
God Ranked Mercenary

Norman, a high ranked mercenary lost his life on his wedding due to his past catching up to him. He had the acknowledgement of me, the author, I. So, he got to reincarnate or transmigrated or both (A/N- IDK). Follow him on his journey to become a god-ranked Mercenary feared by all loved by one. I am a new writer hope you like my book. do like share and sub *cough* i forgot its not youtube *hehe*. what i meant to say is plz comment and find me mistakes.

KrowFengZi · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 3 Cultivation levels

"Hey Z, what was that grey glow on the body of those humans" I asked Z.

[ Norman, that is the manifestation of their cultivation.]

[They have reached the level of Iron skin which is equivalent to Lvl - 11 to 16.]

"Oh that is because of their cultivation. Then the glow on their fist must be due to a battle skill"


I wondered if I can reach that level. If I have that level of cultivation then I could kill the iron scaled panther with a single punch.

"Can you tell me any way to increase my strength, Z?" I said.

[ Norman, You can reach that level of cultivation through two ways one by killing beasts and two by cultivating a scripture. Although by killing beast you would advance faster in early stages, it would be difficult to advance further in cultivation. So, getting a good cultivation scripture is important ]

[ This World currently has a divine system on par with Heavenly Dao and all systems are subsidiary to it]

[ Every person has a system of different series - natives are given Alpha series, Beta series and Delta series. ]

[ While afterworlders are given X series, Y series, Z series. There is not much difference between different series except in in-built authority. Alpha-series has the highest starting authority and Z-series has the lowest. But subsequent increase in authority depends on the host. In my case, it depends on you. ]

[ While Z series has the least starting authority which leads to slow advancement in early stages. But it isn't much important as higher authority means easier increase in cultivation level and vice versa. Also Z series is most adept at paving the path for a person ]

"Oh, that's a lot of info." I said as thought about the information. But at I thought of saying something to Z, I saw a ! on the left corner of my vision.

I asked Z ,"What is that !?"

[ Norman that is an unseen log ]

"Oh let me see it."

[ Host is informed of another important matter. Host is in the continent of body cultivation continent. Hence host needs to improve host's body to survive. ]

"Sooo, I am in a world of body cultivation similar to martial arts. Am I right Z?"

[ Yes Norman. And it is recommended that you quickly increase your level ]

After learning this piece of knowledge, I started to replan my plan of increasing strength. Thinking for a few minutes I drew up a rough sketch of daily routine.

I will workout Saitama's training 10x at 5 am and finish it by 7 am. Then I will search and kill beast's to quickly increase my strength. I also need to find the town for better understanding the current era.

I decided that I would visit the town after I reach higher cultivation level.

I checked my status.

[Name – Norman

Age – 17 ( a month to become 18)

XP - 70/500

Level – 4 (Bronze level)

Cultivation scripture – N/A

Battle skills – N/A

Battle Power – 29]

"So, I am in Bronze level. And my battle power increased to 29."I said.

I asked, "Hey Z what are the cultivation realms and their levels"

[ Norman, this are the current cultivation level and their levels -

Body cultivation –

Level 0 – mortal/no skin level

Level 1-10 – Bronze skin level

Level 11-15 – Iron skin level

Level 16-20 – Dark Iron skin level

Level 21-25 – Silver skin level

Level 26-30 – Dark Silver skin level

Level 31-35 – Gold skin level

Level 36-40 – Dark Gold skin level

Level 41-50 – Platinum skin level

Level 51-60 – Dark platinum skin level

Level 61-70 – King level

Level 71-80 – Emperor level

Level 81-90 – Sage/Saint level

Level 91-99 – Demigod level


My status showed that I am at Level 4 which corresponds to Bronze skin level. But it didn't increase my strength much. I asked,"Z, why did my strength not increase much after reaching level 4?"

[ Norman, your body was reforged by SUPREME MASTER. So, it didn't increase your strength much when you reached level 4. Only when you reach Iron skin level would you experience a qualitative increase.]

My battle power represents my avg. power. I need to increase it. I digested all the information I received today by eating digestive tablets *cough* Just kidding.

Well lets sleep its late.



|| The Next Day ||

I woke up at 4:30 am and started my routine Saitama 10x training. As today was first day, it took me 2 and half hours to complete it.

I first did a 1000 push-ups,it took me around 25 - 27 minutes to complete it. And around 10-13 minutes for squats and 20 minutes and 1 and a half hours for running.

Due to squats and sit ups my legs ached so much that I barely could run 100 km. And it took me so long to complete it.

It continued for a week. This week I could not another beast because of my legs and arms.



|| The Next Week ||

After 1 week of hardcore training, my legs and arms have completely adjusted to my Saitama 10x training. And my battle power increased too.

[Name – Norman

Age – 17 ( a month to become 18)

Level – 4 (Bronze level)

XP - 70/500

Cultivation scripture – N/A

Battle skills – N/A

Battle Power – 73]

Now with this strength I could fight 4 of the iron scaled panther in ten minutes.

"Z, What is the average cultivation strength of the region I am in and the whole continent" I asked curious to know the basic strength of the people's.

[ The average strength of your region is silver skin level and the average strength of the continent is Dark Platinum level ]

'So, I am in the less strong area ' I thought. I had a feeling that this area would be less strong area.

( SUPREME MASTER - Its thanks to me kiddo.)

I didn't think much of it and went out of my base in search of beasts. My reserve of food was also becoming less and it would be finished by the day after tomorrow.

I went toward west of my base today as I saw that many strong beasts were west of my base.

I walked around 10 and quarter km and along the way saw many red dotted treesa and some purple dotted trees also.I never crossed the 10 km range while running for Saitama 10x training.

I killed plenty of small hares along the way. But they were not considered to be a beast so I did not gain any XP.

But at 14 km west of my base I found a beast - correction - a pack of beasts.

Creation is hard, cheer me up.

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