
God of fear, Kletus Cassidy

In the pursuit of fun, one must be willing to discard everything That’s what Kletus Cassidy did, he discarded his humanity, his ties and his sanity in the pursuit of fun in killing, something he has been addicted to when he saw his father torture his mother What waited for him was hell, that was supposed to be the place that awaits him when he dies However, a certain meddling man interferes and took him under his dark wings The man gave him a soul, his previous companion for fun, Fiddlesticks, the God of Fear, suffering and despair Now, armed with one of the most powerful entities in the entire Tower, he aim to make much more suffering and much more fun for himself and Fiddlesticks Notice: this novel contains animal abuse, slavery and merciless killing, basically things you would expect for a villain to do (except for family because of Dominic’s teachings)

Kieranilner · Fantasy
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7 Chs


Carn enters the inn with a bell ringing above, customers were crowded and sitting at tables already

"Ah! Carn, where did you go?" A voice resounded to his left as Carn walks toward the door

"Oh, sorry mother. I was out for my morning walk but didn't realized the time."

"Sheesh, you dumb boy. Anyways, go to Marga to get the dishes."

"Yes mother."

Carn walk to the bar at the back that acts as a kitchen as well. The innkeepers, Joshan and Marga is both cooking and preparing drinks for the customers. Carn enters through and Joshan noticed him

"Ah, you're back, Marga, hurry up!"

"Don't order me!"

She push out dishes for Carn to deliver. His voice resounded in the noisy tavern room. Even though the room was noisy, his voice got through miraculously and this continue. There's intervals when customer influx dwindle and rise, especially from 2:00 PM where they dwindle to 8:00 PM where it rises again, comparable to the morning services

And, of course, there's the inn service. Adventurers and travelers from all places went to the inn to get a room. Lullaby Night is full most of the time and the reason is their clean and soft beds and the breakfast/dinner is great. Their reputation is also widespread because of the travelers and adventurers telling their contacts about the place

So, when nightfalls. It's 10:00 PM and everyone went back to their homes and the people who booked a room went to it for sleep or planning, and this time is also a moment of action for Carn. Because, this is the time he inflicts nightmares

Now, nightmares are great for Carn. The reason being is that, it doesn't arouse suspicion from them since they'll just think it's just a nightmare and it also gives him freedom to manipulate their dreamscape, to give them fear and eventually, that sweet despair

So, when everyone is asleep. He carefully move away from his mother and exit the room. His steps were silent as he makes it to the three way. The rooms above are for the customers and the room on the ground floor is for the innkeepers and Morgan

He step upstairs, which he rarely does because the Joshan strictly forbids him to. He avoid the creaky floors and arrive at the first floor. A long hallway with 10 rooms, 5 on each sides. 10 or more sources of power. Carn smiled devilishly as Fiddlesticks cackles inside

Carn manifest the Plague and spread it through the hallway. It permeates through the wooden doors and enter through their noses. Many memories enter his own mind, enough to make anyone's head aches. But, it's not all of it. For now, he focuses strictly on their moment of fear and suffering

He jerk his head to the sides, back and forth. After some time, he stops as the influx of memories slow down to a halt. He smiles as he mutter something under his breath

"It's time to despair."

He access one string of memory. The name of the owner is Jacklynn Rosewood. She's a half elf half human. Insecure and sensitive racially. Her worst fear is her teammates shunning her and everyone ignoring and abandoning her


Carn uses her insecurity and fear of abandonment to his advantage and creates a simulation, dispersing her dream and replace it with his newly concocted nightmare version

"Tch, what hybrid trash."

"You're not worthy for us to call you a friend."

"Get away from me, disgusting half blood!"

Carn smiles as he exits her mind and pick another person. Urosa Rulaien. A beast man. Fears fire and body horror. He's a seclusive person so he doesn't have anyone sleeping with him and he's dreaming about a grass plain where he can run free

'Hehe, let's see how you feel about this?'

He creates fire in the plain and spread it throughout the plain. Urosa's ears cupped in fear as he back away but realized he can't escape. He's too afraid. He can't move a muscle as he's fear stricken. Carn and Fiddlesticks laugh as they do make more nightmares, extracting fear and sweet despair

This continue for hours, the tenants were tortured with nightmares until they wake up from it. Carn returned downstairs after a while of overseeing their suffering and fear while laughing inside. He pass by the innkeepers and Morgan's room and open his room's door. The sight that greeted him once he enters was his mother's exposed body

Her robe was pulled up and a white piece of cloth was blocking and covering her sensitive area while the robe itself was thin and so, her mounds had a tip to it. Carn sighed and a piece of memory cross his mind, the memory of his orginal mother, his old, sinister mother who tried to stop him from his fun

'Tch, damn nosy woman.'

His smile broke once again but since no one was there to see, he wasn't very cautious. He decid to sleep on the chair since his mother is sleeping so soundly that he doesn't want to wake her up with his carelessness. The chair was by no means comfortable but Carn as Kletus slept in worst positions

He slowly begin to sleep as he watches his mother's peerless face. He smiles in joy, which is rare, from the fact that he got such a beautiful mother

'Damn my father, for tossing such a beautiful woman out.'

His memory of his father was still clear as day. His hatefulness towards him and the way that he yelled those words at his mother. 'If you ever show your face again, I'll make sure to keep you as my personal power battery.'

He went to sleep with a nasty frown. In his dream, he met Fiddlesticks. He doesn't have a form so he borrowed Carn's form and manifested as him but his hair and eyes are pitch black. He grin a menacingly large and devilish grin as he talks using his lines

"Having fun? Great!"

"Hahaha, you know. You're less creepy of you just talk using the original voices."


"What? I'm serious, you're orginal voice was creepy as heck when you repeat those lines. If you were to talk like that at first, I would've had nightmares about your voice."

"More suffering!"


His conversations with Fiddlesticks were not the fondest. But, Carn shares this sense of camaraderie with him. Like they're two odd but matching pieces of a puzzle or picture. Then, something unexpected happened. Fiddlesticks transformed into the form of a little girl, Morgan

"…Fiddlesticks, what did I tell you?"

"Great, fit! You, Morgan, such a, nice, couple."

"Tch, damn you! Don't say that or take her form!"

Carn's face became red as a tomato as Fiddlesticks dances around in Morgan's body. This ticks Carn's patience as Fiddlesticks uses her voice lines

"Such a beautiful day! Wow, nice big brother!"

"Wait, what?"

Carn grabs Fiddlesticks in Morgan form and shake him

"What did you say?! Say it again!"

"Big brother Carn is such a nice person."

"…where did you get this line?"

"Ahh, I wished I could've stay in his bed longer."

"I didn't infect Morgan with the Plague. Wait, that line… I passed through Morgan's room. Could she…"

Carn's thoughts were a little messed up but there was no bad images of an underage girl in his mind. He was thinking if she was still possibly awake and somehow, Fiddlesticks picked up that line. Carn just sighs as he sits down. Fiddlesticks sits by his side and lean his head on Carn's shoulder

Carn wished he had a little sister in his past life. Whenever a little girl was near him, he would project his thoughts and consider her a little sister to him, there was one girl he remembered in his past life. She was in the same orphanage as he is but they never interacted much and the times they did, few words were exchanged

'At least, in this life, hehe, thank you, Kieran.'

He still remembers the deal he made with that stranger. The deal of fun

The rest of his time in his dream was sitting down and Fiddlesticks, in Morgan's form, leaning on his shoulder. It was pleasant and in real life, his frown was now his usual smile