
God of Grinding

In the vast universe of online gaming, one game stands out - ‘The Old Quest’. It’s a world where the grind never ends, and the concept of a ‘max level’ is merely a myth. Enter our protagonist, an ordinary gamer with an extraordinary determination. His obsession? To reach heights never before seen in the game. His relentless dedication leads him to a level so high, it shakes the very foundations of ‘The Old Quest’. But just when he thinks he’s reached the summit, the game takes a shocking turn. A message from the developers and a new window that reads ‘Become a god race’ flips his world upside down. ‘God of Grinding’ is an epic tale of perseverance, power, and the unexpected consequences of success. It’s a journey through the digital realm that asks one question - what happens when a gamer becomes a god?

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151 Chs

Mana Capacity Training

The bustling cafeteria faded away as Alex and Brittany slipped into a dimly lit hallway. Moonlight peeked through a nearby window, casting ethereal stripes across the worn stone floor. There was a soothing silence in place of the students' raucous chatter, providing a safe haven for their unexpected conversation.

Brittany, conjured a magical display. A shimmering text message materialized in the air, its message clear:

[Dear my daughter,. I hear Mr. Ten or Alex were in the same place as you. I want you to tell him that he's more than welcome to our kingdom, since Aseira, your aunt, trusts him so much.]

"Read it," Brittany instructed, her gaze locked on Alex's face.

Alex scanned the message.

He looked back at Brittany, his voice a low murmur, "You're... Aseira's nephew?"

Brittany nodded, a hint of pride flickering in her eyes. "Yes, she's my aunt."