1 A New World

Chapter 1:A New World

Jiang Tao was an office worker in Hebei Province. He was 34 years old, he was a geek and was interested in a variety of areas of the entertainment industry: music, movies, computer games, TV series, anime, books, comics, using a VPN, he viewed a variety of works from all over the world. Even as a young man, he dreamed of becoming a superstar in one of these styles, but had a fatal flaw for realizing his ambitions — he was interested in too many, because of which he could not succeed in anything. You can't be a musician, a writer, an actor, a director, cyber sportsman at the same time and achieve real heights in everything.

Gradually, the guy's ambitions faded, he became a man, got a job, got a good apartment, but did not forget about his hobbies and constantly monitored the information field. A couple of years ago, he met a girl, they were happy together, they wanted to have a child and had already chosen a date for the wedding, but a month before the wedding, she was diagnosed with blood cancer, and 2 months ago she died from this unfortunate disease.

Jiang Tao was broken, he quit his job, sold the apartment, because it reminded him of the lost happiness, of everything that he could have, but would never be again.

He began to rent a small room on the outskirts of the city, drinking from day to day and plunging deeper into listening to various music, watching movies, reading comics and manga, and so on, occasionally thoughts of suicide visited his head, but he did not allow these thoughts to multiply and stopped them in the bud.

Yesterday he was playing a new video game from the once-beloved developer studio — Ubersoft, but for ten years now their games have ceased to be at least something good, resembling a soulless conveyor that works exclusively for money, and the whole industry as a whole was not particularly different from this. The music industry was also beginning to die, according to the guy, people no longer cared about the semantic or at least emotional message of the song, only the empty sound became important. Chinese films often came out bland, with the exception of the works of generally recognized masters, and world cinema, in particular Hollywood films, which used to be synonymous with quality, were spoiled by a liberal agenda with attempts to rewrite history. The guy was sitting at the table and thought — At what point did everything go wrong?

— Maybe 20 years ago? Oh, what a difference it already makes! I'd better have another drink! — With such thoughts, Jiang Tao got up from his computer and wandered to the refrigerator, taking out another bottle of strong liquor. He did not bother with trifles and poured a whole glass, after which he drank it in one gulp and immediately poured the liquor again.


He fell to the floor, and his eyes went dark.

— Damn it, how my head hurts! You shouldn't have drunk so much! — the guy thought, waking up. But when he opened his eyes, he was not met by the musty smell that reigned in his rented room, and even the room itself was not there. He was in a completely unfamiliar environment. Suddenly, he began to remember what happened, but not to him, but to this hewing, who was also born on the same day and month as Jiang Tao, the difference was only in the year of birth and place, the local Jiang Tao was born in Michigan, USA. Now he was 23 years old, and it was 2005.

— Stop! 2005? Does this mean that I was reborn into this Jiang Tao in the past, in America? — Jiang Tao whispered to himself in shock. But soon, even more, unexpected memories surfaced in his memory — this was not the world where Jiang Tao came from. Until the end of the Second World War, the development of mankind was mostly identical, with rare exceptions, which Jiang Tao did not yet know about. But after the end of the Second World War, innovative scientific works were discovered on the top-secret bases of the Third Reich, on the basis of which the Allies and the Soviet Union were able to make incredible leaps in materials science, the semiconductor field and some other areas.

But the people who were famous in the past world of Jiang Tao either did not exist here at all, or they went another way and were not so famous. This means that the guy had a huge library of art stored in his head, which no one in this world had ever seen, but there was a problem, even if he remembered many songs, you need to have vocal data and knowledge of arrangement to create a simple copy, there is no question of improving the original, and it was at this moment that a mechanical voice sounded in Jiang Tao's head.

— Starting system initialization... Progress 3%... 4%... 5%... — a filling strip appeared in front of him.

— Wow! Don't tell me I'm dreaming! It's a system, just like in those novels that I read in my youth! — the guy was really afraid that what was happening was a dream. He understood that if everything that was happening was real, then he was doomed to success. He knew that no matter how "useless" the system was, it was still priceless. Only an idiot would complain about the luck that fell from the sky.

— He is a good man who can receive a gift well! I can't believe that some of the heroes of those novels complain about the "useless" system! — the guy said out loud.

The guy decided to wait until the initialization of the system is completed, but this does not mean that he will waste time, no, he systematizes the memories received from his hewing.

— Oh, my God! Apparently, some god took pity on me and decided to give me a gift! — Jiang Tao was really happy when he found out that he now lives in Los Angeles and is studying at the University of Cinema in his final year. And all the knowledge that the former Jiang Tao received went to the current one. The guy knew that he had no chance of failure with such initial data. At this moment, the system issued a squeak and the strip reached the very end, after which a voice rang out: — The system of the Last Wish is activated! Greetings to the host, Jiang Tao! — and immediately a screen with different text appeared in front of the guy:

Host: Jiang Tao


Film direction 6

Acting skills 4

Animation 3

Wheel of Fortune


Number of system points: 0 points

That's all.

— Well, not a rich system for all sorts of different things! But what is there! Can I communicate with the system to ask about what is happening? — Jiang Tao said.

— Yes, the host can communicate with the system, it is not even necessary to speak out loud for this, the system can read the host's thoughts. — the same mechanical voice answered.

— What is the Last Wish System and why do I have it? Oh, right! Why was I reborn in this world? — Jiang Tao started asking questions.

— The Last Wish system selects the carrier based on his karma at the last moment of life, after which it helps the carrier to fulfil his last wish. The last owner of the system recently died of old age and the system was looking for a new owner, whose mandatory characteristic should be a large amount of good karma, but he continued to be unlucky. — the system replied.

— So I'm unlucky and that's why I was lucky that I got this system? — The Jiang Tao system processed the answer and asked.

— You can say that! — the system agreed with his interpretation.

The guy thought about it…

— System, are there any opportunities that I do not know about? — the guy asked, naturally interested in the capabilities of the system.

— Yes, the system has many hidden features that the owner can't use yet, at the moment there are two features that are not specified in the system menu: Accelerated learning and Increased concentration. The first can help you instantly absorb information from the book for System points. The second option can also be used for system points, but there is also a daily free quota of 1 hour. As the name of the second feature makes clear, it increases your concentration. — the system told.

— First I need to finish the film academy, and the last owner of the body did not even choose the final project. — the guy thought about what he should take off.

Since he was studying to be a director, his final project should be a film that he will shoot, but the guy did not want to shoot a low-budget short film, so he began to dig in his head in search of films with a low budget, but large fees and recognition, since the best film among the diploma works can apply for rental from one of the sponsors of the film academy. The only question is which film should be chosen.
