
God Of Immortals

In the forgotten days, there was an epic saga of a young cultivator named Ju Feng, and his mother known as Zhang Xiu Ying. Killed by an army of mutated nether demons, they were both reincarnated into an ancienr world of cultivation where powerful immortals, mortals, beasts, titans, fairies and the dreads reigned supreme. Will they survive or will they succumb to the throes of everlasting deaths? Live the tale and tell the story. This is the god of immortals. Join me on discord: https://discord.gg/A25Z2wexXe

Primate · Eastern
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250 Chs

Divinis [II]

Ju Feng took a couple of steps towards the tree before mindfully checking the surroundings. He had to be sure he wasn't walking into any trap of illusion or the ever deadly trap of dreams.

"Don't stress yourself, young one. I meant you no harm. In fact, I'm happy to see you."

Ju Feng continued to observe the grey tree with extreme caution as he contemplated maybe it was time for him to use the safe word and bade farewell to the place instead of facing another revenant-like situation. When a daimon tree was happy to see a mortal soul, then something wasn't right.

"Are you just going to stand there while my poor soul wallows in sadness? A lonely tree like myself can do with a little company. It's been a long time since I last saw a living soul, though, never seen one pitiable like yourself."