
God Of The Game’s Life Throughout the multiverse!

It is highly recommended to read my first novel before reading this! The novel is called ’System Rebirth: The Godly Hunter’ There will be mentions of events that took place during it! If you don’t care then I hope you enjoy it! I stockpile my chapters and release them all at once so to those who see that my chapter release is 0 per week that is because I write for over a week and after 8-10 days I post everything I have written!! Unlike my first novel, this has a harem along with lemons (R-18) so you have been warned! ———————————————————————— What happens when a man who gained a system, became a God, adopted a daughter that’s happened to be a Dragon, is hated by multiverse laws that want to kill him, and saved his planet from mysterious dungeons that seemingly appeared out of nowhere? Well, nothing much really! He married the love of his life and even made her into a god alongside their adopted daughter and spent their lives together but let me ask the question again. What happens when the man’s family dies after he used every possible means of extending their life only to fail and live alone? Simple... He cried... He tried to kill himself to join them but was physically unable to die... He was forced to live on while his family died... The man continued to live on while being lonely, he didn’t want to marry another woman so he just waits... He waited till the very end. He waited and waited until the Multiverse finally couldn’t live on and started to die. The man was happy as he believed he would finally be able to die and go join his family. The man did join his family but it all came crashing down when she told him he wouldn’t be able to stay here. His wife and daughter watched over him all this time and noticed how lonely he was after they died so they demanded him to open his heart and to love others not only Them. The man soon received a notification from his system that caused him to begin yet another journey. A journey within a massive multiverse he always thought was fictional... Watch as the man moves on into another reality and lives his life within Video Games, Movies, Anime, Manga’s, Webtoon’s, Novels, and so much more! Enjoy his good moments and bad moments as he regains his Godhood from scratch while he begins a conquest on taking over the entire Multiverse! [ Congratulations On Completely The Game! Welcome to New Game + Please standby for reincarnation! Enjoy! ] ———————————————————————— Worlds so far. DARK SOULS unOrdinary ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

Harbenger · Video Games
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Gravelord Nito; Skipper Of Leg day! Gathering the remaining Lord Souls!

Armin looked around him and just continued to look at the surrounding Abyss, he soon turned to Sif who was constantly growling at the Abyss.

Armin: "I'm going to send you back to that field okay? I don't want you to get hurt while I absorb all of this."

Sif soon nodded his head giving Armin the signal to go ahead and do it, Armin placed his hand on the large wolf and used ID-Create to teleport the wolf there. After he did this he was once more alone, he sat down and spoke.

Armin: "Begin..."

As he finished talking Armin suddenly acted as if he was a black hole and started sucking The Abyss within himself. If his vision wasn't blocked due to The Abyss covering his entire body then he would have noticed the surrounding was slowly changing into a gray color.

Time slowly passed on and a serpent has awoken due to feeling the surrounding Abyss leaving the area. This serpent was of course Darkstalker Kaathe and he was incredibly confused as to why the surrounding Abyss was suddenly disappearing. He began to sense where it was all going and to his surprise, he found a person was absorbing it!

Darkstalker Kaathe knew that The Abyss would corrupt someone quite quickly if they weren't a special case and when he saw Armin was completely fine he couldn't help but believe he found a True Dark Lord to bring the Age Of Dark upon this world.

The serpent gladly waited for him to finish as he 'knew' he would be safe even if the person attacked him. While all of this was happening, within an unknown location a Goddess was sitting on her Holy Throne and was speaking to a mortal.

???: "So that virus killed me? Seriously? I literally stayed at home and never left so how could I have gotten that virus in the first place?"

Goddess: "I am very sorry but it seemed to have mutated into an airborne one, the doctors still haven't noticed it, and you were the first to die from it. I'm a Goddess and even I didn't expect it to do this so I'll give you an amazing opportunity!"

The man was saddened to learn that all his carefulness still didn't save him but he became interested in the so-called opportunity that the Goddess mentioned.

???: "What is this opportunity you speak of? Return to the past and warn everybody that the virus will mutate into an airborne one?"

Goddess: "Nope, I'm going to send you to another world! Have you ever heard of Dark Souls? Of course, you have! You were playing it when you caught the virus."

???: "Can't you just send me to a world full of girls instead? Why must it be Dark Souls? I don't really want to be sent into another world full of insanity..."

Goddess: "Hey it's either Dark Souls or Bloodborne and I'm giving you a better deal by sending you to a world that is less bloody."

???: "Do I at least get some wishes like all those novels I always would read?"

Goddess: "I'm not allowed to do this but... I'll give you a gamer system instead of a wish, how about that?"

???: "That would work, thank you Goddess but I still have a question. What do I have to do exactly? You're just sending me to another world with a level system but what do you get out of it?"

Goddess: "Enjoyment, I'll send you down there and I'll watch how you live your new life. When you beat it I will even let you travel to High School DXD as a reward!"

The man nodded his head causing the Goddess to smile and she sent him away. Once the man left the Goddess started laughing.

Goddess: "HAHA! I'm so glad I made that virus airborne! It lets me send more people to Dark Souls and the other Gods won't care unless it kills 10% of the human population!"

As she continued to laugh the man found himself within a cage but the door was already upon. He ended up exploring but found absolutely nothing! All of the hollows we're gone including both the bosses! The only strange thing he noticed was that one of the iron gates was blown open from the inside but he didn't think much of it.

The man continued his journey while Armin was finally finishing up absorbing The Abyss and he noticed a large serpent with a fleshy mustache was looked at him. Armin stood up and calmly walked over and spoke.

Armin: "What do you want? If you send me on some bullshit quest I'm going to kill you. I already have things to do so hurry up."

Even as he spoke with words that would make him appear as if he was annoyed he didn't feel it.

Darkstalker Kaathe: "Are you the True Dark Lord who wishes to bring the Age Of Dark? You are not undead and you can even absorb The Abyss without losing your mind."

Armin looked at himself and he honestly didn't know if he was the 'True Dark Lord' sure he was going to end the Age Of Fire but he would be leaving this word after completing his quest.

Armin: "If you are wondering if I'm going to link the flame then I'm not but this does not mean I'm going to be your 'Dark Lord'. I don't give a fuck about you and if you not here to stop me then I will be leaving."

Armin then turned around and noticed a few things with the first being that his aura was much thicker while the next was that now that The Abyss was no longer engulfing the room he noticed he was in a massive underground cave. As he left he heard the serpent behind him speak.

Darkstalker Kaathe: "You are the Dark Lord and I shall wait for the moment you bring forth the Age Of Dark. I'll tell the others of my discovery..."

Armin completely ignored the serpent and used the bonfire to teleport to Firelink Shrine. Once he arrived he made his way towards the graveyard and started killing a path towards the next boss. As Armin killed skeleton and skeleton he started remembering his old undead army.

He honestly didn't really have much use for them after he became a God but he continued to keep them around as it was a symbol. The skill that granted him the ability to summon his undead was one if not the first skill he received from the system.

While he was enjoying his memory's he reached a large open cave which slightly annoyed him when he first played the game. When he first played Dark Souls he had absolutely no clue where he was supposed to go and ended up dying multiple times trying to find the way.

But now was different, he didn't even need to pull the levers to make the bridges able to be walked upon. Instead, he literally jumped across! He didn't want to stay within this area forever in fact he was honestly getting bored of this universe. It was just the same thing over and over again.

Armin started running a fast as he could while killing whatever he found along the way. Each skeleton would only give him exactly 1.0 Stat Points and he killed 98 in total meaning he gained 98.0 stat points. Sure he could kill all the skeletons but he was tired of this and wanted to leave.

Eventually, he was finally standing in front of a fog gate to one of the weakest bosses in Dark Souls. When he stepped through he saw Pinwheel and when he saw his stats he could only sigh out due to how pathetic it was.

[ Combat Alert!


Rank: Normal

HP: 100% (0% Per Minute)

MP: 100% (5% Per Minute)


Strength: 12.0

Dexterity: 16.8

Vitality: 40.0

Agility: 18.2

Intelligence: 39.9

Wisdom: 13.9

Luck: 0.0


Skills: *Quick Fireball -Active-* *Cleansing Fireball -Active-* *Combustion -Active-* *Flamethrower -Active-* *Clone -Active-* *Vanish -Active-*


Quick Fireball: His six arms will glow and spin before firing it. This is easy to dodge with the right timing. This attack causes 291 damage!

Cleansing Fireball: Slower, a larger fireball that does more damage, though it takes Pinwheel longer to charge. Note that Pinwheel can also use this while jumping at a downward angle. This attack causes 326 damage!

Combustion: A close-range melee attack that does 'big' damage. Pinwheel will telegraph this by moving in close and begin spinning and igniting his arms. This attack deals 384 damage!

Flamethrower: 'Extremely powerful' mid-range attack. There is a long delay before this attack is executed. This attack deals 200 DPS for 5 seconds.

Clone: Pinwheel will spin in the air and give off a purple light before conjuring an identical clone of himself. The clones are exactly the same as Pinwheel and there's no easy way to distinguish one from the other without keeping track of the original. The clone can also use all of Pinwheel's attacks but will disappear instantly when hit. There is no known limit to how many clones Pinwheel can spawn.

Vanish: When the real Pinwheel is approached, he may attempt to flee by disappearing, leaving the enemy at the 'mercy' of his clones. A short time later he will reappear in a fashion similar to the spawning of the clones. ]

Armin: "You really are pathetic... This is like a max level character restarting with all his equipment and stats and fighting the tutorial boss..."

When he spoke Pinwheel turned around and started attacking but Armin literally walked right through them and when he reached the boss it tried to vanish but before it could Armin punched him in the face which insta-killed the poor boss.

[ Soul Remnants of Pinwheel is attempting to enter Host's Soul... Purging possible side effects...

100.0 Stat Points Gained. ]

As the boss died he left a glowing orb and when Armin picked it up he received two items.

[ Rite Of Kindling

Description: This secret rite allows bonfires to be bolstered further with Kindling so that even more Estus can be collected. Kindling was a sacred rite passed down among clerics, but all Undead can imitate the process in the same manner that they restore their Hollowing with humanity. How peculiar that humans had found little use for humanity until they turned Undead. ]

[ Mask Of The Father

Description: One of the three masks of the Pinwheel, the necromancer who stole the power of the Gravelord, and reigns over the Catacombs. This mask, belonging to the valiant father, slightly raises equipment load.

Defense: 8.0 ]

Armin: "Well now I can cosplay as Giant Dad if a get the weapon and Armor but as for the Rite Of Kindling... It is completely useless to me... Time for another terrible area..."

Armin then headed for the Tomb Of Giants and he attempted to cast Dawn Of Light but noticed he was unable to use it. In fact, he couldn't use any of his skills besides his transformation ones. As he was about to ask the System why he could use his skills the system already spoke.

[ While transformed you are unable to use skills that are not apart of your transformation. ]

Armin then closed his eyes and started to deactivate his transformation. His clothes started to disintegrate only to be replaced with his clothes he wore before transforming and his hair started to become shorter while turning back into a golden color.

Armin: "Well, that was weird. It's strange suddenly being able to feel emotions again but I honestly didn't care but whatever."

Armin started casting Dawn Of Light once more at full power as he wanted to know if skeletons were considered creatures of Darkness. Once the spell was ready he powerfully clapped his hands together as an explosion of light engulfed everything around him.

He noticed a small amount of XP was gained so he was right about the skeletons being considered a creature of darkness. He also gained 200.0 stat points but he just let it sit with the rest bringing his total amount to 3,760.3 Stat Points.

Armin started casting Dawn Of Light once more but at low power so he could see his surroundings better. He began running at a normal speed and even skipped the 'hidden' bonfire and started making his way towards Gravelord Nito.

After a while of running, he found some skeletons that were outside of the range of his spell and started killing them. The deeper he got the more that appeared and eventually found the Pinwheel copy's along with multiple skeleton baby's.

Armin: "Never really understood why these are even a thing but I'll just guess you all are baby killers."

Even without being in his transformation, he insta-killed all the other versions of Pinwheel along with the skeleton baby's that were trying to attack him. After killing all the undead around him he was looking down a hole that would bring him to Nito. Armin once again entered Annihilation Maker and jumped down into the boss arena. He dashed towards the left as a large sword came out of the ground but it was to slow for Armin to become worried. After a few moments, he finally saw Nito and checked his stats.

[ Combat Alert!

Gravelord Nito; The First Of The Dead

Rank: Rare

HP: 100% (0% Per Minute)

MP: 100% (30% Per Minute)


Strength: 10,000.0

Dexterity: 6,711.4

Vitality: 22,000.0

Agility: 5,890.6

Intelligence: 3,990.0

Wisdom: 1,001,9

Luck: 49.0


Skills: *Slam -Active-* *Thrust -Active-* *Swing -Active-* *Gravelord Greatsword -Active-* *Miasma -Active-* *Death Grip -Active-*


Slam: Nito slowly raises his weapon, then slams it into the ground. Difficult to block, but can be easily dodged. Also, Nito pauses for a few moments afterward, leaving him open to attacks. This attack causes 5,000 + Strength!

Thrust: Nito thrusts forward with his sword. Can be blocked or dodged, this attack causes 3,500 + Strength damage!

Swing: Nito swings his sword horizontally. Can be blocked or rolled under, this attack deals 3,000 + Strength damage!

Gravelord Greatsword: Only used by Nito when the enemy is either far away from him, or when they are out of sight range. After a scream, Nito plunges his sword into the ground, where it emerges from underneath the enemy, causing toxic buildup along with decent damage of 25,000!

Miasma: After pausing to charge the attack, Nito will expel a wave of darkness in all directions, causing Magic damage and Toxic buildup. It deals 8,000 magic DPS for 5 seconds it the enemy remains within!

Death Grip: Nito's hand glows red, whilst also attempting to grab the enemy. If successful, it deals a great deal of damage to the enemy. This attack deals 20,000 + Strength damage! ]

Armin didn't bother with the boss and used his ultimate attack while Nito attempted to use his own. Sadly for Nito, he was just too weak compared to Armin while he is transformed. As the Abyssal Wall reached Nito he passed right through causing him to stop for a moment while collapsing the next.

As the boss died he noticed his cloak disappeared and he was able to see his body clearly. His upper body was just a mass of skeletons while his lower body was just two skinny boned legs making Armin wonder how he could even walk...

[ Congratulations on defeating Gravelord Nito! ]

[ The Lord Soul of Nito is attempting to fuse with Hosts Soul... Purging possible side effects... New Item Gained!

1,000.0 Stat Points Gained! ]

[ Cloak Of Miasma

Description: This was once a cloak belonging to Gravelord Nito, due to the system the cloak has received special properties!

Defense: 45.0

1st Special Ability: Energy transformation, the Host is able to infuse any time of energy within the cloak causing it to appear as said energy. (Cloak Of Fire, Cloak Of Light, Cloak Of The Abyss, and so on.)

2nd Special Ability: All attacks from behind only deal 50% of their normal damage! ]

Armin became interested in the item he received but was also wondering why he didn't receive a skill.

[ Upon defeating special enemies you could receive anything from them including skills and items. Your luck stat does not affect what you could receive and this time you receive an item. ]

Armin nodded his head and equipped the cloak, once it was on it looked exactly the same as when Nito had it on but he then infused it with Abyssal Energy causing it to turn completely black with black smoke floating off it. He then tried fire and as expected it became a cloak of fire, luckily it doesn't hurt him because that would have been stupid.

Next was the cloak of light and when he infused light energy he received something unexpected. He received a pure white halo on top of his head and couldn't help but smile. He quickly deactivated his transformation skill and returned to normal while purchasing a cheap pure white holy robe and put it on.

Armin: "I am a pure being, No need to fear me people haha. I've come to guide you all on the path of my God haha."

[ Pure being? *Cough* Chaotic Evil Alignment *Cough* ]

Armin suddenly felt like coughing up blood when reading this and spoke.

Armin: "Your glitching again, I am Chaotic Neutral..."

[ We both know that's not true Mr. Priest ]

When he read this he suddenly had an urge to kill something and he had the perfect target, he quickly used the bonfire and teleported to Quelaag's domain because he was going to kill the Witch Of Izalith or Chaos Bug or whatever it is.

Once he arrived he remembered he was still dressed up in a stupid outfit and quickly changed back into his normal clothes while activating Annihilation Maker.

He also switched his cloak back into Abyssal Cloak and made his way towards the Witch. Along the way, he ran into a fire version of Asylum Demon but it stood absolutely no chance and 'offered' Armin 500.0 stat points.

He began slaughtering everything in his path and quickly made his way towards the target. Soon he was standing in front of a downwards slide/path(?) and without even waiting a second he jumped in and started sliding down. Armin made his aura destroy the surrounding branches along with way down and once he reached the bottom he quickly checked the awakening boss.

[Combat Alert!

Bed Of Chaos

Rank: Rare

HP: 100% (0% Per Minute)

MP: 100% (50% Per Minute)


Strength: 8,000.0

Dexterity: 8,698.1

Vitality: 0.1

Agility: 0.0

Intelligence: 35,050.8

Wisdom: 12,438.9

Luck: 0.0


Skills: *Double Swipe -Active-* *Slam -Active-* *Fire Pick -Active-* *Double Fire Pick -Active-* *Volcanic Chaos -Active-* *Flaming Mass Spread -Active-* *Flame Aura -Active-*


Double Swipe: The Bed of Chaos will use this attack as the enemy nears the middle area. Its left hand will swipe across the floor and subsequently do the same with its right hand. This attack can be blocked, but consumes a large amount of stamina, making the second attack harder to block.

Slam: It will raise its hand up into the air and then slam it onto the ground. An enemy can avoid this attack by running away from the arm before it hits the floor.

Fire Pick: After destroying one root, the Bed Of Chaos will gain an arm made of fire. The Bed Of Chaos attacks by hitting the floor and then digging in a straight line towards itself. You can avoid this attack by running or rolling to the side as it only travels in a straight line. It can be blocked, but a shield with high resistance to fire is recommended.

Double Fire Pick: After destroying the second root, the Bed Of Chaos will gain a second arm made of fire. This attack will use both arms to attack, but can still be avoided in the same way.

Volcanic Chaos: The Bed Of Chaos can only use this attack after both roots are destroyed. It will begin to make flames appear in the area from which it then erupts, causing heavy fire damage. When the surroundings begin to flame up, one must remain in the areas where flames do not appear in order to safely avoid this attack.

Flaming Mass Spread: The Bed Of Chaos uses this attack very rarely when one or both roots are destroyed. It will charge inward and then expand, sending multiple flaming projectiles both in the direction of the enemy and around them.

Flame Aura: Used if the enemy lingers at the mouth of the Tree Beast without going inside. The Fire Aspect crosses its arms and then swings them open after a distinctive shriek, engulfing the entire area in fire. Hits multiple times. ]

Armin didn't even bother making his way towards the side of the arena but instead walked straight towards the middle. After getting close enough he powerfully slammed his food down destroying the floor granting him access to the true body. Shortly after walking down he looked at a large bug and just kicked it. Soon after he received a notification.

[ Congratulations on defeating the Witch Of Izalith/Chaos Bug/Bed Of Chaos! ]

[ Lord Soul is attempting to fuse with Hosts Soul... Purging possible side effects... New Energy Gained!

1,000.0 Stat Points Gained! ]

[ Chaos Energy is evolving Fire Mage into Chaos Mage!

Chaos Mage (MAX) -Active-: Due to having complete control over Chaos Energy all Fire Spells have changed into Chaos versions of themselves along with a new skill!

Fire Bolt -> Chaos Bolt

Fire Scatter Bolt -> Chaos Scatter Bolt

Inferno Shot -> Chaotic Inferno Shot

Flamethrower -> Chaotic Flamethrower

Flame Wall -> Chaos Wall

Flame Mine -> Chaos Mine

Hellfire Ball -> Hell's Chaos Ball

Field Of Chaos (1/100) -Active-: The Host is able to place a field of pure chaos energy around himself damaging any enemy over time!

Range: 10 feet (+2)

DPS: 1,000 for 10 seconds. (+1,000) ]

After Armin looked over his evolved skills he was mostly disappointed as they didn't have much of an increase in damage or range. All it did was leave puddles of lava giving all his spells fire spells DPS effects. Field Of Chaos however did meet up with his standards, once it was maxed it would create a 208-foot field of chaos Fire that would deal 100,000 damage each second!

After looking over everything he opened up the System and checked it quest he received when he first arrived within Dark Souls.

[ Soul Eater!

Nito, First Of The Dead (Collected)

Soul of Gravelord Nito, first of the dead. This Lord Soul was discovered at the dawn of the Age of Fire. Gravelord Nito administers the death of all manner of beings. The power of his soul is so great that it satiates the Lordvessel, despite the fact that much of its energy has already been offered to death.

Which Of Izalith/Bed Of Chaos (Collected)

Soul of the Bed of Chaos and the mother of all demons. This Lord Soul was found at the dawn of the Age of Fire. The Witch of Izalith attempted to duplicate the First Flame from a soul but instead created a distorted being of chaos and fire. Its power formed a bed of life which would become the source of all demons and is more than enough to satiate the Lordvessel.

Gwyn, Lord Of Sunlight (Not Collected)

Soul of Gwyn, Lord of Sunlight and Cinder, who linked the First Flame. Lord Gwyn bequeathed most of his power to the Gods and burned as cinder for the First Flame, but even so, Lord Gwyn's soul is a powerful thing indeed

Seath The Scaleless (Not Collected)

Soul of the albino dragon, Seath the Scaleless. A fragment of a Lord Soul discovered at the dawn of the Age of Fire. Seath allied with Lord Gwyn and turned upon the dragons; for this, he was awarded Dukedom embraced by the royalty, and given a fragment of a great soul. Although just a piece, it will still satiate the Lordvessel.

Four Kings (Collected)

Soul of one of the Four Kings, who fell to the Dark. A fragment of a Lord Soul discovered at the dawn of the Age of Fire. Lord Gwyn recognized the foresight of these four great leaders of New Londo and granted them their ranks and the fragments of a great soul. Although this is not a full Lord Soul, it can still satiate the Lordvessel.

Furtive Pygmy (Not Collected)

The Pygmy's are within the Ringed City created by Lord Gwyn. The Pygmy's hold the Dark Soul.

Artorias, The Abyss Walker (Collected)

Soul of Lord Gwyn's Knight Artorias, who was consumed by the Abyss. The Legend that Artorias repelled the Abyss only told half of the story. It seems that he was defeated, and his honor preserved, by some unsung hero, who is the true victor over the Abyss.

Manus, Father Of The Abyss (Collected)

Soul of Manus, Father of the Abyss. This extraordinary soul is a viscous, lukewarm lump of gentle humanity. Ancient Manus was clearly once human. But he became the Father of the Abyss after his humanity went wild, eternally seeking his precious broken pendant.

Due to having a Void Core, The Host will receive no side effect when fusing with Special Souls. ]

Armin: "So I only need three more... Gwynevere might know where to find The Ringed City and if not then I'm sure I could find directions in Anor Londo. Guess I'll go kill a dragon and save Gwyn for last..."

Suddenly he had an idea and asked the system a question.

Armin: "Will I be unable to collect a Lord Soul if I'm too far away or can you collect it no matter the distance? I know normal souls will vanish but since the Lord Souls are tried to the quest do I automatically collect them?"

[ Due to them being tried to the quest I am able to collect them but I will be required to be nearby in any kind of form. ]

Armin: "Party members count right?"

[ Of course! ]

Armin could help but smile and used ID-Create to enter the Demonic Dungeon. He also noticed Kalameet has already reached floor 167 and when he arrived he saw the black dragon finishing off the boss.

Once Kalameet noticed Armin's arrival he flew over and landed in front of him and spoke.

Kalameet: "You reek of the Abyss and I can see that you are using it without being corrupted so I won't bother asking about it. This place has far exceeded my expectations, I am still much stronger but they are catching up with each floor I go up. I also feel slightly stronger."

Armin: "I won't sugarcoat what I'm about to say so I'll be direct, do you want to kill the dragon who betrayed his own kind? Seath the scaleless betrayed are kind by working with Gwyn and all the dragons are almost dead."

Kalameet suddenly went quite but Armin could tell he was enraged.


Armin: "I'll go ahead and explain what I can.

Envy and bitterness; words used to describe Seath's betrayal of his own kind; for unlike his brethren, Seath was born without the stone scales of the Everlasting Dragons. But with the help of Gravelord Nito and the Witch of Izalith, and Gwyn, the Lord of Cinder, Seath brought his own race to the brink of extinction, with many believing him to be the last of his kind.

As a reward for his service, Gwyn anointed Seath the title of "Duke" and gave him permission to build a grand archive where he could continue his research into his long-held desire for immortality. This archive would come to be known as "The Duke's Archives". Along with these gifts, Gwyn also bestowed a shard of his Lord Soul upon him.

After much research, Seath finally achieved his goal of immortality through the discovery of the Primordial Crystal. However, the discovery did not come without a price. As the albino dragon delved deeper and deeper into his research, his mind began to fade, and by the time he had achieved his goals, he had descended into madness.

Becoming more and more paranoid, Seath locked himself away in the archives, fearing the other lords would attempt to steal his immortality for themselves. Barricaded within the archives, he sent his Channeler servants far and wide across the land to kidnap fair maidens and the undead for his experiments.

Basically, find his crystal in the crystal fields nearby The Dukes Archives and he will come to you in rage. "

Armin then told him the exact location and sent him out of the dungeon. After he sent him away he spoke.

Armin: "Kalameet should easily be able to kill him so now I just have to go talk to Gwynevere..."

He then deactivated his transformation and went home, once he arrived he gave a warm smile as his family jumped towards him. He soon spoke.

Armin: "We will be leaving this world soon but I need some information from you Gwynevere. Do you by chance know where The Ringed City is because I need to go kill the Pygmy's to get the Dark Soul."

Gwynevere: "I do actually! My terrible father would often speak of that place and out of curiosity I look the place up within the Royal Library! Gwyn had it built on the 'edge of the world' and it is a about a thousand miles east of Anor Londo. Within my father's chamber is a special bonfire that can take you directly to the Pygmy's as he would often 'keep an eye' on them."

Armin was surprised by this information and quickly said his thanks but before he could leave she quickly grabbed his arm.

Gwynevere: "Hehe, that information wasn't free you know. I haven't had you to myself yet hehe."

Please write a review! It helps me a lot!

We will be leaving Dark Souls soon and I going to take a break when I finish this Arc. I've been writing a TON and I have already written just about the same amount as my first novel!


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