
God of Tricksters

"God of Mischief is interested in you and wants you to be his emissary. Do you accept?" With blood and wounds covered his entire body, the voice echoing inside his mind was like that of a hope shining upon him. In the glorious future era, mankind had discovered the bottom of the sea and conquered the sky, but they also accidentally opened the Pandora box that shouldn't be opened. They found a place where lived numerous unknown creatures. Here, humans will wrest their lives to step upon their greatest evolution and create their own myths, including Theodore. Faced with betrayals, surrounded by beasts, and faced with imminent death, he answered with resolve and tenacity. "Yes!" ------- Other works: 1. I Can Read People's Comment 2. Oil Tycoon: Let's Find Oil in a Martial World 3. Gacha Sovereign (Completed) 4. The Magician of Sound (Completed) 5. Reincarnated to Bonk in Another World (Completed) ------- Discord Server: https://discord.gg/yFvfjxRQag

Fixten · Fantasy
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2135 Chs

Dungeon Dive


"Theo!" Maya shouted, panicking. After all, the moment he was hit by the flame ball, the clone disappeared. At the same time, the spear in Theo's hand indicated him to be the real one. So, she was worried that Theo actually got injured.

Unfortunately for her, she was wasting her time. Another Theo suddenly appeared right in front of the Skeletal Warriors.

"!!!" The Skeletal Warriors were startled as they never saw this coming.

Theo waved his spear and cut the bottom part of the shields, including the Skeletal Warriors' feet.

In that instant, the Skeletal Warriors stumbled forward, and their heads hit the ground.

Theo took this chance to kill all three warriors in an instant.

The Skeletal Archers and Mages were confused, not understanding why Theo was still alive. The power of that black flame should be enough to kill Theo, yet, the latter was still alive.

They immediately aimed at the one they could see.