
God of power

this story is of a 22 year old man Steve, who became a god. Continue to watch Steve or should I say the god of power.

itsgoldenpen_11 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
4 Chs

meeting with the gods

When I opened my eyes there were a line of servents waiting for me. For a moment I was shocked as I had forgotten what has happened to me yesterday, I immediately regained my senses and got up from the bed. Surprisingly the servents have prepared everything for me before me walking up, I washed myself although they were trying to help me in that too I stopped them as it would be very embarrassing for me to do that. Again when I go to the dinning table for the breakfast there were everything that I wanted to eat. A servent appeared infront of me out of nowhere, and told me that I am being summoned by the other gods.

Apoun asking the way he told me to concentrate on the place I want to be in. I concentrated and thought that I want to go the place were the other gods were attending the meeting. I suddenly teleported there, although I did the teleportation thing one time but it was too fasanating for me. When I looked at my surroundings there were atleast 8000 to 12000 gods at the the palace. Just by one gaze I identified several gods like god shiva, Jesus, zeus was there, and many more. I was given a small cloud to settle down, everyone sat on there cloud and I followed them, so that the meeting could be started.

As I already thought zeus was the speaker of the meeting he started by saying "we are all gathered here for the arrival of a new god the god of power." Everyone started looking at me surprisingly I didn't feel any kind of pressure by their gazes as they were all have good intentions and just wanted to know about me. I stood up and started saying "hi guys, I am the god of power and my name is Steve." They started laughing zeus too for a couple of minutes and after that zeus started again "it's okay Steve we gods don't give our introduction like that we don't immediately tell everyone our real name." I understood why they laughed at me and I was somewhat embarrassed about it.

The meeting started again, now everyone was talking about giving me my first mission I didn't understand what they were talking about so I remained silent, soon zeus speaks "alright, Steve will descend on the mortal world to find himself some worshippers." Honestly, I didn't understand a single word they said but suddenly a screen came infront of me with my name written on it, and some information like:

Name: Steve

Divine name: god of power

Strength: ?????

Mana: ?????

Agility: ?????

Intelligence: ?????

Worshippers: 0

I was shocked I got up and told zeus about it he said "That is the status screen we all gods have it and the reason there are question marks in your stats is because the screen cannot evaluate your powers." I suddenly said does it mean I am overpowered? Zeus said "Yes you are, you are the god of power if you aren't overpowered then who will be but again you must have the believe in yourself that you are the god of power then only you can utilise your powers to their full potential, and also, as you have heard in the meeting you will descend on the mortal world to find your followers."

.....to be continued