
God Ranked Mercenary

Norman, a high ranked mercenary lost his life on his wedding due to his past catching up to him. He had the acknowledgement of me, the author, I. So, he got to reincarnate or transmigrated or both (A/N- IDK). Follow him on his journey to become a god-ranked Mercenary feared by all loved by one. I am a new writer hope you like my book. do like share and sub *cough* i forgot its not youtube *hehe*. what i meant to say is plz comment and find me mistakes.

KrowFengZi · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 13 Cultivation Scripture

Icy never stopped glaring at me after hearing that my Z is a representative. But I managed to coax her after giving her a plate of grilled meat. They say that conquering a person starts from their stomach and its true.

We ate and relaxed for a bit. I looked towards Icy and said, " Can you tell me about your family situation? "

Icy looked troubled. I saw through her troubled look at once and said, " If you don't want to say anything about it, then its okay you don't need to force yourself. "

" No, its not that I don't want to talk about it. I just don't know how to start. My parents were very kind and never attacked any other beasts or person. But they never knew that a traitor was hiding among us. My uncle was jealous of my parents strength and angry about being diplomatic with other beasts."

" He thinks that our bloodline is the most sacred and wants to rule the forest. My parents tried to make him understand but he betrayed and killed them after colluding with thise bandits. "

" The bandits took me as the spoil of war and made me do every kind of work to exhaust me. Their boss was eyeing me like he wanted to eat me. "

" My parents. sob sob ". After saying all these she began crying

I leaned near her and hugged her. She cried and after some time she fell asleep. I took her to my make do house and tucked her in a beast's hide. She began to sleep soundly. She looked so cute.

I did not sleep but tried to think of a different training routine. The Saitama 10x routine was no longer useful. thought of many different methods but they were not useful as my body was already strengthened.

I thought of many different practices that I used to practice in my mercenary days. One caught my eye. I needed to do some strange yogas. At first glance, it seemed useless but that was very useful. Even when I advanced to S-ranked mercenary, I was only able to do the first three exercises.

I went towards the open area of the base and started practicing. The training had a name — Body Tempering Art. It had an unique name. There was twelve exercise in total. The first three exercises were called introductory exercises and the last nine were the true exercises.

I first practiced three exercisesand saw that it didn't help me much. These exercises were simple atleast the first few. In the first few exercises were exercises for strengthening the body and can be discarded after the body was strengthened.

The first true exercise in the body tempering art is punching and kicking. Yeah I know too simple to be called unique, but this is the first exercise to be noted. I need to punch as long as I can till I feel numb in the hands and legs. Now think about it, this is only the first exercise. After you cannot feel your hands and legs can you continue your exercise.

Thankfully, there is an upper limit. I need to punch and kick 1000 times with full strength or untill my hands completey get numb. In the training art, it says that its better if I punch and kick something hard.

For the first day, I did not choose something hard to achieve. I just punched and kicked in the air. I did not reach the limit of 1000 times obviously. I don't how much I punched and kicked but it should be around 450 to 500.

Just then I beat myself as I said aloud, " I could have asked Z to count for me. And set a condition for the punch and kick to count to be that each punch and kick to be of my full strength. "

I also checked my status for time and something changed in the status.

[ Name – Norman || Time - 12:41 am

Age – 18

Level – 11 ( Iron level)

XP - 2040 / 100000

authority Lvl - 1 ( 100% )

Cultivation scripture – Body Tempering Art

Battle skills – N/A

Battle Power – 690 (weakened - 380) ]

The weakened status was not new to me. The change in Cultivation scripture shocked me. I don't know much about cultivation scripture. I never asked Z about it. I said to Z, " What is cultivation scripture?"

[ Cultivation scripture are those that give you strength, increase your battle power and finally increases your cultivation level. Its a multipurpose method to increase your strength. ]

" So, its very good. But I don't see its usefulness!" I said to Z.

[ No Norman, its very useful. In higher stages, you must have to have a cultivation scripture to advance. And although you cannot see its advantages of cultivation scripture, you will find about it in the future. One advantage that might help you here is that your battle power will increase steadily ]

"Does it increase my battle power above my base strength?" I asked.

[ Yes. ]

" Does these cultivation scriptures have levels? " I thought that they might have one so I asked.

[ Yes they do. The levels are as follows.

Yellow → Black → Earth → Heaven, with yellow being lowest and Heaven being highest. ]

" Z are you angry at me? " I said as I felt something off.

[ Yes, I am angry. Huff ]

" Why are you angry? Care to tell me. I have low EQ. " I said as I made a funny face. Now that I think about it, its hazukashī.

[ You said you would check log and didn't check it. ]

" I almost *cough* not almost but forgot about it. I will check it now so cheer up. " I said to Z.

[ Advance to Iron skin level. Battle power +324 ]

[ Achievement unlocked - Reach Iron skin level. Authority +20% ]

[ Achievement unlocked - Assimilation of body and soul. Authority +80% ]

[ You can now increase your authority to get following benefits. 1) Increase in XP gained from 15% to 17%. 2) Hint about Luna's whereabouts. 3) More compound knowledge about the current and past of the Origin World. ]

I didn't care much about 1 & 3 but the 2nd benefits made me almost increase Z's authority immediately.

I said to Z, " Increase the authority. "

[ You can increase the authority but I will offline till the authority increases. Time taken will be around 24 hours. ]

" You will offline this only or for each increase of authority. "

[ I will be offline for this time only because this will be the first time my authority will increase. ]

" Ok increase the authority. " I commanded Z and the timer began.

[ 23:59:59 ]

Surprisingly, I could all the functions but not talk with Z.

I continued training from there on. I then chose to practice the second true exercise in the list. Its horse stance. I put my two feet forwards and bend my knees perpendicular to my legs. I straightened my hands forward and tried to be immovable as a mountain.

At first, it was okay. But as time went on, it became harder and harder. My already numb legs was on the verge of cracking. But I withstood the pain and continued exercises. I knew there is no construction without destruction.

I visualised myself to be a mountain and forgot everything, my pain, my numbness, my surroundings, the ticking of the timer, everything. I fell asleep.

I woke with a startle after a few minutes as I fell down. My butt hurt. I looked towards the sky and the timer. The sky was showing some rays of sunlight through darkness pointing that it would be day soon.

The timer showed this [18:17:43]. The timer is in the format [HH:MM:SS]. H is hour, M is minute and S is seconds.

I was in the horse stance for almost five hours.

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