
Chapter 99: Laws And Restraint Part 2

Upon seeing the caller-I.D, Gordon didn't hesitate to pick up the call and move away from audible distance.

"Hello? I'm guessing you've just seen the news?" Gordon inquired in a helpless tone.

Arias's voice soon resounded on the other side. [ I have. Quite the turn of events. Considering the results your initiative has given, I didn't think the government would disapprove. If anything, I figured more cities would adopt the same method.]

Even though Arias was both surprised and upset over this sudden piece of news, he didn't show it as his tone remained casual as always.

He was still very calculative with his words. Referring to the initiative as Gordon's rather than his own. This was to lessen the doubts in Gordon's mind that Arias had more selfish reasons for everything he was doing.

And so far it was working, with Arias coming across as more of concerned friend than a superior despite his obvious pivotal role in everything that made the new Gotham what it is.

"I had thought so to." Gordon sighed and shook his head before adding. "Something definitely isn't right. I had hoped to have it sorted before the public could even hear about it but here we are. And as much as I hate to say it, our odds with the joker and other inmates aren't looking good."

Gordon was honest with his worries. Arias could tell Gordon now had some greater trust in him.

Although the situation was incredibly disadvantageous to him, Arias still saw the opportunity to turn it on its head.

[ Everything does seem too suspicious to be a coincidence, someone clearly prefers having Gotham be chaotic rather than peaceful. I don't see this going too well but… if you could give me 1 hour, I can pacify the situation. Too many lives are at stake, and if you just rush it they'll be casualties on both sides.]

Sounding like a living saint, Arias's words gave hope to Gordon. A part of him wanted to refuse but the facts laid before him couldn't be ignored.

Every scenario he could think of had no guarantee that the hostages would live. If Arias really did have a plan, why not allow him? Even if that meant bearing the responsibility himself.

"If you can really bring this nightmarish night to an end, I'll bear the responsibility." Gordon agreed sternly. He really did value the dream of a better and safer Gotham to a great extent.

But this was nothing more than an opportunity for Arias to add more honeyed words to the desperate commissioner.

[ I can't allow that commissioner. If you lose your position or worse get arrested, whoever wants Gotham more chaotic can simply put a corrupt commissioner in place. More importantly though, you have a daughter that still needs you. If anything goes wrong, it'll be on me, you just abide by the laws, even if that means arresting me.]

Before Gordon could answer, Arias cut the call. Leaving him feeling even more helpless but thankful at the same time.

Meanwhile, Arias, who was still in the main office of the Markovic tower was visibly upset after ending the call.

'Lex, so this is how you want to play it?'

Arias could think of no one else who would act in this manner towards him. He had a lot of enemies, but no one had the same amount of wealth and connections as Lex.

According to the information he had gained from Roulette, Lex had numerous senators working with him, as well as other important government officials. Some willingly, some not.

Whether or not his thoughts were accurate, Arias would find out later from Roulette. For now, he needed to handle this situation put before him.

Without wasting time, Arias took out his phone and called Diana, who picked up after a few seconds.

[ Greetings!] she yelled loudly.

"I can hear you just fine Diana, no need to shout…"

[ Apologies, I am still getting accustomed to this trinket. Your people's magic is quite impressive for everyone to possess one like this.]

"It's not… never mind. Listen Diana, there's something I need you to do…"

After calling Diana, called in Slade, who was standing just outside his office.

Immediately Slade walked in, Arias began giving instructions. "You and Harley…"

Slade listened attentively but after Arias was done, he couldn't help but express concern about something.

"Given the history between Harley and Joker, do you think it's a good idea to bring her?"

Arias could understand the concern but he had his own reasons. "It's precisely because of that history that I've asked you go with her. When the time comes to make the hard decision though, I'm counting on you to end her life should she choose wrongly."

Given the interactions Slade had observed, he felt that Arias had grown close to Harley. His willingness to easily dispose of her wasn't something he expected but he didn't voice his thoughts.

He instead let this act as a learning experience to the true nature of Arias, and as a warning to never grow too comfortable around him. "You can count on me."

With those words, Slade turned to leave the room but Arias had one final piece of instructions to give. "Oh, and be sure to leave enough gaps in the security that our assassin friends will make a move. I trust you not to make it so obvious."

Slade wanted to give a warning but he knew Arias was smart enough to know what he was doing. His main concern came from the fact that Arias had little knowledge of just how deadly the league of assassins could be.

"Consider it done."

Finally, Slade left. Leaving Arias only one more person to call, Barbara Gordon.


[ Oh, umm… hello Mr. Markovic. Is something-]

"Get to a computer and connect to the private servers. It's time for your first mission as a supporter. You'll know more once you do that."

Without giving her the chance to inquire more, Arias cut the call and heaved a sigh before looking out his large office windows.

'You're going to regret this Lex…'

Next chapter