
God of Tricksters

"God of Mischief is interested in you and wants you to be his emissary. Do you accept?" With blood and wounds covered his entire body, the voice echoing inside his mind was like that of a hope shining upon him. In the glorious future era, mankind had discovered the bottom of the sea and conquered the sky, but they also accidentally opened the Pandora box that shouldn't be opened. They found a place where lived numerous unknown creatures. Here, humans will wrest their lives to step upon their greatest evolution and create their own myths, including Theodore. Faced with betrayals, surrounded by beasts, and faced with imminent death, he answered with resolve and tenacity. "Yes!" ------- Other works: 1. I Can Read People's Comment 2. Oil Tycoon: Let's Find Oil in a Martial World 3. Gacha Sovereign (Completed) 4. The Magician of Sound (Completed) 5. Reincarnated to Bonk in Another World (Completed) ------- Discord Server: https://discord.gg/yFvfjxRQag

Fixten · Fantasy
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2135 Chs

Last Battle

"Theodore Griffith has a God Rank Blessing?"

"Having a clone that powerful, it's weird if he doesn't have it."

"His brain is also on par with Ignazio as both of them have been clashing in the entire competition."

"That's right. I wonder how many countries will approach him this time."

"We don't know. That depends on the next performance. Whether losing or winning, he will have two more rounds to compete after all."

Laust gradually opened his eyes after recalling what people's thought about Theo. Most of them were his imagination, but half of them had been discussed by Sheira out loud.

He couldn't help but clench his fist when he saw Theo looking at the screen with a calm expression as if he had expected the outcome of the fourth battle.

He never cared about Alea, whose head was on his lap. Instead, his focus remained on his blessing this whole time. Although he already knew about his blessing, no one knew about its rank and identity.