

Akemi... the ultimate goddess able to create and destroy anything. at first she created the universe but there wasn't much in it no planets or stars or anything like that but then she thought about it for an entire year after that she new what she was going to do "If I create a God to serve me then I won't be so lonely, YES I'll do exactly that!" She yelled and so she did she use some of here magic and boom! A God wearing a Black Suite white skin and a White mask that looked plastic appeared "Hello Madam my dearest apologies for the smoke. My name is the Puppet Master at your service" The New God said "Oh no darling I don't intend for you to be at my service" Akemi said then she raised her hands in the air then dropped them down and her hands we're in the position of as if she was trying to shoot a beam downwards but then as she did that... darkness " I'll BEAT ALL OF YOU MY POWERS ARE THE BEST IN THIS GAME!" Akimitsu said

"yeah right I'll crush you!" Yami Kumo said

" Light is here,My sister,Me,Life, Darkness, Creation, Destruction, Music Man,God of Magic,Ice,Earth Weather,Food,Blood,Insects,Infection,Insanity, Goddess of Physical Strength, Goddess of Blood,Goddess of Fire,Time and density, Knowledge girl,Love,God of Riches,Ilusion girl,Vampire girl, and my brother the White assassin" said Death "Well with all that settled let start the battle dose everyone know the rules?" Death asked

(All) YES!

"But just in case any of you idiots forgot here's a recap" Said Akira (Knowledge girl)

"It's a free for all between us Teenage gods to see who's the strongest but of course this is just a game that I invented, ya know for the fun of it!" Akira explained "Alright cut all the chit chat will you I'm ready to fight!" Akimitsu yelled "Ok in 3...2...1..." Akira said "GO!!" she yelled and just like that it was on A battle will be remembered for eternity mainly because of the consequences that happened because of it. "SHINU!!" Yami yelled as she raised her hands in the air and out of no where a giant star appeared hovering above her hands, then she threw the star on Music Man then he coughs up blood, meanwhile it's Destruction Vs Creation, Death vs Light it made all the gods feel great! Until... Death was to powerful for everyone so they all teamed up on him but just fighting him wasn't enough so they huddled up"We can't win like this!" Yami yelled "Yes but if we all tram up and BEAM HIM" Akira suggested "Yeah I like the sound of that!" Akimitsu yelled excitingly so all of them together they put their hands together in front of them as if they were trying to create a beam,"They won't.." Death muttered when he saw them and oh boy perhaps the end of existence itself could have been avoided if they just didn't continue with this action, but it was to late "Wait guys!" The Time God said "we shouldn't do this because if we do I see something terrible happening in our future"

"What are you talking about nothing bad is going to happen let's go guys" Akimitsu said, And just as The Time God was about to jump to stop them it was to late, and they all said...


And it was done they had hit Death with Obliteration and the entire Multiverse was destroyed, it sent Death flying backwards but little did they know that 125 miles behind Death stood Akemi "Alright let's see, I think I'm going to make another God, Yes all right let's do it!" Akemi shouted in happiness "Alright a little bit of Death,The God of Magic, and #$@!&'s Blood and-" Akemi said, but just then Death cane flying twords her and POW! he hit her with the force of him and all the other Gods, And in the process that goes in to making Gods there's a half of a Femtosecond

(Look it up)

where she losing her power and gives some percentage of it to the God she's trying to make and even though she is the Ultimate Goddess she can't change that. So in that half of a Femtosecond Death striked her with the force of him and all the other Gods x99,000000000000000000000000 and at this time she didn't realize the full potential of her power and she didn't know that one of her Creations could even hit her with that much force because she puts the restrictions on them, Now keep in mind that she's delt with previous rebellious Gods and they've all hit her with all of their force but she's never felt anything like this before and when Death hit her with that type of force it released 95.5% of her power into the God she was making.

Death had realized what he had done back to where all the other gods were meanwhile Akemi's magic is the only thing keeping her alive and keeping her floating as she coughed up blood and out of the Fog was a Child glowing completely white like a Crystal Gem in the process of fusioning but 30 seconds later the appearance became clear, It was a Child With a Black Suit and White skin as if he had been covered in White face paint, The Child looked at Akemi "Hello Mother" Said the boy as he's face looked emotionless "My name is Mr Smiles!" The boy yelled "Oh..(Cough) hi there Mr.Smiles" Akemi said to the boy "Why do you look so sad lady?" Asked Mr.Smiles "Haha I'm sorry but, Your to Young to understand right now I'm afraid I'll have to tell you when your older darling." Akemi answered "Oh... Ok!" said the boy

27 Nonillion years later....

Ah, The Multiverse is fixed and Earth is now a thing that most Gods dwel in it's now 1888 and in the OverWatcher Headquarters in space

(More on that in the next chapter or 2)

lies a deep conversation....

"Mother remember 27 Nonillion years ago when I was first created I asked you what was wrong and you said that you were going to tell me what I was older?" Mr.Smiles asked "Oh yes!' Akemi answered "I believe your ready, But keep in mind that you need to stay calm ok?" She asked "Ok Mother of course!" Mr.Smiles replied "Ok good, Now 27 Nonillion years ago when you were first created..." (Explains the battle) " And now pretty much all of my power lies within you." She told him

"I just need him to think that he has all my power and that he's the strongest, So that #$@!& doesn't realize his full potential.

She said in her head "... Wow..." Mr.Smiles said as his back faced get and he was looking downwards and Smiling "I-I-i always new there was something different about me, all the other gods run away when I try to play that's because of Death" he said in a deep voice "W-what do you mean sweetheart?" Akemi asked Mr Smiles chuckled then laughed and laughed some more and he laughed for about two more minutes until he stopped... "I hate you..." He said as he then proceeded to turn twords her and punch her in the face with Magamaz

(You'll see what that is in the next chapter or 2)

and while she only had 5% of her power with a punch from Me.Smiles who had 95.5% of her power and with Magamaz that punch killed her

After he proceeded to Attack the dead body with Magamaz until it was nothing but a memory he then proceeded to rush out if the room that they where in and stoped when he saw Death reading a book about Death " Oh..hey bro what's up?" asked Death casually "SHUT UP!" Mr.Smiles yelled as he walked twords Death and whispered "I know what I am Hahaha you fools tried to hide my power from me. Oh and also, I killed her." Mr.Smiles whispered and just then Death yelled "YOU BASTARD!" then grabbed him by the shirt and threw him out the window" as tears ran down Deaths face and after that incident Mr Smiles became known as The terrorizer of universes enslaver of people and because he stays in the void for to long he had become insane and laughed way to often

Now he picks a fight with anyone and some say that he is the Devil himself...

Sorry for the long wait I hope this chapter was worth it!

My brothers B-Day is tomorrow so I'm going to try to post a lot or I might not post at all but either way I'm going to try and fix the spelling errors in my previous chapters to look forward to that

But anyways like I said I'm going to try Publish way more often and me try to get the next chapter out on or before Christmas Eve or day anyways...


PS. can you guys subscribe please thanks.

Sir8Sweetscreators' thoughts