
God Ranked Mercenary

Norman, a high ranked mercenary lost his life on his wedding due to his past catching up to him. He had the acknowledgement of me, the author, I. So, he got to reincarnate or transmigrated or both (A/N- IDK). Follow him on his journey to become a god-ranked Mercenary feared by all loved by one. I am a new writer hope you like my book. do like share and sub *cough* i forgot its not youtube *hehe*. what i meant to say is plz comment and find me mistakes.

KrowFengZi · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 15 Returning to Town

I entered the town but this time awesomely. I showed my identity card to a guard. I paid him a bronze coin and went inside the town. The guard questioned me who the human girl ( Icy ) was and she needed to place her hands on the crystal. Same as me, it glowed green.

But for some reason, the guard looked shocked when he examined my ID but ultimately didn't say anything. I didn't pay much attention to it and continued on my way.

Along the way, Icy looked amazed and took in the new sights with amazement. She began murmuring, " Wow, human civilizations are so advanced. We don't have such amazing things in our forests. No wonder, they are so powerful. "

I first checked in an inn. This time I chose another inn as the last one although good but not good for Icy. I chose a non adventurer inn. I planned to make a trip to my previous inn and meet Efie. She was very passionate when dealing with me.

I told Icy to stay put in the inn, Astral Inn. I made my way towards the adventurer guild. Just as I reached the entrance, I met with Jonas. Jonas looked shocked and said, " You didn't die. "

I was somewhat offended. I looked at him with a dark expression, " Care to explain why you want me dead ?"

" No, no, I meant that you chose one of tough mission and didn't come back for four days. We thought that you may have died. We even sent an expedition to search for you. " Jonas looked startled when I asked the question and hurriedly answered me.

I didn't mind it too much, although it definitely offended when said that but now that I think about its no biggie. Well, its true I didn't return for four days and I chose a mission meant for Iron and dark Iron level.

I went inside the receptionist and most of them looked shocked when seeing me enter. They didn't have enough relation with me so didn't rush to ask questions to me. Instead they ganged up on Jonas and bombarded him with questions.

I didn't care and went to the receptionist desk. Nefie was busy with some paperworks and didn't look up. I said, " Submitting a mission. "

Nefie still didn't look up and said, " Pass me the mission paper. " I passed her the mission paper.

[ Mission # 498

Bring the fangs of White Lion-headed Tiger

Recommended rank - Iron rank

Reward - 5 G / 1 fang

Limit - 100 fang ]

It took time for Nefie to register the mission information and when she did, she at once looked at me. She said, " You are alive. Thank god. I was feeling guilty that I didn't stop you from taking that mission. Good that you are alive. "

" You said you want to submit the mission. Did you bring two three fangs ? Place it on the table."

I said, " This table can't hold the fangs I brought. "

" What are you saying? It can hold around seven to eight fangs. "

I knew that by saying much would just damage my impression so, I just emptied my storage bag. Oh, This storage bag is a type of space bag. It can space of 5 cubic. metre. I got this from Creek.

When emptied the bag, Most of it fell towards my side some on Nefie's side and some are left on the table. Nefie looked shocked.

" You have a storage space bag and on top of that you hunted almost a hundred White Lion-Headed Tiger. How?"

Nefie looked towards me and said, " And where the hell did you get that storage space bag ? Last time you didn't have it. What did you go through this four days ?"

" I got storage bag from a bandit. Also, I met a lair of White Lion-headed Tigers and just when I was about to return, I saw hundreds of fangs littered at the back. I took some and hurriedly left from there."

"While, I was returning I was caught by a bandit. They took hostage of me for two. I finally managed to get out from when a master came and destroyed the bandit camp. I was getting ready to escape when I saw a bag. I needed a bag urgently to keep the fangs so, I took it. Later, I found it was a storage space bag."

" I returned to dumping ground of fangs of White Lion-headed Tiger and took exactly 100 of it including the previous ones. That is it. "

And that is the lie, I told to Nefie. Nefie believed it because of my detailed explanation. And I am a master at that.

I sold all the fangs and got 500 G. That would be enough for a long time. I took the money and returned to Icy. But not before meeting Efie. I met Efie and ate some food as they had very good food. I took some food to bring back to Icy.