attack because finally, the person Raijin was waiting for has come. Gibbs turned back to his original sized the moment this person step in, it was Marcos with a grin on his face.

"Still though, I didn't expected to see someone that reminds me of that man," Gibbs said with a bitter face and stared at Raijin with bloodshot eyes. "Be thankful. In normal situations, you are dead the moment you harm my men." He then turned his back to go besides Marcos.

"…" it was also the time for Raijin to dropped his sorcery.

The plumped man, Marcos, clapped his hand. "That was amazing, but, I wi—"

"Manpower is what you want right?" Raijin asked boldly.

That accusation made Marcos silent, he was clearly pissed but with a mix amazement that baffled his thought process.

"I'm asking you, manpower is what you want right?"

After repeating himself, Raijin produced another surge of electricity to his surrounding that formed like a dome. As the audiences were flabbergasted, Marcos faced Gibbs.

"Gibbs, what do you think?"

"He's strong, no doubt. His worth is probably around forty of these filthy demons."

Marcos' eyes widened for a moment then after thinking, he said, "That great huh… well then, Mr. Raijin, what do you want?"

Raijin then declared.

"Instead of them… take me, alone."