
God of Grinding

In the vast universe of online gaming, one game stands out - ‘The Old Quest’. It’s a world where the grind never ends, and the concept of a ‘max level’ is merely a myth. Enter our protagonist, an ordinary gamer with an extraordinary determination. His obsession? To reach heights never before seen in the game. His relentless dedication leads him to a level so high, it shakes the very foundations of ‘The Old Quest’. But just when he thinks he’s reached the summit, the game takes a shocking turn. A message from the developers and a new window that reads ‘Become a god race’ flips his world upside down. ‘God of Grinding’ is an epic tale of perseverance, power, and the unexpected consequences of success. It’s a journey through the digital realm that asks one question - what happens when a gamer becomes a god?

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151 Chs

Skipping School

They skirted around the back of the school building, the imposing structure casting long shadows in the afternoon sun. Marlowe paused near a seemingly unremarkable section of the wall, her eyes glinting with mischief. With a running leap, she propelled herself over the top, disappearing from sight on the other side.

"Careful!" she called back, her voice barely a whisper.

Alex took a deep breath, steeling his nerves. He wasn't sure what he was getting himself into, but the prospect of uncovering a hidden passage was too tempting to resist. He mirrored Marlowe's movement, channeling a burst of energy into his legs as he launched himself over the wall. A satisfying thump met him as he landed gracefully on the other side.

"Now where are we going?" he asked, brushing a stray leaf off his cloak.