
God of Conquest in DXD

Dragonreed · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs


The underworld was being turned upside down. Looking for the missing girl and trying to make sure the old Satan faction was not behind it. Meanwhile, there was a meeting going on in another place. The god and goddess were having a meeting about what is going on.

(Amaterasu) "What have you found out about this new god?" I look to the other gods and goddesses that are sitting down with me.

(Susano-o) "We don't know sister but what we have found out is that he should fall under our Shinto Pantheon. I have not heard about him from our father or mother. Are you going to go meet with him, sister?"

(Amaterasu) "I will watch him for a little bit longer and then see. He has been in the devil's area for now and has not made contact with us. A new Island came into being because of him. So we know he from our Pantheon just not who strong he is yet. I don't want to start a war with ourselves. Like the Bible Pantheon did so let us leave him for now.

Back on the unknown island Cleria and Masaomi have just finished setting up for the ceremony. They get ready to let there lord that every thing is ready. Tinnin and Tiamat are still in shock about what the god just told them. They never though that Ddraig could get a new body.

(Tiamat) "I will help you if you can get him to return my treasure or replace it. Why do you need some of our blood and a dead dragon egg?"

(Drizzt) "I need your blood because of your strength. You two are the strongest dragon around. The egg for the making of the body of Ddraig. It will make things faster with the egg and blood. Then build it up from scratch. Are there any more questions? If not can we get with this so we can go on about your day?"

Tinnin and Tiamat look at each other and got to work on what he wanted. Tiamat when to go get one of the dead eggs and Tinnin gave his blood. When Tiamat came back with the egg she gave her blood too. Cleria and Masaomi took the items and when to the spot for the ceremony. Drizzt move over to them and told them where he wanted everything. Then got ready to do the ceremony for bringing Ddraig's body back.

(Drizzt) "Ddraig everything is ready for you to have your body back. Are you sure you want to go though this you be bond to me for all time. {Yes, I understand that thanks for giving my body back.} BY THE POWER OF CONQUEST I GIVE YOU A BODY. YOU BE MY DRAGON ENFORCER AND GENERAL OF MY ARMIES. YOU BE KNOW FROM THIS DAY FORTH AS THE DRAGON CONQUEST AND DOMINATION."

A bright light shines and everyone who was watching had to cover their eyes. Then they hear a loud roar and the light starts to dim. When they can finely see Ddraig standing there he look like he did in the past. He wasn't just red like in the past. Now he had gold stripes all over his body and was two times bigger than before.

(Ddraig) "Thank master for giving me back my body. I will follow you for the rest of my life and your enemies will be my enemies."

Tinnin and Tiamat look on with a lot on there minds. They both congratulate him and then left and when home. Tinnin contacted the Maous and let them know what he had seeing. Making the shocked about what this new god could do.

I hope you like this story.

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