
God Of Slaughter

Growing up parentless, Shi Yan, who was left with a large amount of inheritance money, bore a general disinterest in life. The only times he felt alive was when adrenaline coursed thorough his veins. He quickly found that extreme sports, bungyjumping, cave diving & skydiving, gave him the biggest kicks. The bigger the adrenaline kick, the closer he was to death, the more alive he felt. Waking up in a pile of dead bodies in an unknown land, after a diving adventure had ended disastrously, he quickly realizes the body he now possessed was not his own. Follow Shi Yan as he explores this new world where danger lurks around every corner, and death is only a breath away; a world in which Shi Yan could not feel any more alive.

Ni Cang Tian · Eastern
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1618 Chs


Translator: Sigma_ Editor: Hitesh_

After her words, everybody else gazed at Shi Yan.

Not only were Da Lei and Da Meng startled, but Du Feng, Bergh, and the other warriors following Princess Zi Yao also discolored in shock.

Only Princess Zi Yao could maintain her natural composure. She smiled charmingly. "I've planned to assign that quota to him. Recently, he's done many things for me. And, all that I've done is to contribute to the Empire. So, it can be said that he has contributed his efforts to the Empire too."

Da Lei's face was cold. His blade-like eyes scanned Shi Yan over and over.

Shi Yan felt a vague pain wherever the other's eyes glided over his body. It seemed that his soul also got attacked by needles, causing an annoying pain that he made him want to die to end it.

Shi Yan was frightened. His visage changed while he was accumulating his energy to prepare himself discreetly.