
God of Wealth Successor

Ragnarök, a war of gods; doom and destruction. There is one God before his doom takes a part of his soul and sent it to a young planet which later called Alentia. There he is waiting for a successor to take his mantle (divinity) but millions of years passed none ever reach close to his lowest passing grade, not even close. In a brink of his vanishing existence, he took a drastic measurement by summoning a soul from another dimension altogether and combine it with a native from this dimension. creating a suitable successor for him. Xion a man chosen as the successor of the God of Wealth plan to be Merchant of Death bringing weapons of mass destruction to his clients.

EqueX · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Two end with one new beginning

Ragnarök, a war of gods; doom and destruction for mortal and immortal alike.

Lots of them fell and the new one rises to take their place. But one Ancient God chooses to stand neutral and somehow profited from the war. He wasn't pro-war or anti-war either, rather he chooses neutrality because of his Divinity and as a God of Wealth in a simple term, he is a merchant, and at that time he was the Weapon Merchant. With his weapons and tools, some demi-gods can even slay the god.

The chaos after the events already subside eons ago but one ancient god takes a part of his soul before his death and leaves it on a young planet called Alentia. Waiting for a suitable successor and searching for a clue about his own death.

Somewhere in a shining blue and murky-green planet with lots of man-made satellites and machines surrounding the planet making it surreal. At some renown hospital lies the body of a man in a clean white bed. He's one of the richest men ever in his age ranges but no matter how rich he was, 'death' still gets closer to him in each passing second. Pulling him to its embraces. Even with super-advanced technology currently not even available and only known by few, yet his death is inevitable.

A thought or rather a memory ran through the man with his last breath.

'I somehow forget why I amass this wealth but know at death's door everything become clear, my purpose, my dream was to change this planet and stop the corruption the rich have made then I reach the top where they stand and I don't do yet any big things to stop those corruptions and even let them be as long as it does not contradict with my way. Ahh! So, this is what they called a flashback. Farewell…'

His sight began to lose its light and he finally breathes his last. He may not be able to see the sight after his death but many people he had help, pray for him, and cry for him. Most people know him by his kindness, how he helped those at the slum reaching his hands and brought them hope. A beacon of light that guides them from the dark cold night to warm dawn of hope. Even his enemy feels a tinge of sadness for his departure.

At the same time in a beautiful blue planet Alentia. A young man lies on an old wooden bed layer with dried leaves as the bed sheet to provide a somewhat warm platform and a thin piece of clothes covering his shivering body and a wet rag on his head. His body was brutally beaten. Resulting in a massive internal injury. Its already been three days since the day he was beaten. He struggles with only his sheer will to live on and protect his family as well as taking revenge for those who responsible.

Still, with his internal bleeding and injuries living for three days was already a miracle, that his heart and brain still functioning after three days of struggle, he basically drives his body to its ultimate limit with his unbreakable will. Yet, a human had its limit as well. Sadly, he finally breathes his last.

In a place of darkness and void.

"Where am I? I think I'm… what? Something overlapping. Arggh!"

"Easy child, I'm known as God of Wealth and I'm looking for a successor and so I summoned your departed soul into this dimension. Your soul was a bit damaged from the link I've created so you may have a hard time recalling some of your memories from your home."

"But why the hell am I had two memories flashbacking on me right now?"

"Remember the link I told you before? You had the same soul-wavelength with a native from this plane. With that link, I combine the two of you, departed soul plus mine as the outer layer to make it stable. The thing to note for you; you two were one, you are him and he is you as one entity. Your pain won't disappear until you accept that fact."

After who knows how long the time pass finally his pain disappears like it was all an illusion. Sorting his thought, he now knows that he is Xion a young man living in an orphanage with three little kids, and one barely woman (just passed her adult ceremonies) leaned on him. He is basically their pillar of support. Life was hard but they can live happily with each other warms.

Until a band of drunk men break-in and want to rape our beautiful young lady. Barely forcing them out 'I' successfully save her dignity and my honor. But— they're from a mercenaries group called 'Red Sun', a big mercenaries group based on the capital. Later on the same day they come without knocking on our door and beat me up. Retaliating I land a clean hit on some of their eyes blinding them up (can't quite remember how many eyes I bust) then I passed out.

Finishing the recollection of my thought I ask the supposed God of Wealth of his purpose.

"So, what do you want O' God of Wealth?"

"Now we're talking. I'm dead so I'm looking for a successor. Someone who will take over my mantle (divinity) and you are chosen. I don't know how I'm gone but high-chance I got betrayed by one of the many gods at that time. I honestly don't have a high expectation of you gotten revenge for me and the mastermind probably dead already anyway. If not, you can kill him or her for me."

"Okay, so why me? And how come you're dead but still be able to converse with me?"

"Good question. First, your other self knows what value is to the extreme even, while your other self, hold honor to your death. Secondly, I am but a little part of my original complete soul which placed before the event happened. So, if possible, I want to know how I was killed. Anyway, you will wake up in a few moments, so prepare yourself. As a parting gift, I replaced your mangled heart with a Titan's heart the lord of giants which will give you an unending regeneration as long as your energy pool exists. And my divinity in the form of 'SHOP' plus some value for you to spend. Cao~."

In the jungle full of trees, a worn-out hut with a weeping sound was heard. The sound of grief was so heart-rending that even the birds stop their cheerful chirps.

Inside the worn-out hut lay a young man, still not breathing in a make-shift bed made of dried leaves. Besides the bed, one girl and two little girls and one little boy weep for their loss, for their beacon of light that had died out. They let out their sorrows, with tears and hail of sound that made anyone who heard it would cry and feels their sorrows.

"AAAH!" The corpse suddenly yelled his lungs out and open his eyes.

"Brother~" they yelled almost at the same time as the corpse finish his yelling fit and hug the young man.

"Brother, we thought we would lose you forever."

Once again, the hut filled with weeps but weeps of happiness for their living brother.

He moves his hands and reaches for the wet rag on his head. Barely moving his hand, he can feel his body hurting so much that it was so hard for him to hold his voice from leaking out and express it by shouting another long scream. Then, a series of memories start to flood his mind. Almost making him faint.

By thinking of 'SHOP' something popped up inside his head.

[SHOP activated! Proceed with the suggestion mode based on host condition.

Interface bought! Strong Stomach bought! Instant Recovery—insufficient value. Proceeds… —insufficient value. Proceeds…]

With a thought, he closes the SHOP system which results from God of Wealth Divinity. Then with another thought, his detailed status shows up.

[Name: Xion Ragnar

Race: Human|Demi-god

Level: 1

Strength: 17

Agility: 12

Vitality: 9

Magic: 3

Condition: Critically injured and starving



-Titan Heart (unawakened): unending regeneration and tremendous vitality and strength.

-Ruler of Bones (lv 1): a forgotten bloodline of old that had been resurfaced because of the heart of titan.


-Strong Stomach (lv 1): mild food poisoning won't do any damage to you.]

"What happens, brother? Is it hurt again?"

Receiving the worried look from the three cute angels and one girl forces him to clear his mind quickly. He forces his body to sit up and face them with a smile. But with his bruised face it doesn't help them to calm down.

"No. nothing, I'm just hungry. That's all."

Hearing their brother answer, a red hair little girl named Anne get closer and said: "Sorry, Ann can only find these berries."

"It was sweet!" interjected by the smallest kid with a navy-blue hair, Jean.

While Jill the second youngest kid after Jean. Jean can only grab the edge of the wooden bed looking down at the ground still tearing up.

"Really? I must try it later then."

Xion said while smiling towards Jean. He eyed Aleta the oldest after the three children. "Aleta fill me in about what happened after I passed out. But, before that can I get a cup of water please?"

Blushing Aleta ran in hurry and brought a cup made of wood filled with clear water and handed it into Xion. Before, she remembers that her brother was still too weak and she held the cup and fed it to her brother.

Feeling the refreshing water down his throat. His mind began to plan his moves and what he needs to do to protect his small band of families. With his hands as the support, he moves his body to the edge of the wooden bed and let his feet touch the ground.

After ten seconds of charging his strength from his nonexistent energy, he stands up. With Xion standing all of sudden, Aleta had worried look pasted on her face.

"Anne, Jill, Jean, stay here and don't go anywhere. Big bro will go outside for a bit with big sis. Okay? Good. Let's go."

Leaving the three children inside the hut Aleta and Xion walk slowly leaving the comfort of the worn-out hut in the middle of the forest where many dangers lurk.

Aleta followed Xion step by step afraid he might fall at any moment. Xion look at the trees around the hut where he stepped out from. He still wondering how they brought him here. But one thing he knows he really needs to eat something to replenish his energy and power up his titan heart to heal his wound.

Excuse me for any error and please leave your comment or if there is any error in there (grammars or spelling or etc). have a nice day.

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