
The pitiful person

Zhou Zhang MC age 22 with handsome and beautiful face. Universty student with top grades and good lifestyle witch every normal person want.His mom runs as pancakeshop so there is no hard time in

his life.One day when Zhou Zhang was going home suddenly hear cries and screem of a girl. When he saw the girl was surrounded by four guys and straggling to break from two guys which were holding her hands and legs. Zhou Zhang which never seen these type suddenly didnt what to do

and immediately call police. police come in two minutes due to police station was near the place by which he was able rescue the girl.When four guys were going with police there was one person with them he was son of

billionaire Liu yang. Liu ling who was known for pervert,psycho. he done many crimes and ruin many due to his lust.When Liu ling come out of the jail he swore he would that who call the police

due Liu lang power his son was able to come out from jail in two days.On the other Zhou Zhang was preparing for his exams and forgot about the thing he had done to liu ling.Just as he was studying his mother came and said angrly "Zhou how many times i have say to you dont at late at night

it will not good for heart".Zhou Zhang who in med of studying startle upon loud and angry voice. Zhou Zhang said guiltily "hehe mom tomorrow is my final exam thats why i am studying late at night as i said i will make you happiest mother in the world when i get certificate from University and get a good job"as he said that his mother couldnt help but move to tears as soon as he born his father died in accident,whenever he go children mock by saying "hey hey look look he is the one without father"but he still ignore them and work harder than anyone get top grades in every subjects by staying awake late at nights he work harder than anyone else. Every young man nowadays has girlfriends but he didnt even have whenever i told him but he reject it saying"I have mom which is enough for me if you want me to marry someone then you have to find it because i am very busy and when i become 25 year old.Then i will marry thats my decision. Shaking her feng li come out from her son room while thinking about her son.In the of the forest there was large mansion where person was siting on the sofa reading document while smiling wickedly as he said"so that the son of the bitch by which i was arrested"as he said he start laughing crazily "HAHAHAHAHA"this person is no doubt Liu ling which was arrested by police.When was sent out of the jail he was taunted people and beaten from his father due to his action company shares were going down.He was burning with hatred and thinking by which scoundrel i have to go through this

and start investigate and found that person was top student of Hilin University Zhou Zhang . In the middle of the road there was Zhou Zhang running and jumping happiliy because he got top score in final examination was to graduate.He wants to tell this news to his mother very soon.as come to his home and open it come was about to say this suddenly he saw something which was cover red cloth and tried to remove it there was black box and something was written on it"HAPPY DEAD DAY" by reading this Zhou Zhang started to run from his house but it was to late. BOOM the house was blasted along with him but he keep thinking who and why because he never make enemy of them just as he was thinking suddenly he awake seeing his surrounding from left to right but there was nothing except poor house people worn out clothes and the feeling the he was getting was like he was in gutor.then Zhou Zhang thought didnt i die why i am in this place as he move his hand he

was shook just like he saw some ghost his were small just like seven years old.then he touch his face which small and smooth. as he lose in his thoughts there come a person who was also same age as him as he said you are really pitiful even though you find 10 years flower rainbow but was snatch by those adults son of bitch and beaten you up like that if not for my sister and i caring you would die in the forest.Zhou Zhang which was lose in thoughts hear this words and scene came in his mind where he find 10 years old flower rainbow and was beaten by those thugs to death and was carried by Ye Wu who was his friend. Ye Wu and his sister Meihui and Zhou Zhang.Then Ye Wu pass some porridge to Zhou Zhang as he said" Zhou Zhang what are we going to do this last food by which my sister made it for you we have nothing to eat."said sadly because there was nothing left in there house and they dont know what to do.Zhou Zhang who was hearing turn around to him said "dont worry nothing will happen with me here because i am your leader " as he said this Ye Wu who was sad become happy due to his words. Three kids when they were young promise who wins will be the leader of them at last previous Zhou Zhang won and become there leader.Zhou Zhang recover all the memories of previous owner of the body. This place is known the black gutor where useless people , beggers , people who cant cultivate be send there this was the place where world dirt (mean useless people) were.This world was like which explains in wuxia novel martial arts world where martial artist was respected.weak were prey for the strong this type of world this was.Zhou Zhang lean his back and now his face was full sorrow and sadness he didnt know if his mother was still life and was also come with him in this world. as he was in though about suddenly voice sounded in his mind "ting System IATO (I Am The One) ting ting start connecting with host Zhou Zhang"

process 15%

process 90%

process 100% completed

as screen of status display toward him.