
God of peace vs God of wrath:ultimate battle cheat code

Two gods rebellion and fight against each other infiltrating peace breeding war and Wrath, with the aim of achieving a golden balance of the realms... God of Wrath fought his way fiercely to have claim of a divine power that can access the reality of the heavens and shape the sphere of circumstances

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Day of Transfiguration: The Raid and the call

Chapter 1

Since the Flickers were skilled in the art of fire and flames, and Darkstorm, the originator of sin, was their leader, the Flickers began to engage in wicked sorcery, summoning fiery flames and fireballs that could harm their adversaries. As a result, their entire bodies became engulfed in flames, resembling a human torch. Darkstorm led one-third of the heavenly creatures who fell, with The Flickers by his side. He had control over the dukes and princes.

Darkstorm, the embodiment of darkness, and the living creature that accompanied him were shrouded in darkness. The light that once resided within him was extinguished, leading to the corruption of his glorious essence. Alongside Darkstorm, his trusted heavenly host, the Flickers, held a significant position, occupying the next seat in the trinity. Darkstorm was able to shape-shift and transform into a ministering spirit of light using the dark clouds that surround him making him returning to his previous form. After his fall, anger consumed Darkstorm's heart, leading him to plot the extermination of all Earth's inhabitants to claim it as his own.

As for Darkstorm, his glory was veiled in darkness, and wherever he went, a cloud of darkness would follow. With two majestic horns adorning his head, he possessed the ability to travel through teleportation using dark clouds. However, his dark cloud could only be overcome by the brilliance of light and divine fire.

There came a time that Darkstorm transformed into an angel of light and visited the people on Earth, with the intention of leading them away from God. He gathered everyone together, from all the people in the tribe, and began ministering to them. "Listen, trust me... I testify that there is no such thing as God. I..." Just as he was about to gain their trust, a voice abruptly interrupted from the crowd. Everyone turned to face the source of the voice. "That's enough!" the voice exclaimed. "We've had enough of you! Blaspheming against our creator!" The voice came from the back of the crowd, the crowd make a way for the person to step forward. It was the son of the cave king.

All the kings from the different tribes, including the cave king himself, were there. And then, Darkstorm and the cave king son walked up to each other. Darkstorm looked him dead in the eye and said, "Listen, boy, trust me. I'm telling you the truth. There ain't no being or creator God out there." But before he could say anything else, the cave king son cut him, "Stop it."

Darkstorm secretly signaled the cave king to try and stop his son. But then, the cave king called out to his son, trying to put a halt to it all. But you know what? His son wasn't having it. He said, "No, Dad. I know I might be stepping out of line here, but today, you can't stop me. Let me speak." The cave son was determined to have his say, no matter what.

It was a powerful moment! The cave king turned to the other kings, expecting some support, but they turned away. The cave king felt so hopeless. But then, his son, the cave son, stepped up and addressed the crowd in a heroic way. He asked them, "This spirit is saying that our God doesn't exist, right?" The crowd responded with boldness, saying, "Yes!" Then the cave son continued, saying, "Well, if this spirit is saying God doesn't exist, then who did he come from?"

"That's a pretty deep question, for Darkstorm to think of? Hahahahaha, Eldric's remarks really caught Cherry off guard! She immediately squeezed her body tightly, probably in surprise or shock.

"It really makes you stop and think about where this spirit came from if it's denying the existence of God." Eldric said and the children laughed.

The crowd was all ears when the cave son asked that question! It really got their attention. "Who created you if you say God doesn't exist?" he asked, and the crowd turned to Darkstorm, waiting for an answer. But you know what? Darkstorm couldn't come up with a response. He stuttered and stammered, and the crowd could see that he couldn't answer. Talk about an intense moment!

Mr. Eldric What was the crowd's reaction was when they saw Darkstorm struggling to respond?" Gannon's asked.

"You could feel anger and readiness action of violence towards a ministering spirit."

the cave son really knows how to ask the tough questions! He hit Darkstorm with another one: "If he's saying our creator doesn't exist, then where do the ministering spirits come from?"

"Oof, that must have made Darkstorm feel even more uneasy," said Eldric

The crowd's conviction grew stronger as they listened to the cave son's words. And then, he went on to point out that Darkstorm himself looked like a ministering spirit. "So, if there's no God, who sent him and how did he become a ministering spirit?"

"That's some deep thinking right?" Eldric threw out a question, and the children responded by nodding their heads over and over again, things were really heating up!

"What the hell are you waiting for, my people… further resistance serves no purpose."

The cave son rallied his people, asking if they knew what to do. And they all responded with a resounding "Yes!" in unison. They even started singing, calling Darkstorm a falsehood spirit... they were ready to take action against Darkstorm. The cave son then warned Darkstorm to leave before something bad happened, fearing the wrath of God and the possible consequences of attacking a ministering spirit. He mentioned that God might send countless angel warriors to punish them. Darkstorm found himself in a tough spot. When he turned to the tribe kings for support, only the cave king seemed to be on his side. The others looked away, leaving him without any help. Meanwhile, the crowd continued their warlike song and kept approaching him. Just before Darkstorm vanished, the cave son boldly declared, "Only a fool would say in his heart there's no God!"

With no other option, Darkstorm had to use his abilities to disappear into thin air.

After trying countless times to lead the people astray from God, Darkstorm finally managed to gain their trust all of his previous attempts at deception paid off in the end. The inhabitants, influenced by Darkstorm's deceit, made a drastic decision. They tore down their temple where the ministering spirits visits and ministered to them and instead, started worshipping Darkstorm by building shrines with carved images of him.

"It's really sad to hear that they fell into idolatry and became victims of Darkstorm's manipulation. It must had a profound impact on their lives." Eldric said with sadistic smile spreading across his face. "It was a dark moment in time!"

Soon discord was sown into the realms… the earth was consumed by a terrible genocide, where races of the ecosystem started hunting down others for sacrifices unto Darkstorm became stronger than ever before because of the rituals the inhabitants performed. It amped up his power!

The inhabitants therefore came to realize they have been groomed by the unknown entity of Darkstorm. The cries of the innocent souls reached the gates of heaven, and in response, God declared that His spirit would never be with the inhabitants again. It was heartbreaking and devastating moment. And then, God remained silent, leaving the earth in a state of despair.

Darkstorm saw an opportunity and launched an assault attack on the earth! With the Flickers and Darkstorm leading the charge. When the earthly forces called upon the heavenly creatures for assistance, they did not respond due to the immoral activities and enmity of the inhabitants against God's will. So they decided to fought bravely with all their weapons, but unfortunately, their efforts were futile against the dark forces. The earthly forces were no match for these sinister creatures. During the battle Darkstorm possessed the power of telepathy, using it to manipulate people into fighting against each other. Additionally, his touch had a corrupting effect on both living beings and objects. The sacrifice of blood had empowered him. The inhabitants realized that Darkstorm deceit had caused a rift between them and God. . Feeling desperate, they turned to God and pleaded for help. After a moment of silence, God finally spoke and said, "Woe to the inhabitants of the earth!"

"It was really intense and dire situation for them." Eldric remark and continues. "First time God denied his people when they cried for mercy."

"As a result, the dark forces successfully infiltrated Earth." So, after the raid on the old earth, Darkstorm felt a sense of power and supremacy when he entered the Dark world. His actions in the raid gave him a boost in confidence and made him feel even more powerful.

For the second time ever, God had laid the foundations of a new Earth since the old earth lied haste and destroyed God decide to chose mortal beings to host His glorious presence, allowing interaction with the heavenly hosts.

To prevent the dark forces from attacking the new Earth, God made a wise decision. He created a portal between the heavens and the new Earth, specifically for the sake of a remarkable new creature called man. This creature was unlike anything the heavenly hosts had ever seen before. They were truly special, and destined to inherit God's kingdom, both in heaven and on Earth.

So, God planned to create a special place within the portal, a city known as "Innacity" or "the Garden city of God according to the Holy books." And in this city, God Himself would take on a fleshy form, being hosted in a creature called man but in the Holy books known as the Son of God. God decided to create a being as a special weapon from heaven to put an end to the treacherous events caused by Darkstorm. This being would have extraordinary powers and abilities to fight against the kingdom of darkness.

This was a highly anticipated event for the heavenly hosts, as they eagerly awaited the arrival of the Son of God.

God had two divine creations in mind: the first was to create the first man, whose purpose was to populate the new earth. The second creation was a special creature with the power of eternal time, destined to defeat Darkstorm and bring an end to their war on earth.

God rose from his throne in anger and passionately declared, "I refuse to let history repeat itself! I won't sit idly by as the evil creature threatens to destroy the new earth." He then commanded the 24 elders and the Living Creatures in his pavilions to gather the heavenly hosts for an assembly.

God brought the holy city called Innacity to life and placed it in the eastern part of the cosmos. Some of the countless heavenly forces were transported to the city to protect it from the attacks of Darkstorm and his dark forces. With their sovereign power, they successfully prevented every attack. However, this holy city was missing a guardian, a gatekeeper to watch over it. It seems like finding the right guardian for Innacity is crucial to ensure its safety and protection.

Oh, got it! So, Innacity served as the capital to the Earth. Its main purpose was to safeguard against the dark heavenly forces until the time when God would bring forth his creation of humanity. Guess what? The creation of this special creature was set to take place right in the heart of this holy city.

heaven is a realm of pure wonder and enchantment. It's a place where majestic castles float in the clouds, surrounded by vibrant gardens and sparkling waterfalls. The sky is painted with hues of gold, pink, and purple, creating a breathtaking celestial display. Celestial creatures like unicorns, dragons, and horses roam freely, adding to its mystical atmosphere. The air is filled with the sweet scent of flowers and the sound of celestial music. It's a realm where true peace and harmony prevail. In heaven, was a magnificent hall known as the "Celestial Grand Hall." A place of exquisite beauty and grandeur, adorned with shimmering crystals and intricate celestial designs. The Celestial Grand Hall serves as a gathering place for celestial beings, where they come together to celebrate and honor the wonders of the realm.

Raguel; one of the chief warrior second-in command of the heavenly armies and his friends were busy sharpening their weapons, and a band of angels were training at the grand connoisseur—sacred arena the angels trained for battles it was a training arena.

Giant shadow-like elders appeared in the skies, encircling the borders of heaven they blew a trumpet that created a hazy, urgent sound that echoed throughout the lower pavilions... and it immediately caught the attention of all the heavenly hosts. In a rush, countless angels and hosts hurried into the grand hall. The last time those trumpets blew was on the Day of transfiguration, when Darkstorm was given the highest rank among all the heavenly hosts. It must have been a momentous occasion, marking a significant shift in the hierarchy of heavenly beings.

The entire army assembles in the Celestial Grand Hall, a grand hallway with pillars connecting all the hallways, full of elegance and grandeur. The pillars add a sense of strength and stability to the overall design. All the hosts gathered, waiting with curiosity as to why they have been summoned. It's quite intriguing, especially considering that the trumpet call only happens once.

With great anticipation, they await the arrival of the Lord of Lords. As they watch, Caduna making his way into the center of the hallway… and then, in an instant, they were once again overwhelmed by the majestic glory that surrounds them.

"Hey Caduna, hold up right there," a commanding voice echoed through the hall.

"It's time for me to appoint a guardian over Innacity," the voice declared. In that moment, a pillar of light struck the center of the round hollow hallway, causing chaos. All the hosts, including Fo'five, fell to their knees in awe and submission.

"Caduna, I have chosen you to be the watcher of Innacity," the voice persisted. "But my Lord I don't feel deserving of such a role," Caduna replied, his voice filled with hesitant uncertainty.

"Caduna, I'm the God of fire and unapproachable light. Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? For you to question me?When I adorned the heavens? Don't deny the task I am giving you," the voice boomed, its power echoing through the hall.

"Do not worry, Caduna. I will appoint a good steward to lead the heavenly armies in your stead," the voice assured with divine confidence.

Caduna's heart was heavy with regret as he questioned the divine God. "My Lord, I humbly ask for your forgiveness, please me for my insubordination ."

From there emerged a pillar of fire with a radiant spirit, its brilliance overwhelming the entire host. Caduna, in awe, humbly bowed within the corridors of the Celestial hall. As the figure of God led the host, a dazzling light shrank and the ethereal spirit soared above. The host remained bowed, and from the corridors, steps of lavender illusion formed, adorned with various minerals and mysterious mixtures.