
God of Vengeance

Alvin Wong, a 12-year-old boy whose parents were killed by drug cartels was left to look after his 3-year-old sister all by himself in the world of heartlessness. He grew up planning to avenge their parent’s death and revenging his and his sister’s lost childhoods, he struggles to go to school while taking care of his sister and he trains himself in the way of weapons. Thirteen years later, he was now Oscar Wong, the CEO of Wong Robotics, the best robotics company in the entire of City Z. He also ran an underground mafia organization named The X.

HayZed · Anime & Comics
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

 "Tell all the shareholders, that I would be having a meeting with them at twelve noon today" Oscar Wong, a tall, handsome, well fit young man in his middle twenties said to his personal assistant. Oscar had black hair, pointed nose, blue irises and a cool manly voice. "Tell them not to waste my time, or else I'd throw them out of my company alongside their shares" he added coldly "yes sir" Mira Song, the P.A. said and bowed slightly before leaving to carry out the order.

 Oscar turned his swivel chair around to face the floor to ceiling window of his office which overlooked the city once Mira left the office, 'I promise you mom and dad, I would avenge you both' he thought to himself and smiled sadly then picked up a photo frame of his parents which he always placed on his desk "Lucy has grown up to become a beautiful, smart young lady, she is no longer the little baby girl you knew" he said to his parent's picture wiping the tears that were threatening to fall from his eyes, he sniffed back some more tears then dropped the frame before wiping his face then got back to work.


 It was already 12noon and Oscar was waiting for Mira to prepare a particular file so he could leave for the meeting, a few moments later, she walked in holding the file and she spoke up "I'm sorry for the delay sir, the photocopy machine made some errors on the papers and I had to correct them" she said a little scared that her stone cold boss might flare up and fire her. "Mm, as long as there are no more errors" he replied void of emotion "yes sir, no more errors" Mira said and breathed out a sigh of relief "let's go" Oscar said, standing up from his chair and left his office for the conference room with Mira tailing silently behind him.

 He took his private elevator and asked Mira to join him since she was going to the conference hall with him. Mira plastered herself in one corner of the elevator afraid she might annoy her boss, once the elevator reached the floor where the hall was situated, Mira felt relieved and hurried out of the elevator and waited for Oscar to step out as well.

 The shareholders were all patiently sitting round the conference table, waiting for Oscar to arrive. Meanwhile, Oscar was approaching the hall in slow steady steps which was a beautiful sight to behold but at the same time, intimidating. He entered the hall and the shareholders who were all old enough to be his father, stood up to greet him "Mr. Wong, why the need for such an urgent meeting" one of the shareholders who was a short, pot-bellied man asked restlessly "Mr. Yao, why don't you calm down and wait till I address this meeting" Oscar replied and he sat on the chair which was at the edge of the large conference table and he motioned for them to sit as well.

 Once they were all seated and the hall was silent, he motioned for Mira to distribute the files to each of the shareholders, once she dropped them, each and every one of them opened the file to go through it. They all looked at each other with disbelief and knew what would be coming next would be very unpleasant. "Which one of you signed a contract with Cha Tech?" Oscar asked coldly but got no answer and that infuriated him "who signed the damned contract?!!!" he asked for a second time with raised voice and hit the table real hard causing the shareholders to flinch.

 He stood up and strode calmly round the table and stopped behind Mr. Yao who was sweating profusely, the old man flinched and held his breath when he felt Oscar's hands on either side of his shoulders, and Oscar placed his head by Mr. Yao's head and slowly whispered in his ear in an intimidating manner "Mr. Yao, did you by any chance happened to be the one who signed it?" he asked "Mr. Wong, I did that because I thought the allegiance would benefit the company" the old man replied and swallowed hard causing Oscar to stand up straight and go back to his seat "benefit the company or benefit your personal interest?" he asked "cancel the contract or get ready to leave this company with all your shares" he added but spoke up again when the old man tried to speak "the same fate awaits whoever does anything behind my back" he said coldly and left the hall.

 "Cancel all my schedules for today and fix them for tomorrow" he said to Mira who was walking behind him "yes sir" she replied and he nodded then entered his personal elevator which took him straight to the parking lot and he drove home.


 Oscar parked his car in his garage then alighted from it before going into the giant mansion, he entered the living room and was surprised to his little sister sitting on the sofa when she was meant to be in school "little kitty, what are you doing at home when you're meant to be in school" he asked her calmly "big brother, I left school because the science teacher was pissing me off, he asked me to stand in front of the class" she said pouting and went to hug her brother who patted her head softly "Lucy, you still shouldn't have left. I'd warn him never to do that again or he'll face my wrath" he said to her and her face lit up "thank you big brother, I love you" she said and went up to her room.

 Oscar sat on the ash-colored sofa and looked round the living room; he then brought out his phone and scrolled through some pictures on it before dialing someone's number then placed it on his ear

'Any news about those guys yet?' he asked coldly

'Yes boss, they have been smuggling a lot of drugs lately. I think they've got new clients'

'Any ideas about who the new clients are?'

'No boss, but I'll try to keep tabs on them'


 He said then hung up before standing up to go to his room, he was going up the stairs when Lucy bumped into him "little kitty, where are you off to" he asked "sorry big brother, I was going to the kitchen to get some juice" she said rubbing her forehead which she hit on his rock hard chest "it's okay, next time you're going down the stairs, quit using your phone" he said and collected her phone then waving it in front of her face "sure big bro, now let me have my phone" she said and snatched her phone from him then ran out from his sight. "This little kitty" he said and smiled while shaking his head then went to his room.