
God Of Immortals

In the forgotten days, there was an epic saga of a young cultivator named Ju Feng, and his mother known as Zhang Xiu Ying. Killed by an army of mutated nether demons, they were both reincarnated into an ancienr world of cultivation where powerful immortals, mortals, beasts, titans, fairies and the dreads reigned supreme. Will they survive or will they succumb to the throes of everlasting deaths? Live the tale and tell the story. This is the god of immortals. Join me on discord: https://discord.gg/A25Z2wexXe

Primate · Eastern
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250 Chs

Adventurers Or Death-Seekers? [II]

But Lin Cheung and Lin DaXia had no intention of bringing any senior anyway. They had already planned it out.

He checked his items again before departing his room. He arrived at the gate to find the siblings were already there, waiting. Did they even sleep at all?

"Hello, DaXia, Cheung."

"Hello, Feng."

"You came earlier than me. I hope I didn't keep you waiting for long. Where's Yingjie?"

Ju Feng looking around for the lightning disciple. He had told the twins about Fu Yingjie joining their adventure group and they had accepted, reluctantly. 

"Your friend's yet to arrive."

"Well, we still have ample time for him to be here."

"You see why we came early? So we don't keep you all waiting."

Few minutes after that, Yingjie rushed over to them using the flashsteps.

"Hello Feng, Daxia, Cheung. Sorry for the delay. Got caught up in some things. All good now."

He looked at them apologetically.