
God Ranked Mercenary

Norman, a high ranked mercenary lost his life on his wedding due to his past catching up to him. He had the acknowledgement of me, the author, I. So, he got to reincarnate or transmigrated or both (A/N- IDK). Follow him on his journey to become a god-ranked Mercenary feared by all loved by one. I am a new writer hope you like my book. do like share and sub *cough* i forgot its not youtube *hehe*. what i meant to say is plz comment and find me mistakes.

KrowFengZi · Fantasy
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16 Chs


Norman was a talented mercenary. He began his mercenary life when he was just 25 years old. He used to believe that though talent is very important but hard-work is not any less important. He trained his body 8 hours a day. He then used to fight with wild animals for another 8 hours. He slept for about 6 hours daily. That is his normal routine when he is not doing any mission.

 He has killed 6427 humans.

One thing about Norman is very good that although he killed many humans but all of them are bad.

Norman was very happy with his life. He always took dangerous mission as he didn't have anyone in his life. He was the youngest S-class mercenary. Reaching S-class by the age of 33 years. That is one day he found a girl he fell in love with. The girl was neither very beautiful nor very ugly. You can say that she is above average in appearance.

Well the meeting of Norman and the girl, Luna was a very cliché story. I will not say it now but will surely share when I have time. Luna was also a mercenary with A-class grade. But afterwards when they decided to marry each other they left the mercenary group. They started live a life of peacefulness but alas mercenary is a dangerous job where you don't get much money but do get a lot of enemies that try to kill even when you retire. Especially so if you are the MC. Well the author needs a good story.

Anyway Norman's back story is complete. It is the same old story. Was a talented mercenary, had too many enemies, fell in love with a girl and finally died on the day of marriage.

As the author, that is I, need to keep the story on going so I reincarnated the guy in another world. The world name is Origin World. As you might know by reading cliché stories. The World is the origin of all other worlds blah blah blah. But not in this novel as this world is not original world but the after world. After life, after world you understand what I mean.

The main heroine is Luna and the MC is Norman they don't have family names as they are orphan. Yeah yeah very cliché.

Now that I have introduced them to you let me describe their deaths that the great mastermind*cough* author, I, has staged.

(MC pov)

I am Norman a orp-… what you already know. How? Oh nevermind. Today is my best of my life. I am 33- you know that too *cough* well as I was saying today is the best day of my life. I am going to marry the love of my life Luna. I am very happy so happy that I wanna go on a rampage. Not that psycho rampage but the one at night.

I wore a complete white dress with a bowtie. I had my haircut into a Quiff hairstyle. All in all I look dashing. As expected of me the handsomest guy of the multiverse hahahaha. Well we side-tracked a bit.

As I entered the hall I saw 100 or so guest. There was a bearded old guy with a seemingly old book. I don't know that is. Well till today I don't even know my religion. I believe in whatever God that exists. I stand on the podium waiting for my love of my life to arrive.

But she didn't arrive. Time continued to tick by as I grew nervous per second. At last by an hour I couldn't resist having an ominous feeling. I began to make my way towards the bridal chamber. What awaited me was not my beloved but a man with a gun. My beloved was below his shoe with blood coming out of her head.

The man had a strange grin on his face. I don't remember what happened after that but I know I died but not before killing the guy. I seem to hear something like I killed his father and then his mother suicided.

The last thing I remember is-"It looks like I'm gonna die. So be it my love of my life is already dead. What's the point of living."

As my conscious was slipping away and I was growing colder. A bright light flashed by. Seems like even in my death I am having hallucinations.

It was at this moment MC fucked up.

*Cough* sorry.

I was not dead yet so I crawled to the side of my beloved.

I was at least content about the fact I was about to die with my beloved.


After a few minutes I dropped dead.




A bright light flashed on the ground as the bodies of the MC, main heroine and the villain were lifted up in the air and disappeared like they never existed.

At the same time, a young person who looks to be in his teenage woke up from his slumber. He was sleeping under a unknown tree in an unknown forest.

Young boy: "Where am I? Wasn't I dead? Wait a second did I transmigrate?"



(MC pov)

I woke up with a start. I was in an unknown place devoid of light and darkness but at the same time I could see clearly.

In front of me was an cliché old man in white. I asked him, "Are you god?"

The old man had a frown on his looking to be contemplating about something. He seems to be muttering, " Why did Supreme Master chose him? He neither has any karma or any redeeming quality!"

The old man then looked at me, " Lad you are in luck. You are getting the chance to be reincarnated. So, what do you say."

I replied, " No I don't wanna reincarnate."

The old man looked shocked as he didn't think anyone would refuse this chance.

He asked, " Why?"

I replied, "I don't to reincarnate if my beloved won't be with me."

Then the old man seemed to be in relief, "Oh you are thinking about that l. Don't worry your wife will also get reincarnated but whether you will be able to meet is upto Supreme Master."

I was happy to get the chance of being reincarnated along with my beloved.

Then the old man said some miscellaneous things about the new world and flashed a bright light.

I blinked for a moment then I found myself in an unknown forest.