
God of Humankind

No water or food dont worry i here will solve it. War coming when we settled down No problem we will kill them using traps Jaqcues a immortal king the earliest king to make a village and exit the nomadic lifestyle used his knowledge from his past life and his system's power to conquer the earliest years of humanity experincing the worst and best of history

godmab · Fantasy
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2 Chs

first kingdom

"Shit" Jacques said as his last breath on earth was taken he was walking home on a rainy day and a semi-truck tipped over on him

And thats how it started his life flashed before his eyes

his body became cold

His vision darkened he was awakened in what he thought was a limbo

"Ahh crap" I said i had just thought about my dog home-alone 'would he be okay' I thought anxiously but suddenly a light flashed and a booming voice resonated in my ears

"Oh my it took a long time to get here" The god said as he looked at me and said "Hello i am the god of your world i accidentily killed you. I used my powers to kill the truck driver but didnt intend to kill you" the said while wiping his forehead "You get 3 wishes" ...