
Start of a New Life

~1 week later~

"Luke" a young female voice yells at me as I sit on the side walk near the Orphanage I now call home. "Play with me Luke" the young girl around my body's current age which is 10 as I understood, continues to pester me.

My father and mother used to be multi-billionaires and owned a large company which made cloths, the company was based in US and had a logo of a panda with red eyes. The company which my father and mother worked so hard to build from the ground up was later stolen away by a criminal group who kidnapped my mother and forced father too hand over the company for her safe return, my father who loved my mother more then anything and did not hesitate to hand it over. Unfortunately the criminal group never returned my mother after receiving the company and my father eventually died from a heart failure due to stress not long after that. I was left alone in the world with lots of money and no idea how to use it, slowly people found ways to take my money and I ended up being homeless and on the streets until I was kidnapped and used to test an experimental serum to improve the human body which caused the death of the last owner and allowed me to take over his body.

"LUKE" the young girl screamed in my ear, angry at the fact that I was not replying to her.

"Clam down Kate, I am busy thinking give me 30 minuets and I will go and play with you", I reply to the girl who stomps her foot at the ground and walks away waiting for the 30 minutes to pass.

I sigh loudly, I an unstoppable God who made nations kneel with just a glance now am forced to give in to the requests of a 9 year old girl. I chuckle at the thought and examine the physical changes still occurring in my body from the serum that I was injected with. It seems that the experiment managed to be successful due to me healing the body when I took it over allowing the changes to not destory the body and fully completing the mutation, making the experiment a success.

Before I was injected with the serum, I had black hair, brown eyes, and pale skin with a very childish pretty face that would make woman jealous, I was also extremely thin as I did not get to eat much for a while. Now though I am nearly 4'1 have abs that should not be humanly possible for a 9 year old to achieve, I don't mind in the slightest though. I still have blackish hair but my eyes are now a deep neon blue and seemed to glow slightly in the day as I sat in the sun. I have a very handsome face that would make models jealous and my hair is messy giving me a bad boy look, or at least as bad as a 10 year old can look. I have already scanned my body multiple times and decided that it is acceptable for me the God of Darkness to use to grow and regain my immortality. Unfortunately my cultivation technic named "Darkness Reigns Immortal" which I created once I reached the peak of the cultivation world cannot be practised until I am 13 years old for it can cause side effects which can cause harm to a young child, so for now I will just allow my body to naturally grow and see what other benefits this serum has in store for me.

I get up from the sidewalk and begin waking over to Kate as I promised to play with her, and have finished thinking my future cultivation plan through. I arrive behind her while she is sitting on the ground playing with an old teddy bear which only has one eye and a Hello Kitty.

"Boo" I quietly whisper from behind her into her ear as to not scare her to bad, but she still drops her teddy bear and yelps in surprise, forcing a chuckle out of me.

"LUKE STOP DOING THAT" she screams at me and pouts her cheeks, "You can play as Hello Kitty and I will be Teddy" she says as she hands me the Hello Kitty and picks up the Teddy she dropped when I scared her.

"Alright, Alright" I reply and sit down on the ground next to her. After we played for a good two hours we hear the Orphanage owner, an elderly lady around the age of 50 calling us and the other orphans to eat. As me and Kate run inside we see the other five orphans who are already seated at the table and eating their food, paying no attention to us. We hurriedly grab our plates and thank the old lady who we all call Grandma C.

Aftet finishing dinner, Grandma C. calls me to her room and I walk their silently wondering what she might speak to me about.

"Luke" she began speaking to me with a serious look on her face as I enter the room, "You are already 10 years old so I took the liberty of signing you up for the public school a mile from here, the school starts at 8:30 AM every day besides the weekend and I want you to go there and study hard" she spoke to me quickly and in a serious tone.

"Of course" I reply to her with no hesitation causing her to smile at me warmly.

"I'm so proud of you Luke, you will grow up to be a great person" she says as she walks over to me bending down and giving me a hug.

I smile at this event as I have not felt a hug out of pure love in a long long time and hug her back, I will protect this Orphanage no matter the cost, I swore to myself at that very moment.

I plan on realising 1 chapter a day and if we reach any milestones as either top 250 or anything above that I will do a mass chapter update of around 4 or 5 chapters for that day.

L3wkscreators' thoughts