

After Medusa left the premise of the Hanekawa household in Los Angeles, Tsubasa stopped observing her leaving figure and trailed her gaze on her mother who was back to that alluring smiling expression of hers, as if the anger she had shown just before while facing Medusa was just a lie all along.

"I thought the two of you were friends."

"We are or we were friends once upon a time. I guess she felt betrayed by what I did to her."

Tsubasa shrugged and did not ask more questions regarding this matter. Simply adjusting the mask on the side of her face she informed her mother.

"I am taking the Fox Mask with me."

"You do know the risk of taking a divine weapon to the outside world, right? Once you leave, America, this mask is basically fair game for anyone. Even the American organizations that will be aiming for the mask might attack you to obtain it."

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