
Recruitment In Progress

Karisa then spoke explaining what was happening with what she just said, saying it in a calm tone of voice " I know that you would think that our lord may be going to probably try to exterminate us but truth be told that won't happen"

"At first we may have been scared when they brought in our lord back then as an outsider but because it was considered that he would probably die if no one had helped and with that happening we chose to house him until he got better thinking that he won't do anything to us since we saved his life"

" And in the end not only did we save his life but he said he could help us make a place for ourselves and gave us that fairy flower powder that you have right there, so when he revealed himself as a God we were pessimistic about the situation as gods loathed us and most likely they new Gods as well"

" So when we found out that he didn't resent us we were happy but it was what he said next that gave us hope that one day we don't need to hide, as he said that he was thrown away as well maybe we don't understand why but we feel that all the things done by him we're grateful for."

" The ground is barren, there is barely any food to hunt without being hunted, and praying hard enough to the so-called gods that are revered to help us he asked us if we wanted to build a true place we could call home instead of us living our lives withering away due to our circumstances"

" And we were reluctant as we had nothing of worth or a speck of knowledge to do what our lord had said because we were afraid of expectations but he showed us that as long as we put out work we can make it as if you compared the settlement from Bedford you would find a huge difference in it"

" That is why we're loyal to him as god and a person he provided us with food knowledge to build things that obscure our perception of normalcy and even healed everyone which allowed them to become healthier so we were quite happy but now he needs more help to build this Utopia and he even said that when we arrive back with help the so-called vehicles that will help our lives out will be built"

" So this is why I'm here today to ask if you want to join our settlement with these people so we can reach our goals because it's not only your settlement as our lord said that he would recruit other settlements in the future that's why I went here first as my father said that he knew you much better than other settlement chiefs"

Karisa finished speaking her thoughts out loud to convince old man Ivan to migrate to their place to complete her mission especially when old man Ivan mentioned that other settlements were displaced here meaning that instead of traveling all over the place she could complete her mission earlier than expected and could come back to her original settlement.

Old man Ivan listen to what she said and thought that it was true what the newborn god told her that their lands are barren, hunting down food is a hassle as you could become found for something else, and praying to those that resent them will not allow them to prosper as they want nothing to do with us.

But the puzzling thing was why had they thrown away a newborn god I remembered that they were only 14 rays of light in the sky so he understood why no one knew about the young god and because they abandoned him in that forest even if he was a newborn god he would most likely be ripped to shreds as without time to grow.

Just like how a blacksmith might craft a powerful and stunning sword beyond compare the fact is that if you don't know how to use a sword from the get-go and chose to still get it, It would be comparable to a regular sword heck if a professional swordsman used the worst sword imaginable even a broken one you would die at the hands of it even with a sword of such power in the hands of a novice.

But all I have to say is that this young god is truly lucky that he has settled in their place and now has time to develop his powers and grow but it still irks me if what this little girl said was true that means he knows what he's doing. With old man Ivan in thought he pondered on if something was wrong with him as that's why he was thrown away so old man Ivan asked Karisa " How long as he settles in your village I'm just wondering"

Hearing the question Karisa had " A little over two weeks maybe why" Karisa answered the question confused then old man Ivan asked about the flower and Karisa said " Oh the flower he created it after a day to save a little girl by the name of Yule in the settlement and gave us seeds to plant the flowers to have them on the stock they do take a while to grow though so he had to give us some he had made grown into their full form to us for use"

Hearing all of this the old man was shocked to hear that it only took a day to make the thing that he just used but what was shocking is at that time it was before others became his followers and he was even injured and I'm sure his Divine energy was low but he still manages to create something like this.

Old man Ivan then asked, " Then what about the things he asked and you helped to build, did he use his Divine Energy or something magical to build it". Ivan was wondering as if he used it meant that his potential in using his powers are very powerful but then Karisa answered " No he didn't use anything like that other than using it to make tools for us like axes and wheelbarrows shovels, carving knives which had to be operated by hand as well as taught us how to make a special thing called cement and molds which he used to help make cement blocks which we used to make something called a kiln and two forges which were built with unique tools so other than that nothing"

Hearing this old man Ivan felt that he was going to have a heart attack he built tools to make these things instead of using his divine powers and not only that taught them how to construct things and even helped them in doing so.

This challenges his interpretation of gods as if someone becomes a god they become haughty and prideful and their divinity affects their personality as well but one of the things he knows is that Gods don't do dirty work like what Karisa said even crafting gods don't like helping a lot they just give guidance or maybe a tidbit of powers so as for mortals like them to not trouble them.

This changed his view on the little god and now he's more interested in actually settling over as this could be seen as an opportunity of a lifetime because Ivan was sure that he did not know how much luck they all had used up to have a God like this to be on their side and with his help we may be able to form our kingdom and never have to deal with any worries.

Freedom all around everyone having happy faces and as much food as they can eat without having to worry about being gunned down by those groups of fanatics that only know to listen to their gods to hunt down their kind for centuries now but heck who cares now I'll like to see them when our empire is established and our god rises in power.

Ivan was thinking all of these thoughts with a huge smile on his face showing his teeth off and mumbling some obscure words like food, happy, and laying down this was until Karisa lightly coughed and Old man Ivan blushed as he had completely forgotten that there were others around so he quickly calmed himself and said.

" Well I agree to your proposal but can you tell me your Lord's name" Karisa heard this and said his name with pride saying " Our lord's name is Niles Solaris Lunas Technos the one that will make us a Technological empire as he has claimed on his name"

Hearing the name Old Man Ivan had to say it was indeed domineering and sounded like something that you should respect and him knowing their possible future lord was happy at the moment until he thought of the problem that might jeopardize the little gods' rise to power.