
God Of Monsters System

A 24-year-old man woke up in a void when he went to sleep. Arc one-Long live summons. All the characters or World background and character dialogues goes to (Xia Fei Shuang Jia) I only put my own twist on so please check out the original source(Xia Fei Shuang Jia). Arc two-??? I am a beginner writer, so, please don't mind if there are some basic mistakes especially some grammar and sentence structure. Ps: I do not own anime, manga, and novels mentioned in this novel I only own my OC or OC's. This is just a fanfiction:) I don't own the book cover, so if anyone has issues about it let me know :)

SniperHunter2003 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter- 3 Guardian Beasts And Inherent Skills Part 1/2

When Yue Long got his vision back he was in the room that he was in before leaving for going to that Snake Dimension.

But it looks like he Did not leave for a long time because everyone still has the same face like when he got the grimoire.

But when the golden and Black light shined he saw that Fourth mother had an awestruck face with a face full of tears and little Shuang ER had stars in her eyes.

Fourth mother" San-er and Long-er did you guys succeed in making a contract with a summoning grimoire? Is, is this real? Am I dreaming? Heavens above, this is all thanks to big sis' blessings. Big sis, did you see that San-er and Long-er had succeeded in making a contract? I've said it before, San-er is not a good-for-nothing and even Long-er waited for him to make a contract so he can make a contract too, Thank heavens that he's not, I thank you from the bottom of my heart on behalf of our San-er and our Long-er…." Then she kneeled on the ground, her emotions flowing uncontrolled. She kowtow-ed sincerely, thanking the heavens for their blessings.

Her white forehead had become red due to her kowtows, and the floor wet with her tears.

But she didn't mind the pain and continued to kowtow and give thanks.

Yue Long and Yue Yang quickly came over and tried to help Si Niang up because they did not like seeing her like that.

Next to Fourth mother, the small girl had her hands holding a big red pin-wheel she picked up when she was getting Yue Long. She then tilted her head and asked, "Mom, why are you crying on the floor?"

The small girl's question snapped Fourth mother back to reality.

She quickly wiped her tears that drenched her whole face. Yue Long then took a Black handkerchief from his pocket and gave it to her. When Fourth mother Saw the handkerchief and who it gave to her she felt grateful having then here.

Fourth mother took the black handkerchief and wiped her face clean and then She then hurriedly ran out of the room.

Yue Long saw that Yue Yang had a lost look so he went to little Shuang ER and picked her up and put her on his strong shoulders.

When Yue Long did that, little Shuang ER had a silly face and laughing while trying to block Yue Long's vision.

Yue Long." Little Shuang ER if you do that we will fall and you don't want that now do you?"

All little Shuang ER did was shake her head with a scared expression like she will really fall if she kept on doing that then when Yue Long put her down she looked at Yue Yang and said.

"Xiao San-gege, why was mom crying on the floor?" the small girl asked curiously, but she didn't relay pursue the matter further. Instead, she raised the big pin-wheel in her hands she picked up when Yue Long put her down and said, "Look, isn't my pin-wheel pretty? I bought it on a street market. There are even sweet rock candies selling on the streets, but mom didn't buy it for me….Xiao san-gege, I want to learn how to ride a horse. My pin-wheel would only turn faster if I was riding the horse fast enough…"

Yue Yang sweated and when Yue Long saw that he let a little laugh but that did not last long because he heard from little Shuang ER.

Little Shuang ER." Xiao Long-gege can you help me ride a horse because you look more powerful than Xiao san-gege."

And that was it because Yue Long started laughing loud while holding his stomach and Yue Yang almost puked blood when he heard that from little Shuang ER.

While Yue Yung had a red face, Yue Long didn't have to reject the small girl's request, he just need to play with her. Yue Long picked the girl up, raised her up high in the air and bring her down again, making her giggle with happiness. After a few times of that, the small girl had already forgotten her request and leapt happily into his arms but she said when he put her down.

Little Shuang ER." Xiao Long-gege can you put me back on your like last time, please!" little Shuang ER said with puppy dog eyes while holding on his right arm.

Yue Long chuckled a little because when he sees little Shuang ER using the ultimate skill and that is puppy dog eyes.

Yue Long nodded his head and when little Shuang ER sees that she jumped in joy. Yue Long then put her on his shoulders.

Outside the door, Fourth mother who saw the whole thing has washed her tears away had returned. So Yue Long quickly put the small girl down.

But the small girl didn't let go of her small hands, still wanting to be carried in his arms. the beautiful woman then pulled the small girl away from Yue Long and said happily, " Long-er and San-er, quick, let Si Niang see your [inherent skill] and [guardian spirit]…Long-er, San-er, i've said it before that you would definitely succeed…ah, this is so good, after working hard for so many years, you have finally succeeded. San-er, you have finally become an outstanding person! and a really good brother because he even waited for you to make a contract so he can make a contract too, so quick, open the summoning grimoire and let Si Niang look, I'm so excited to see it!"

Yue Long smiled little because he saw Yue Yang have a lost look and questionable face so he knows he's getting a information dump like him right now.

In this world, the soaring dragon continent, there were a group of people that were called the rankers. rankers were strong powerhouses that had succeeded in contracting grimoires. many of these talented rankers had come from the renowned clans and households that had held their reputations for thousands of years. they are the three royal households, four major houses and four great sects. aside from the three royal households that would cultivate the next emperor, there were four major houses of feng (wind), xue (snow), yue (earth) and yan (fire). there were also the mysterious four great sects. the four great sects gathered many strong rankers to pursue the heaven's way, and didn't usually concern themselves with the things in the mortal world. but they would send their disciples out from the mountains once every three years, as their final training.

Amongst the many rankers, besides the people from the royal households and the four major houses, there are only a handful of talents who managed to make a contract with a very special kind of treasure, the summoning grimoire.

The superirority of a summoning grimoire depended on its user. everyone would have the chance to reach the pinnacle of all rankers.

No, actually there was very little chance to reach the pinnacle of rankers.

Yue Long and Yue Yang found out that in this soaring dragon continnent, it's almost purely a summoner's world.

There were no magic nor inner energy, only summons.

Summoning skills in this continent could be anything. there were element summoning skills that were like magic, and also strengthening type summoning skills that would increase your strength like inner energy. there were also beast spirit summoning type. anyway, summoning skills in this world, were as normal as students going to school. there were even schools specializing in teaching summoning.

Although almost everyone can summon, not everyone can possess a summoning grimoire. on the contrary, a grimoire user could be hardly seen in this world.

Taking an analogy, a summoning grimoire user is like the one in a hundred million students who could enter harvard or cambridge.

Everyone wanted to have a grimoire, but it was the privilege of a handful of talents.

When making a contract with a summoning grimoire, every grimoire user would try to awaken an [inherent skill] sleeping within their bodies. they would also obtain a guardian spirit most suitable for the user.

Yue Long a smile and padded Yue Yang on his back and said." Come fourth brother let's show Fourth mother and Little Shuang ER how powerful we are."

Yue Yang."Ahh, okay third brother but I'm not really sure what's my inherent skill."

Yue Long." It's ok Fourth brother you can go first I will go after you." Yue Long said this because he honestly wants to see what Yue Yang gets.

Yue Yang." Ok thanks, third brother I will go then you can go." Yue Yang then made a mouthed a prayer and hoped it wasn't instant noodles, av, games, lacy lingeries or, see-through *censored* related stuff, otherwise, he'd be finished. please don't let it be a neet-related inherent skill, otherwise, he'll be dead if the beautiful woman saw it.

When Yue Yang turned his page in his summoning grimoire, he realized that the first page was his own portrait.

Yue Long cringed a little when he saw Yue Yang had satisfied a smile when seeing his own portrait.

Then Yue Long saw Yue Yang had a hurt face and he thinks it's because he saw he was weaker than an ant

Then Yue Long saw that Yue Yang a big smile and he guess the system gave him something good at least for the inherent skill.

Yue Yang's inherent skill was.


Description- You are good at the action of hiding something or preventing it from being known.

Yue Long." Hahahahhaha fourth brother I will go to you if I need something's to steal hahahaha." Yue Long put his hand on Yue Yang's shoulder and laugh a little.

Fourth mother." Long-er don't encourage him." Fourth mother said with a angry voice and light smile and said to Yue Long.

Then Fourth mother looked at Yue Yang said." San-er your not going to use that for bad things right?." Fourth mother looked like an interrogator interrogating Yue Yang.

Yue Yang shook his head really fast said like a good child." No ma'am I'm a not using it for bad things."

Fourth mother looked satisfied when Yue Yang said that.

Yue Long coughed a little and said under his breath." Shrimp."

Fourth mother looked at Yue Long but he just smiled so she just shook her head.

When Yue Yang heard Yue Long his eyebrows twitched but he got over it to turn to the next page.

The next page had a portrait of a full snow White lion cub with a full moon symbol on its forehead with a sky blue eye and said under the portrait with a deception.

Fighting Type- Frost Moon Lion.

Deception- The Frost Moon Lion as the Affinity of Frost and get 2 times stronger under the moonlight.

Little Shuang ER was the first to break the silence and said with stars in her eyes." Wow fourth brother it's pretty!"

Fourth mother."Aih, san-er, your guardian beast is really good and its a Fighting Type and not a special-type beast good good!"

Fourth mother happily clapped her hands, smiling excitedly.

In the soaring dragon continent, as long as you train hard, you would still be able to learn one or two summoning skills or make a contract with beasts, even if you were a normal warrior. but because they don't have a summoning grimoire, the number of beasts they could summon is limited. normally, a warrior could only make a contract with one beast. only a handful of talented warriors might be able to make a contract with two.

However, the best thing about a summoning grimoire was not the limit in making contracts, but allowing a grimoire user to have his own [gurdian beast]. this type of [guardian beasts] was not the same as the normal beasts. they would never die nor betray their master. guardian beasts would also grow alongside its master, there was no need for other conditions to be met. as long the user's power increased, or that the summoning grimoire level increased, the [guardian beast] would also be stronger.

However, a grimoire user would not have a limit in making contracts.

Every page in the summoning grimoire was open for a beasts contract until all pages were full.

When Yue Yang tryed to summon it a little snowball of white fell in Yue Long hands.

When Yue Long felt something fluffy in his hands he looked down in his hands and what he sees back is sky blue eyes with curiously looking back at him.

Yue Long laugh a little and started to scratch it behind its ears and carry it like a baby and say." who's a good lion who is a good lion, yes you are, yes you are."

This made around the room laughed little because the snow-white lion started to shake his head up and down like it's saying 'yes'.

After playing with the snow-white lion Yue Long put it back to Yue Yang but before he can say something he heard a whimper like a cat and Yue Long looked back at the snow-white lion and it had some tears in his eyes.

Yue Long chuckled and said while padding its head

and said like a father." Ok ok, snowy I'm a not leaving you, plus your not my guardian Beast so you have to go back to your contractor."

Everyone." Snowy!??"

Yue Long looked back and said." What I know I can do better plus Fourth brother can't to better right Fourth brother?" At the end of his sentence, he looked at Yue Yang with a smile but not a smile.

Yue Yang." Ye-yeah I was going to call it Little White hehehe". Yue Yang scratched the back of his head embarrassed.

Right, When he said 'Little White' Snowy looked at Yue Yang in the face with a face that said' Really Little White Really?' then Snowy looked at Yue Long in the face with a face that screamed 'Help!'. All Yue Long did was pat its head and said a pray under his voice." Snowy you better hope your not girl and you hope you're a boy." Snowy made a Priceless face when it heard Yue Long like it was thinking what if it's girl but it looked down the between his legs and did a signed of relief.

Snowy thought' Thank God I am Boy."

Like Yue Long read Snowy thoughts he said so that both then could hear." Thank God your a boy."

When they were having a conversation Fourth mother said." Long-er, San-er train your summoning abilities first and work hard to increase your mana… it may be too late this year, but next year, your uncle and I will send you guys to a school. you guys should work hard, I know that you guys will be successful in the future!"

This broke Yue Long and Snowy heart to heart conversation and they both looked at Fourth mother with the brightest Smile like they were listening the whole time.

"Yes, Yes." They both said as Yue Yang wiped off his cold weat and Yue Long said with a smile.

Fourth mother looked at Yue Long and said with a happy smile." It's your turn Long-er."

(Word count-2567)

Hi, It's the Author I hope you like what you read as much I love writing it.

Give me some ability and skill ideas for Yue Long

and some Beast ideas.

~Author out weebs~

SniperHunter2003creators' thoughts