

Adam, with Natasha's hand in his, entered the restaurant without any hesitation. Pushing the door, he was able to see that the restaurant was indeed even more filled than he would have expected from the way the place actually was.

'This is interesting.'

In a way, this was actually his second time entering a restaurant with so many hunters gathered. The first time he did so was when he was walking around with Medusa and she was about to share the Gold mission with him.

'In a way, this is like fate.'

After all, tomorrow he was finally about to go on the mission that had been awaited for so long.

The moment the two of them entered, all eyes fell on them. This was normal, after all not every hunter could enter the main restaurant of this cook. It demanded a certain level of strength of connection that was not available for mediocre people.

'Those clothes.'

'Is it the Magician?'

'The Red Magician, you mean.'

'No way!'

Next chapter