
God of Grinding

In the vast universe of online gaming, one game stands out - ‘The Old Quest’. It’s a world where the grind never ends, and the concept of a ‘max level’ is merely a myth. Enter our protagonist, an ordinary gamer with an extraordinary determination. His obsession? To reach heights never before seen in the game. His relentless dedication leads him to a level so high, it shakes the very foundations of ‘The Old Quest’. But just when he thinks he’s reached the summit, the game takes a shocking turn. A message from the developers and a new window that reads ‘Become a god race’ flips his world upside down. ‘God of Grinding’ is an epic tale of perseverance, power, and the unexpected consequences of success. It’s a journey through the digital realm that asks one question - what happens when a gamer becomes a god?

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151 Chs

Back to Dungeon

Bridget echoed Lara's confusion, her voice barely a whisper. "Wait, it's real? I gained a level that fast…?" She darted a bewildered look at Alex, searching for an explanation.

Alex, however, remained unfazed. He simply shrugged, a nonchalant smirk playing on his lips. "Yeah, yeah, it is," he said, his tone devoid of any real explanation.

Lara's gaze snapped back to him, her sleepiness forgotten. "H-How...?" she stammered, her voice laced with disbelief. "It's not even a full day... What, how...?" She sputtered, frustration battling with the nagging suspicion that something wasn't quite right.

"It's my time to go back home then," Alex announced, a hint of finality in his voice. "See you guys around..." He trailed off, his gaze flickering toward Bridget. He produced her staff from his inventory and tossed it towards her. It landed clumsily at her feet.

"You can learn from the magic teachers around here if you want," he added casually, as if tossing a beginner a magical tool.

Bridget remained speechless, her mind still grappling with the incredible leap in her level. Just a few hours ago, she was a nervous beginner facing down Psycho-Rabbits to Goblin. Now, according to the orb, she was a seasoned adventurer, and her power somehow boosted to unimaginable heights. It felt unreal, a dreamlike state she couldn't quite grasp.

Alex, oblivious to her internal turmoil, simply turned and strolled out of the Guild, leaving behind a trail of bewildered stares and Lara's sputtering disbelief.

"Wait, how did you...?" Lara stammered, her voice cracking with frustration as she looked back at Bridget. The receptionist's sleepiness had vanished, replaced by a sharp alertness.

Bridget, finally finding her voice, shook her head in confusion. "I don't know!" she exclaimed, exasperation bubbling up within her. "He just... he just put me on a tree and killed all those goblins himself!"

Lara stared at her, her brow furrowed in a deep crease. "What..." she uttered, the single word laced with a multitude of emotions - disbelief, suspicion, and a growing sense of unease.


The early morning sun peeked through the intricately woven tapestries adorning the windows of Alex's opulent bedroom. A shaft of golden light fell across his face, stirring him from a restless sleep. He groaned, memories of the previous day flooding back. 

Just then, a soft voice broke through the haze. "Master, wake up..." Frey, stood by the bedside.

Alex blinked his eyes open, and the first thing he saw wasn't Frey, but a translucent blue notification hovering in his field of vision: 

[You have 6 dice to Roll today!]

"For f*ck's sake..." he muttered under his breath, rubbing his eyes to make sure the notification wasn't a dream remnant.

Frey tilted her head in confusion. "Why are you swearing when you just woke up…?"

Alex chuckled sheepishly. "Oh, sorry Frey," he mumbled, the notification disappearing as he focused on his loyal butler. He sat up on the bed and stretched his body, the tension from the previous day slowly easing. "Is it morning already?"

"Yes, Master," Frey replied. "And it's Sunday."

Alex raised an eyebrow. "Wait, it is? How did you know?"

Frey pointed towards the bedside table. "Calendar," she said simply. A brand new calendar, its pages crisp and white, sat beside a vase of fresh flowers.

"Did you put that there?" Alex asked, surprised.

Frey nodded. "I just bought it this morning. There was an old man selling it for a ridiculous price 15,000 bronze coins! But I figured it might be useful."

A smile tugged at Alex's lips. "You're so kind, Frey," he said genuinely touched by her thoughtfulness.

"So, what are you planning for today, Master?" Frey inquired, her voice calm and collected.

"Hmm..." Alex pondered for a moment. "I think I'll head down to my dungeon for some AFK leveling."

"Excellent choice, Master," Frey said with a hint of approval. "However, before you embark on your adventure, breakfast awaits. I made you an omelet this morning."

A wave of hunger washed over Alex. "Sounds delicious," he admitted. "But first, I need to take a shower."

Frey bowed slightly. "Of course, Master. Take your time." She turned to leave.

Alex rose from the bed, his muscles protesting slightly from the previous day's exertions. He stretched, a yawn escaping his lips, and padded towards the bathroom. As he passed by the window, sunlight streamed through, catching his reflection in the glass. He paused, his hand reaching up to subconsciously fix a stray strand of hair.

A memory flickered in his mind, a comment Frey had made a while back. 

 "Your face is… blurry," 

The memory sent a shiver down his spine. Blurry? What did that even mean?

He leaned closer to the glass, scrutinizing his features. His reflection stared back perfect skin, a strong jawline, and a head of neatly styled hair. There wasn't a blemish, a scar, or even a hint of fatigue. He looked like a character straight out of a painting, unrealistically flawless.

Glad i created the character so handsome… at first, i wanted to make it a dwarf with funny face…. haha, i would be crying if i decided to create that character instead.

A frown creased his brow. This wasn't the first time this had happened. Whenever he looked in the mirror, his reflection seemed… different, somehow detached from his true self. 

Shaking off the disquieting thought, he splashed some water on his face, hoping to clear his head along with the sleep. He needed to focus on the day ahead.

Step! Step!

Descending the staircase, Alex adjusted his white shirt, the crisp cotton. Opting for a more relaxed look for a Sunday. Reaching the bottom step, he glanced around the living room, surprised to see a sleek, flat-screen television perched on a previously empty stand.

"Frey," he began, a curious lilt in his voice, "where on earth did this TV come from?"

"The storage system, Master," she replied in her usual monotone.

"The… storage system?" 

"Hmm," he mused, a smile tugging at his lips. "Guess I must have stashed it away at some point." He settled onto the plush couch, gesturing for Frey to join him. "What can this tv do? Any channels to tune into?"

Frey tilted her head slightly. "There's… one active channel, Master. It appears to be a music program of some sort."

As Alex sank into the plush couch, a delicious aroma filled the air. Frey, appeared beside him with a steaming plate.

"Omelette, Master," she announced, placing the plate carefully on the coffee table in front of him.

"Thanks, Frey." 

Alex dug into his omelette, the fluffy eggs and savory fillings were a welcome to the usual dungeon fare. The music emanating from the TV was an unfamiliar genre, a catchy melody with an electronic beat that filled the previously silent room. It wasn't unpleasant, but it held a strange, almost futuristic quality that made him wonder about its origins.

Halfway through his meal, he wiped his mouth with a napkin and turned to Frey. "Hey Frey," he began.

"Yes, Master?" she replied, her posture as rigid as ever, yet her gaze held a hint of something akin to curiosity.

"Do you have a scroll item for waypoint teleport?" Alex asked, hoping the strange storage system might hold the key to his transportation woes.

"You mean… traveler waypoint?" Frey clarified, her brow furrowing slightly. The game-like terminology was likely unfamiliar to her, but she grasped his intent.

"Yes, that one," Alex confirmed. He couldn't explain the mechanics behind the item, but he knew it would allow him to teleport back to the city quickly.

Frey nodded, her form momentarily flickering as she accessed the vast storage system. A holographic display materialized in front of her, filled with swirling blue energy and indecipherable symbols. Alex watched, intrigued, as her fingers danced across the virtual interface, searching for the specific item.

"Let me see..." she murmured, her voice barely a whisper as she navigated the complex system.

Alex continued eating, the silence broken only by the music and the faint hum of the TV. There was a certain anticipation in the air, a sense that finding this particular item might change his plans for the day.

A triumphant glint flickered in Frey's eyes as the holographic display flickered and vanished. She reached out and materialized a small, black scroll on the coffee table beside Alex's plate."Here it is," she announced, her voice laced with a hint of satisfaction. It was rare for her to find an item so quickly within the labyrinthine storage system.

Alex's eyes lit up. He set down his fork and reached for the scroll, a surge of relief washing over him. With this, he could finally return to the city and check in on Bridget's progress.

"Thanks, Frey," he said, a grateful smile gracing his lips. He unfurled the scroll, his fingers brushing against the smooth, aged parchment. "Actually," he began, a new thought striking him, "after I finish this delicious omelette, how about you accompany me down to the dungeon?"

Frey's brow furrowed slightly, a flicker of surprise crossing her features. Accompanying him into the dungeon was a rare request. "As you wish, Master," she replied, her voice devoid of any personal opinion. She understood his need for companionship, even if she didn't fully understand the allure of the dark and dangerous depths below.

"Great!" Alex said, his enthusiasm was infectious.

He returned his attention to his breakfast, savoring the last few bites of the omelette.


Alex returned to his dungeon's familiar throne room after passing through the swirling portal that the traveler scroll had created. Sunlight streamed through gaps in the rough-hewn ceiling, illuminating the piles of gold coins scattered across the plush red carpet.

A low hum filled the air, a sound Alex recognized as the telltale sign of his hidden dungeon core activating. He glanced at Frey, a playful glint in his eyes.

"Alright, Frey," he announced, his voice echoing slightly in the vast chamber. "We're back in this delightful little place." He gestured around the room, taking in the opulent yet slightly incongruous decor.

"Also, Frey," he continued, his tone turning serious, "there's something I need you to do. See those strange panels on the walls? They're the control center for this whole dungeon. I need you to find a way to hide them make them look like regular stonework or something. The last thing I need is someone stumbling upon my little secret."

Frey, ever the loyal servant, simply nodded in understanding. She possessed an uncanny ability to grasp his instructions, no matter how cryptic they might seem. With a determined glint in her eyes, she began to walk around the perimeter of the room, her hand tracing the intricate designs on the control panels. A faint blue glow emanated from her touch, and the panels slowly began to shift and blend in with the surrounding stone.

Alex watched in approval. Frey's efficiency never ceased to amaze him. With the control center hidden, his dungeon was a little less conspicuous, a little closer to blending in with the ordinary. 

The sight of the remaining mountain of coins, however, brought a frown to his face. "This place is becoming a dead zone," he muttered, the playful tone gone. "There haven't been any adventurers for a while." He'd hoped the rumors of his exploits would attract more challengers, but it seemed the initial excitement had died down.

"Thanks to you, Dungeon," he added with a grateful smile, "I haven't gone broke waiting for them." 

He walked closer to the remaining pile of coins, a thoughtful look on his face. He could simply add them to his inventory again, but a nagging feeling told him there had to be a better way. He needed a steady stream of adventurers, not just a dwindling pile of gold.

"Maybe I need to tweak the difficulty a bit," he mused, more to himself than to Frey. "Make it a more enticing challenge, something that draws them in without being too overwhelming."

He glanced around the throne room, his gaze settling on the control panels that Frey had just disguised. Perhaps a few adjustments to the dungeon layout, a new monster type, or even a cryptic message scrawled on the wall something to spark their curiosity and keep them coming back for more.

A plan began to form in his mind. He wouldn't just sit back and wait for adventurers to find him. He'd make his dungeon a destination, a place that whispered of challenge and hidden rewards. A slight smile played on his lips. This might just be the fun he was looking for.

He continued transferring the coins to his inventory, a rhythmic clinking sound echoing in the chamber. As he reached the bottom of the pile, a glint of gold caught his eye. It wasn't a coin, but a small, intricate compass crafted from a gleaming yellow metal.

"This is..." he murmured, picking it up and turning it over in his hand. An inscription, etched in an unfamiliar language, adorned its surface. He couldn't decipher the symbols, but the compass emanated a faint warmth, and the needle spun erratically.

Suddenly, Frey materialized behind him. "What's that?" she inquired, her ever-observant gaze landing on the compass in his hand.

Alex jumped slightly, startled by her unexpected presence. "Oh, Frey, you're done?" he asked, forcing a casual smile.

"Yes, Master," she replied. "The console now looks just like the stone wall. What is that?" she gestured towards the compass.

"This..." Alex began, a frown creasing his brow. "This is… well, if I remember correctly, it's a compass from the Great Desert. No ordinary compass can work in that harsh environment, except for this one."

A notification appeared in his vision along with a chime in his mind:

[You successfully added 'Great Desert Compass' to your inventory!]

The item vanished, leaving only a faint warmth in his pocket. Frey, ever watchful, stood silently, waiting for his next instruction.

"What should I do next…?" she inquired, her voice calm and collected.

Alex rubbed his chin thoughtfully. The prospect of venturing deeper into the dungeon, perhaps even exploring a new section, was tempting. However, the nagging feeling of needing to adjust the difficulty for potential adventurers remained.

"Well..." he began, pacing a few steps across the plush carpet. "How about you… umm…" He paused, a mischievous glint entering his eye. "How about you head down to the display room and grab a selection of weapons from different classes? Bring the strongest ones we have."

Frey tilted her head slightly, but there was no question in her eyes. She simply nodded in acknowledgement and turned towards a side door that led deeper into the dungeon. With a silent bow, she disappeared through the doorway.

Alex chuckled to himself. Perhaps a well-stocked armory would be just the thing to pique the interest of any adventurers bold enough to venture into his dungeon. He finished transferring the remaining coins, a satisfied smile playing on his lips. 

The rhythmic clinking of coins ceased as Alex finished transferring the last of the golden pile into his inventory. A satisfied sigh escaped his lips as he glanced at the updated notification hovering in his vision:

[Your total coin count: 1,024,535,647,366 Gold Coins]

"I'm super rich, ahaha!" he chuckled, a hint of disbelief tinging his amusement. Thank goodness for past Alex, whoever he was. This kind of wealth opened up a lot of possibilities.

The sound of footsteps drew his attention. Frey emerged from the side chamber, her arms laden with an impressive array of weaponry. Swords, axes, and maces a veritable arsenal representing various fighting styles.

"Here, Master," she announced, carefully placing the weapons on the plush red carpet before him.

"Thanks, Frey," Alex replied, a grateful smile gracing his features. He crouched down and began examining the weapons, each one meticulously crafted and gleaming in the sunlight filtering through the rough-hewn ceiling.

As he picked up each weapon, another notification chimed in his mind:

[You have added "Warhammer of the Unbreakable" to your inventory.]

[You have added "Elven Glade Longbow" to your inventory.]

[You have added "Dragon-Scale Breastplate" to your inventory...]

He straightened up, a thoughtful expression on his face. An armory stocked with top-tier weapons from various classes that would surely pique the interest of any adventurer worth their salt. It was a subtle change, but hopefully, it would be enough to entice challengers and breathe new life into his dungeon.

"Alright, Frey," he announced, a glint of determination in his eyes. "Let's head down to the AFK leveling machine!"

Frey simply nodded in acknowledgement, her expression unchanged. With a silent bow, she turned and walked towards a discreet doorway at the base of the throne room, leading down a spiral staircase that plunged deeper into the dungeon's heart.

Alex followed her, a sense of anticipation building within him.

The air grew thick with a faint hum as they reached the bottom of the stairs, revealing a vast chamber unlike any other in the dungeon. In the center stood a colossal contraption, a bizarre amalgamation of gleaming metal and pulsating crystals. Runes, glowing with an otherworldly light, snaked across its surface, their meaning an enigma to Alex.

This, then, was the AFK leveling machine.

Frey walked with practiced ease towards the machine, her steps silent on the smooth stone floor. Reaching a control panel embedded in the machine's base, she began to manipulate a series of levers and switches. With a low whirring sound, the crystals pulsed with renewed intensity, bathing the chamber in an eerie blue light.

Alex approached cautiously, a mixture of curiosity and trepidation bubbling within him. He'd used the machine countless times before, but its inner workings remained a complete mystery. He glanced at Frey, hoping for some explanation, but her gaze remained fixed on the control panel.

"How long do you plan on staying here this time, Master?" she asked, her voice barely audible above the machine's hum.

Alex pondered for a moment. He had a lot to think about – the cryptic compass, the strange notifications, and the nagging feeling of being a stranger in his own life. He needed time to process everything, and perhaps, some answers might surface while he was AFK leveling.

"I'm not sure," he finally replied. "Maybe a few hours, maybe longer. Just keep an eye on things, okay?"

Frey gave a curt nod, her expression unreadable as always. "Of course, Master."

With a final glance at the pulsating machine runes etched upon its surface, Alex stepped into the designated area within the machine's energy field. A tingling sensation washed over him, and the world began to blur at the edges. He closed his eyes, the rhythmic hum of the machine filling his ears.


< Chapter 35 > Fin.