
God Of Immortals

In the forgotten days, there was an epic saga of a young cultivator named Ju Feng, and his mother known as Zhang Xiu Ying. Killed by an army of mutated nether demons, they were both reincarnated into an ancienr world of cultivation where powerful immortals, mortals, beasts, titans, fairies and the dreads reigned supreme. Will they survive or will they succumb to the throes of everlasting deaths? Live the tale and tell the story. This is the god of immortals. Join me on discord: https://discord.gg/A25Z2wexXe

Primate · Eastern
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250 Chs

Xue Ku - Lang Hai [II]

Cao Wang activated the teleportation seal and sent his daughter into the opened portal with a shoveof his palm. He could have gone with his daughter, but his depleted Chi wouldn't allow them to go far with a mask. They would have been followed easily and killed before they could reach the Last Sages Sect.

As Wang Xiu was sent flying into the portal, she turned her head to take a last glance at her father. It was at this time that she saw a young looking man with blue-black hair and dark blue eyes appeared out of the thin air. He was holding a silver glaive. That was the face of the one who had mortally wounded her father.

How could she forget his face? He and his father had been friends with her own father at the valley of Righteous World. But they had betrayed her father and killedl him. How could she forget that?

Elder Wang Xiu stared at the man in front of her in burning fury.

"Lang Hai!"

" So, you remembered me, Wang Xiu. I'm highly honoured."