
god of fertility

guy gets reincarnated into a world very similar to his own and gains power through lustful actions. main character Oliver Abbott hearm Martha Abbott-mother Olivia Abbott-sister Victoria Abbott-daughter twin Veronica Abbott-daughter twin Emma stone- sister friend Ashley Gray- sister friend Milly Lane- sister friend Bella- family dog holly- family horse Grace- family monkey

onin_vandella · Urban
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A beautiful Rich lady named Martha Abbott lived in a small town on the countryside on her own private property. She lived in a big three story house and had a small barn off to the side of the building.

Martha always had a problem with finding a good guy, so after a long time of searching and trying to find someone to fall in love with she gave up. However she still wanted kids so she went to the doctors for insemination and received shocking news.

Apparently she was unable to have kids and only produced infertile eggs, she was so confused and conflicted about this.

She ended up isolating herself and closing off connection with the rest of the world. After a long period of no one seeing her she eventually returned and shocked everyone who knew about her condition.

She had a big belly and proudly announced that she was pregnant and caring fraternal twins.

The people couldn't congratulated her and gave her supporting words those who knew about her condition gossiped to each other.

Thankfully they eventually gave up on figuring out how she got pregnant and who was the father of her current children.

One secret then Martha would never tell anyone is that she used dark and evil magic that she once thought were fake. She found this book completely by accident and found a unique spell that could help her conceive a child.

She ended up getting lucky and now she was caring twins, the one boy as well as a girl. During her pregnancy she studied the book and used it to find more magical items including other spells that weren't related to the dark arts.

While it was difficult finding you know she eventually got a hold of over 28 books of magic spells and rituals of unknown origin.

She used many rituals to reassure that her children would be born healthy and even a great affinity towards magic.

She also did some personal studying and experimenting with different rituals and their outcomes.

She even made a few of her own spells and that were more efficient and didn't draw so much energy.

She continued studying and started seeing signs of other people who know magic and even noticed disguise spells. When she used a counter spelled to see who was underneath them she noticed there were a lot of beings that weren't human.

Some only had some minor differences between humans however others had animal ears or look more animalistic than ordinary humans. Some didn't even have any human characteristics and appear to be monsters hiding under a simple illusion.

See them found signs that many gods of different pantheons existed and seemingly were in a deal that restrains them from messing with The mortals. However like all things they were loopholes and their influence on the mortal world was very large.

Worried for her children who would be born in such a mysterious world that pretended to be ordinary.

She does deeper into her books of magic and started studying with more diligence.

She noticed there were many different energy sources to draw from and use her personal uses.

They were physical energy that could be separated into vitality and the body's natural energy.

There was mental energy and soul energy which can be combined together to make spiritual energy.

Then they were external energies like the natural energy which was remnant energy and refine energy of the world.

Faith Something God's use to strengthen themselves over time and improve their connection to their domain. Laws were confusing energy that seemingly pulled on the concept of them and obtained a strange energy related to it.

Each energy had its own attribute and affinity as well as racial aptitude. Like demonic energy is more destructive and hands corrosive nature.

Or like an angel's energy which is naturally healing and a great affinity towards purification and restoration. The unique differences of energy and even unique signatures to different individuals drove more curiosity into the arcane parts and rituals.

Tried her best even hunting down some beasts and some monsters who were killing humans to use his ritual sacrifices. All these rituals and magical spells we're focused on promoting her children's potential for magic and their attributes.

She even found a way to make child birth less painful and prepared every miniscule detail to perfection.

When she did all the rituals she could and had all the preparations to deliver her children she waited till it was time to do so.

6 months later she finally went into labor and after a few hours he gave birth to a baby boy and girl.

They both have orange hair and beautiful emerald eyes as well as a pale Fair complexion.

The thing that excited her most was there potential far exceed what she thought the rituals would do and she noticed that her children were very special.

Her daughter possessed and unique ageless bloodline which would prevent her from dying from old age and unaffected to death spells. Her son on the other hand blew her mind and nearly gave her a heart attack.

He started to develop a godhead and his potential was increasing due to it at a alarming rate.

Both her daughter and son exhibited heightened levels of intelligence and cognitive thinking.

Both of them were able to read at the young age of two and can perfectly speak by then as well.

They both started walking on their own extremely quickly within less than a year.

While their bodies weren't maturing fast and they weren't exhibiting any negative symptoms she still worried because she was their mother. So she baby them and she loved doing so, to the point it was almost unhealthy.

However both of her children loved her very much and can even be said to be obsessed with their mother just like she was with them.

She continued to breastfeed them and give all of her love an affection to them as much as possible.

They never wanted to leave their mother's side and refused to go to daycare so she just watched them herself at home.

When both of her precious babies reach the ages of six years old she started developing taboo feelings for her children.

One of her favorite times was when she was bathing the children and she would tease them every chance she got.

She would grope and bounce her baby girls butt, teasing her on how she has a bubble butt like her mother. Her daughter would blush furiously however giggles at her mother's actions.

Her son was even more precious when she teased him and got an adorable flustered appearance.

He would always cover his face and blush profusely, as he shifted from side to side.

She learned a term for her preference, she was a shotacon and was proud of it.

. . .

Oliver pov

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Oliver was sitting on the left side of his mother's side and was embarrassed on how he was being lost a few minutes ago.

His mother made sure to scrub every area of his body and even growth especially.

She had just settled him down to her left side and picked up his sister too make sure she got thoroughly washed as well. He didn't wish to admit it to himself but he stared and was honestly enjoying the sight of his sisters butt being groped.

He could feel familiar tingling sensation in his groin and thankfully for him he was able to suppress it someone to do his young age. However at this rate he doesn't know how much longer he can hold himself back from having a hard on for his sister and mother.

A reincarnated into this world six years ago and originally thought it was a normal world until he saw his mother using some form of telekinesis. Later When he was able to ask she told him that it was a psychic spell called telekinetic field.

This made him realize underneath this world that seemed ordinary was a fantasy world and made him more excited for his future life.

Coming back from his thoughts he quickly wiped his saliva off his chin and eagerly watched his mother fondle his sister's ass.

His mother made sure to lather her ass thoroughly in soap and not so secretly make sure her camera was recording like always.

She told us that she recorded these moments to enjoy the memories, however he felt like she just wants to use them to get herself off.

Oliver knew she wouldn't do anything we didn't like so he was ok with some of the things she did.

He didn't even mind and enjoyed the enjoy the thought of starting a hearm with his mother and sister.

"fufufuf my baby girl has a bubble butt just like me, so soft too"

Martha told her daughter with a teasing tone of voice.

"Pfft mama stop it, hahah my butt isn't that big is it?" Olivia gigglingly retorted before hafe way becoming self conscious of her butt.

"Oliver grab you're sister's butt and tell her how good her bubble butt is"

Martha spoke up to her son dragging him into their conversation.

Without much thought she stood up in the tub got behind his sister and grabbed her bubbly ass.

He made sure to get a good handful of her ass cheek before realizing what he was doing.

"Ah brother my butt, your grabbing too tightly it stings" Olivia whined and complained about her butt.

"So does it feel good and soft right, your sister's got a bubble butt"

Martha asked waiting for his answer.

Oliver softened his grip on her ass cheeks a bit and gently broke them making his sister subconsciously giggle. He hugged her from behind and pressed his body against hers.

"Yes mama, sis has a bubble butt like yours and it's very soft too"

He gave his response in a soft loving tone.

"Fufufuf see mama told you, your brother loves your bubble butt"

Martha told her daughter happily and filled with joy for her son's supporting words.

Oliver slowly started grinding his crotch against his sister's ass and felt his cock start to grow.

Luckily his mother didn't notice his actions and was still teasing his sister profusely.

His sister on the other hand was to flustered by her mother to notice the growing member against her ass. She was oblivious to her brother's think cock in-between her ass cheeks.

Oliver body orgasmed and thankfully his body didn't yet produce sperm or cum.

He nibbled on her ear for the rest of the time bathing and was confident and convincing them to join his hearm.

Oliver after his reincarnation got a godhead from what his mother called it and received some understanding of what it was for as well as it's uses.

Much like his sister he was ageless and didn't have to worry about growing old. He also had a regeneration ability to recover from any wounds and heal himself quickly.

His body could also adapt quickly to any environment or anything given enough time. He had a unique energy of his own connected to a spiritual and physical energies.

His domain over fertility and offspring granted him a few more benefits. Like being able to control the gender as well as fertility of himself and others. He can also control the gender of his future offspring and even remove any potential defects.

Oliver also had the benefit of a perfect body and the embodiment of an ideal made making him attractive to both the opposite in the same sex.

This effect didn't stop there and even affected animals and any being with some form of consciousness. His body was also like that of an aphrodisiac and his recovery speed was ridiculous.

One of his favorite and many passive abilities granted from this is his eidetic memory.

Who needs a video camera when you could record everything perfectly and recall it just as good as a camera maybe even better.

His mother lifted him and his sister out of the bathtub and quickly tried us along before getting us dressed.

After which she fed us some solid food and of course allowed us to drink from her breasts.

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Martha POV

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After giving her children a bath and enjoying herself than feeding them, she educated them on some simple matters before they start first grade.

With her children's intelligence both of your children were currently able to go to 10th grade however she didn't tell them that.

She wished for her children to be able to enjoy their childhood and grow up in a happy environment.

She felt that some socialism other than her attention would be beneficial for her children and sign them up for school.