
God Of Destruction in Tower of God

I'm not the best at synopsis but he basically an OC climbing the tower while training to be a God of Destruction. Another thing, English is not my native language, therefore I use a little Google translator, I am also a newbie writing. Read at your own risk

TheNiggDj · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Act 2: princess, rabbit and god

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Disclaimer: The characters and analogy used in these fics belong to their respective creators, I do not own anything, other than my fics and my characters that I create throughout the plot. The dialogues and other powers are taken from the original authors. Tower of God and the dragon ball belongs to both Lee Jong Hui and Akira Toriyama respectively.




"Can I open my eyes yet? ... It's so boring just seeing darkness you know ..."

"Oh about that, you can open them now young God, we've arrived!" A sing-song laugh was heard from the mouth of the young and cheerful guide angel

"Now, I was getting tired-" when the boy opened his eyes he was surprised by what he saw, huge doors rose above him, adorning a tower-shaped structure that rose and rose without an apparent end, at the door, a design of the same tower with a burning sun at the top of this era portrayed, at first glance, they looked like simple ants compared to the size of the immense door and not to mention the tower itself that you could not see edges "Then ... You weren't lying if we're in God's tower ... AMAZINGEEEEEEE! This is my favorite manhwas !!!!!! "

"Well, the candidate for God SIU perfectly portrayed in his work the essence of what the tower itself is" with a beautiful smile that reflected on his face, the beautiful angel explained to the boy who was next to him, which he was ignoring as he jumped from side to side smiling from ear to ear as he sang a horrible song about being the protagonist of his own story, this only served to earn him another beautiful chuckle from the girl

"Oh ... Wait !!! Did you say a candidate for God? That means that the events of the tower of God the manhwa have already happened before !? Nooooooo !!! I wanted to meet Baam, try to conquer the beautiful ones princesses, kick that bastard Zahard's ass, but above all meet my god daddy urek mazino !!!! " The boy plunged into his misery as he leaned against the tower wall and went into ball mode, while a storm cloud 'no one knows how got there' hit him with countless raindrops.

"Certainly you ... You are the only young God ... * Ahem *" clearing her throat the girl caught the attention of the young man who as if none of that had happened stood up normally to observe her, the girl could only gain a drop anime-style sweat "You don't have to worry young God, actually the knowledge that you lived in your old life did happen, but it hasn't happened yet, well, not in the tower itself all the SIU candidate wrote was one of his soul abilities ... 'The eye that sees everything' with him could see an alternate future where the irregular Baam changed the tower "

"Oh, so you're telling me that everything SIU wrote was an alternate future and not his trip when he climbed the tower?" The girl just nodded in confirmation reassuring the boy "Wait, if it's true then he was here not long ago!"

"Young mistake, master the SIU candidate before he failed the test, he was here more than 1000 terrestrial years ago, time flows differently here" with the O-shaped mouth, the boy nodded in understanding "now with those guidelines still resolved you haven't seen your gift "

"My gift!?" A question mark appeared above his head "I thought my gift was bringing me here ..."

The girl laughed with her hand over her mouth as she shook her head "Not at all young master, your gift is not that, your gift is what it is right now ... Have you not noticed anything different with you?"

The boy frowned in thought 'hmm something different, something different ...' the boy looked down and was surprised by what he saw, his body that was previously full of stretch marks and fat, was replaced by a flat abdomen that, although the shirt that covered him was over him, with the naked eye you could see his pack of 6 chiseled by the gods themselves "waah what the fuck !? Even my clothes changed completely, these clothes look like they are from the best brand "a black shirt with gold buttons and dark gray pants confirmed the fact

"That's not all!" The girl put her scepter in front of the boy and in the floating ball a mirror became "see for yourself!"






"WHAAT ALL HELL !!!!! ?????" well certainly this surprised him in a way, what is supposed to be his face full of pimples and blackheads, dark circles and wrinkles, now he finds a beautiful face without any fat on top, well marked and with a soft and smooth milky skin that gives him an excessively beautiful appearance ... But that was not what surprised him, his surprise is that he knows that damn face! "Why the hell do I look like Sasuke Uchiha !!!!!!!!" Well yes, right now his face was the spitting image of Sasuke Uchiha when he was in the war, it was all his, his eyes dark like the same night, his thin eyebrows and his long, yielding hair that covered his forehead and reached up to a little above the eyes, hell even the damn duck ass got it! Well not as prominent as in the anime, but there it is! The only difference is that Sasuke from the anime was very cartoonish and 2d and the one you are now watching is a real 3d version

"This body is your body, young soul God, you chose that soul form from your mind and when the powers of God were given to you, you changed to your soul form destroying your old earthly form" well that makes a bit of sense but does why the hell Sasuke !!? He hated that character from the guts of him ... Well maybe if he was jealous a little bit since he saw the Naruto anime and knew how all the girls were thrown at emo just because of his physique ...

"I can live with this ... I think ... Wait! You said powers of God !? Does that mean ...?" The girl nodded approvingly "Great I have divine ki !!" Again the girl laughed, but this time she was different "hey why are you laughing, are you lying to me?"

"Not at all my God, it's just funny how you assume his power is 'divine ki'." Okay, that did leave him confused, if it isn't divine ki, what is it? "The power of the gods of destruction transcends a simple normal ki, their power has no human understanding, but if it is above all powers, ki, chakra, nen, mana, shinsoo, aura, countenance, no matter what, your power is above all of them and naturally you can both control and destroy those energies "

The boy's eyes widened as he understood what the girl was saying, if that was true then he not only can already handle the power of destruction, but he can also handle all forms of power in the universe ... fucking ... broken!

The boy was taken out of his thoughts when the girl called him "So young God, although it is incredible what I am saying, I recommend that you hurry up and enter the tower, you mentioned that you want to be in the same story as the one that the SIU candidate wrote? Well is it now or never ... "A dark laugh came from the girl's lips earning a chill to the boy, definitely that girl is dangerous!

"Well then, how do I get in? Who do I have to call?" The girl stared at him and then smiled mysteriously at him

"Here is your first test young master ... I tried to open the door by yourself, naturally the irregular ones even when they are not called, they find the way to enter this tower, but on the other hand the young candidates for gods have to enter by the force itself "

"Which translates to ...."

"Right you have to open it with your own hands" the girl gave the young man a fox laugh "Now it is possible, please start the test young man God remember I will be here supporting you ... If you want a clue ... Use your power "

Murmuring something about don't call me young god call me by my name the boy started to walk until he reached the door, then he tried to open it with his mere force and although the doors moved as a sign of opening nothing was further out of reality, not even close they opened 'then the doors do not open with physical force' thoughts came to his mind

'use his power'

The boy opened his eyes and understood 'of course I have to use the power that was given to me ... But ... how the hell do I do that?' The boy closed his eyes again and tried to feel something, but it was in vain, everything was normal for him until he suddenly felt a heat in his stomach, he fully concentrated on that heat and began to guide it throughout his body, slowly the boy passed it everywhere until he got used to this fire when the boy opened his eyes something changed in them, his iris before black like the starless night itself, now they are a beautiful crystalline amethyst violet, not only his eyes They were of that color, large amounts of energy gathered around it in the form of violet fire, it was a beautiful sight for any mortal who saw it, it was a masterpiece at its peak if a Renaissance painter drew it would undoubtedly be named the Birth of God, turning off all your beliefs

The energy in the form of flames from him directed up to his fist, when the boy brought all that energy he knocked on the door. First, nothing happened, then the energy was dispersing so that finally the cases were released, large amounts of winds filled the entire room in which they were so that finally, the door was opening, but I do not know it stopped there, once wide open the hinges were cracking until they broke completely and the doors shot out towards the light that was seen inside

"Shit ... I think it happened to me ..."

A mysterious smile appeared on the girl's face as she witnessed everything 'you are the first to cause such a ruckus upon entering ... You are certainly unique ...'.


Inside the tower in different places 100 specific people felt a presence that drowned them completely, these people were the pinnacle of power within the tower. Without naming the floor guardians, they were strong on their own and it can be said that nothing can drown them in their presence like that ... Unless ...

Of those 100 people certain individuals were sweating with bullets, they knew that presence why they once climbed the tower with someone similar in power to that presence ... Slowly all of them including the self-proclaimed king of the tower who had awakened From their lethargic sleep, they knelt and chanted in their mind 'Welcome back to your tower my God!'


Things for Twenty-fifth Baam were not the best, today the first thing that happened to him when he woke up is that he was not with the girl who has been taking care of him since he can remember, the girl's name is Rachel; Both have been together for a long time when that happened, the brown-haired boy did not hesitate to leave the place where specifically Rachel told him that she will never leave. When he managed to get out, he found her, but the strangest thing is that the girl did not hear him, she just ran away

Obviously, he followed her and when he finally caught up with her the girl gave him a lot of shit about leaving him and going up the tower alone to see the stars, that is shit, she had promised him that they would both see her together when he was about to tell her that one light absorbed it and disappeared into rose petals

When all was lost for him, the same door that took his girlfriend took him once, once the boy woke up he found himself in a strange place with paintings of Gods, but what surprised him the most was the strange rabbit with staff that told him that all his questions would be solved at the top of the tower

With a test that was given to him by that rabbit named Headon Baam, he steeled himself and was willing to do it ... But ... that crazy girl had to come speaking in a language he did not know! Baam was nowhere near telling her to shut up and turn away from her (kindly, of course) when he felt something

The first thing he felt was an unbearable chill down his spine and that feeling that told him that he will forget everything and that he will return to the place where he grew up to hide for a lifetime, another thing that he noticed was that the black-haired girl stopped screaming and He stared seriously at a specific point, his friend (a boy judging his height) was also doing the same, but what surprised him the most is that, the rabbit that was since he arrived giving him a sarcastic smile, was now sweating bullets and ... was he shaking? Ok something is wrong here and whatever it is he got the answer from him when he heard a voice behind his back

"Greetings creatures I come in peace"




"Okay I'm sorry that sounded better in my head lol" that's how the person I spoke to was none other than our young candidate for God, who once he entered with his beautiful assistant/teacher/love interest/guardian angel, followed the path where do I take him to the other presences he felt when he entered

What a surprise he was when he arrived and saw the protagonist of the manhwa that he had been seeing for many years, but cut that, the most important thing was the girl who was with him, WAS YURI BEAUTIFUL AND PRECIOUS ZAHARD His Best waifu in that manga, then It occurred to him to get their attention by releasing 1% of his power ... And to say a typical movie phrase ...

He didn't turn out as well as he expected

"Oooh, what we have here ... A real irregular monster ..." The girl was now known as Yuri Zahard, was a beautiful girl of tall stature (not as tall as our protagonist) long black hair, which is decorated with a red bow and a white vest suit "Then 2 irregular entered the tower at the same time ... Interesting"

"Oh, what do you call me a monster, I don't know whether to take it as a compliment or an insult, beautiful lady"

The girl won a little rose powder on her cheeks for the boy's compliment, but then the understanding of her hit her ... The boy understood her and spoke to her in her language! And without a pocket! "Wait, could you understand me !? And without a pocket !?"

It is true, as the boy could understand it, he did not know, he simply listened to her and spoke to her in the language that he has always spoken since he was born ...

"That's why he doesn't need a pocketbook to understand any language princess ... It's been a long time since I've seen you, Lady Margaret" Rabbit Headon bowed as he greeted the guardian angel "and it certainly has been a long time since I saw someone like you, receive my sincerest greetings my young God "

Something happened that left everyone present with their mouths open, except for Margaret and Baam who did not know what was happening, the Headon rabbit went from bowing in respect to the angel, to simply prostrating in front of the child, who was sweating Because of the situation he was in, he never thought that the very first-floor guardian that he knew very well for being arrogant (or so they showed in the manhwa) would prostrate at his feet ... It was certainly uncomfortable ...

"Jojojojo just like the first time" the girl of the angel race laughed seeing the situation in which the God boy was

"Eeeh ... H-hey friend leave that, get up, you are embarrassing me" the blush on his face already spoke for the boy, never in his life had he received compliments like this "anyway, I did not come to what they adored me, I guess you already know what I came for "

"That is correct my lord. Please follow me."


"So in summary ... I have to take a test with this boy here because I can't climb the tower if the tower hasn't called me ... Right?" The headon rabbit nodded in confirmation, after explaining all the functions of the tower and having spoken with Yuri (for his liking) and Evan, the silver dwarf friend of hers (who gave him and Baam a pocket), headon told him about the test and why he had to do it " and because we entered at the same time, this chibi and I are going to do the test together "putting an arm as support on the head of the young Baam, earning a pout of anger from the boy, the boy God continued explaining

"That's right my God" back confirmed the words of him the guardian of the first floor

"Hmm is fine with me, do it to us!" He already knew everything related to the test, but he simply kept quiet when they spoke to him so as not to raise suspicions, it would be a nuisance to explain that he already knows everything, even up to the date of his birth ... Ok not so much, but yes he knew a lot.

"Perfect, then ..." With a small tap of his cane on the ground the strange rabbit-shaped creature released a light, and then a kind of fish tank with a cage opened where a huge ugly eel appeared in front of everyone while he roared "I had thought of using a low-level eel to examine Mr. Baam, but from what I see, with you in the test we have to increase the difficulty a bit" a strange sinister smile was won on his mouth

"Oi !! Headon what the hell !? Do you want to kill them !!!? That is barracuda, even the newly promoted rankers have problems with that type of eels" Yuri did not take long to show his discontent when he saw the proof that they will receive the beautiful young man and the boy and not that he cares, not at all !, that handsome boy with his perfect face and his silly smile that he is beginning to like ... Hell no!... The test simply seems unfair ... If unfair !!!

"Hmm I think it's a fair enough test" the angel girl who until now remained silent was thoughtful seeing the type of test that had been assigned to her new student

As for our silly protagonist ... Well her thoughts were chaotic 'To say barracuda !!! ?? You fucking fucking rabbit wants to kill me ?? The most dangerous and destructive eel of all !!! Hell, the same urek is nicknamed barracuda for that very reason! ' she was sweating with bullets as cold mucus peeked out of his nose, sure, the boy is powerful now, but hell! he he he has no experience at the time of fighting! So far he has simply lived a crappy life without ever exercising or fighting in his life 'come on calm down, calm down if everything goes as planned, Baam will give him black March and I will stand idly by while the boy takes care of everything 'the boy put his hands in his pockets and closed his eyes, if people saw him on the outside they would say that he is already prepared to fight, but inside he is an immense ball of despair

"Well princess, if you show his discontent so much, why doesn't he lend you his black march to help you ...?" The shitty rabbit smile grew at suggesting that

"W-w-are you talking crazy! The Black March is a sword designed specifically for Princess Hazard, if the empire finds out that the princess lent it, she will be treated as a traitor!" Even the silver dwarf was the most rational here

"Hmmm ... Pocket opens the inventory" a light shone and then a shelf of swords opened in front of the princess, she cunningly took out a long black needle-shaped sword, while she was taking it out dark energy was filling the place " hey handsome boy, grab! "

'Handsome boy, how lucky is Baam ... wait why do I feel something coming towards me ...?' widening his eyes, the boy grabbed the sword as it was thrown at him, this should not have happened, it was supposed to be Baam who would receive black march !!!!

"S-princess what are you doing!"

"I've already made my decision Evan, let's see how they do it" the girl bites her lip in frustration 'damn I know the boy is strong, I felt it myself when he arrived, but ... Please ... Don't let it happen to him nothing'

"Oh Princess, he shouldn't lend a weapon as valuable as that" another shitty smile adorned headon

"Shut up stupid rabbit, you were the one who suggested it to him"

Okay this didn't go the way he planned it

but he had to do something, he didn't get here in vain, he wasn't going to be eaten by that silly shitty eel, he was going to show him who's boss here "Suck my balls !!!" Giving a battle cry, the boy entered swinging the needle-shaped sword locally





A huge blow to the eel to launch it back, they all started with a poker face as they saw the boy shout curses and rubbed his face that now had a huge red on it due to the "BAAAM" tail.

"Hh-hai !!!" The boy was startled when he heard the scream

"What the hell are you doing standing there, help me !!!" The boy ran to the older boy and helped him up, while he repeatedly muttered sorry over and over again "Okay listen, I have a plan, I want you to serve as a distraction while I give him a final blow"


"Yes! Have you never played video games brat? When the boss is distracted, the blows come to them with criticism" well what shit logic our protagonist has, but again, it's not like he's been in a fight before, everything related It is with videogames ... Nor is it that the Baam child knew what a videogame is ...

"Okay, but what do I have to do sir?" The boy turned his head in doubt

'Damn kawaii, what a cute brat' "* ahem * just stay still and let it come close to you, you trust me" shit, I didn't even know what I was going to do, I just remembered the manhwa and I knew the true power of the sword is released by a man 'let's see if all that shit about black march only obeying men is true'

When the boy Baam entered the fish tank/barracuda cage he went to attack him with everything, but this time he opened his mouth to swallow the boy whole

'come on friend are you there? Hello!? Bankai, I will release my sword, give me your strength, hit !! ' well it didn't turn out as he planned, the sword wasn't even listening to him and the soul inside didn't feel at all. Did they give him a defective sword? He was pulled out of his thoughts when he saw that the eel was inches from the boy, but what surprised him was the boy's pure faith. There he was, without moving a single inch, waiting for him to fulfill his part "that child ...." 'I was leaving this until the end but I have no other choice' raising his arm and placing his palm in front of him one Violet energy surrounded him again, his eyes were changed to the same beautiful amethyst color "before creation comes destruction .... Hak-"

'Please use me ~'

A melodious voice stopped him, then he looked to the side to see a beautiful girl with golden hair and black clothes hugging his torso

'Please use my power my beautiful God ~'

The girl followed him talking with her beautiful melodious voice

'I know you can do it, please pronounce me ~'

The boy's eyes stopped being black to a blood-red scarlet.

'Say it with me ~'





'ignition ~ / IGNITION !!!!'

The next thing those present knew, the whole room went dark


"That was ... Interesting, don't you think Lady Margaret?"

The test had already passed a while ago, in the room were not long ago there were several people, now there were only two individuals, one was a rabbit with a humanoid shape and the other was a beautiful girl with white hair and blue skin.

"It was certainly interesting 2 irregular and Miss Ha Yurin's descendant ... I feel that this time the events will be even more exciting than the first time I went up here" the girl smiled mysteriously as she recalled the past

"If it has been a long time, I remember that the first time you were here, you were a little girl hiding on the legs of lord whims"

"Jojojojo was just an apprentice back then" the girl smiled in her hand as she watched the rabbit "we have to catch up headon and we have a lot to tell each other, let's guide the way, I still know how to make that tea that my older brother gave me I teach"

"Hmm it's certainly a tea of ​​another level, come on Miss Margaret we have a long time until young God reached the third floor"

Both rabbit and girl disappeared into the dark

What will our protagonist Otaku bring?

Find love?




Will you find the power?




Will you find wealth?












Will that find that transcends the rest?



Well ... Come on up with us and find out




All the answers are there ... at the top

Tower of Godness!

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Well, that has been all mine beautiful beautiful creatures:v this chapter was destined to be uploaded yesterday but the university attacked :c

But here it is with almost 5000 beautiful curses xd

I hope you like it and leave your score to know if you like it and upload more content

Another thing, here is my kwai code in case you want to help me, okay :3 just download the app and use this code and you no longer have to donate or anything and know that that helps me a lot we XD


Without further dilation, we do not see tomorrow almost handsome