
GOD of Chaos Bell

Xiao Yun's cheat system can only have one function - epiphany! Ordinary physique? Epiphany Chaos! Is it difficult to practice physical fitness? Epiphany perfection! Supernatural powers are difficult to repair? Epiphany and perfection! There is nothing that epiphany can't solve. If there is, then enlightenment ten times, one hundred times, one thousand times

T_Eldar · Fantasy
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90 Chs


On the platform outside the True Dragon's Nest, everyone's gaze was fixed on Sister Li

At this moment, Wan Yanghui was already exerting his full Source Power. He emitted a faint white light, enveloping himself and Sister Li in it.

Everyone could clearly see that Sister Li's injuries were rapidly healing, and her aura was gradually becoming stronger.

However, Wan Yanghui looked somewhat miserable. As he used more than ninety percent of his Source Power, his hair gradually turned white, and his once youthful face grew increasingly aged. He resembled a candle in the wind, on the verge of extinguishing.

"Li Chengdi has finally managed to save his life!"

"However, Wan Yanghui is in a pitiful state. He has used up over ninety percent of his Source Power. Even if he doesn't die this time, he only has a few years of life left."

"A mighty Heaven Realm expert, about to fall right before our eyes. Alas."

"Nothing can be done. Li Chengdi possesses the Time-Space Body and the potential to become a Grand Emperor in the future. Wan Yanghui is also upholding the hopes of their Tai Chu Holy Land's prosperity."

"This time, Li Chengdi burned his Time-Space Body. It will likely take a long time for him to recover, and he will need a lot of precious materials and treasures from heaven and earth to assist in the process."

"That's not a problem. After all, their Tai Chu Holy Land has a vast heritage and resources. They don't need to worry about this issue."


The people around were discussing animatedly.

Xiao Yun furrowed his brows slightly. He didn't expect Sister Li to survive, which was beyond his expectations. He had to admit that this person was quite the resilient survivor.

However, Xiao Yun wasn't concerned. He had confidence in himself. He had defeated Sister Li this time, and he would surely do it again in the future.

Furthermore, Sister Li's injuries were severe this time, and who knew how long it would take for her to recover. Xiao Yun was already one step ahead.

"Disciple, don't mind it. He's already your defeated underling and won't be your opponent in the future," Emperor Tian comforted in a low voice, sensing Xiao Yun's disappointment.

Xiao Yun shook his head, his eyes brimming with confidence. "I've never been disappointed. With my invincibility, I fear no opponents. Because they are destined to be stepping stones for me, assisting me in becoming a Grand Emperor."

Emperor Tian felt gratified by Xiao Yun's mindset. "With this mindset, I'm deeply reassured, my disciple."


At that moment, a cold snort came from not far away.

It turned out that Wan Yanghui's treatment had ended. He had finally saved Li Chengdi, stabilizing his breath, and the danger to his life had dissipated.

However, Wan Yanghui's situation was quite tragic. His black hair had turned white, and his once rosy face had become incredibly aged. His skin appeared weathered, resembling the bark of an old tree. He looked even older than Emperor Tian.

Evidently, this Heaven Realm expert had exhausted too much of his Source Power. He had lost nearly a thousand years of life and was now approaching the limit of his lifespan. It was estimated that he only had a few years left to live.

But Wan Yanghui's eyes still shone brightly, deep and profound. He cast a cold and chilling gaze towards Emperor Tian and Xiao Yun, devoid of any hint of anger but radiating a frosty determination. "In this lifetime, only Li Chengdi can reach the Dao!"

He didn't say much, but his tone was unquestionable, and his gaze was unwaveringly resolute.

Clearly, he had full confidence in Li Chengdi, believing that Li Chengdi would eventually become a Grand Emperor and wash away today's shame.

"Sister Li is indeed extraordinary. I, Xiao Yun, greatly admire her," Xiao Yun's gaze carried a hint of mockery, his face filled with disdain.

Wan Yanghui wasn't angry; he merely cast a cold, indifferent glance at Xiao Yun before turning to Emperor Tian and saying, "I'll leave first and wait for you. In the future, beneath the Nine Nethers, we'll see whose disciple can achieve the Grand Emperor Dao."

With that said, Wan Yanghui carried Li Chengdi and left, soaring through the air.

Emperor Tian gazed at his departing figure and sighed softly, "After all these years of battling against each other, he didn't expect to meet his end at the hands of my disciple."

With Emperor Tian's strength, he could naturally tell that Wan Yanghui didn't have many years left, even less than himself. This Heaven Realm powerhouse had reached a pitiable state.

And Wan Yanghui's death was indirectly related to Xiao Yun, having been killed by him in a way.

"Disciple, let's return as well," Emperor Tian said with emotion and then turned to Xiao Yun.

"Farewell, Senior Brother Xiao!" Tang Yunyun greeted Xiao Yun and then looked at him reluctantly, but she was soon led away by Lü Xianwan.

After watching Tang Yunyun leave, Xiao Yun turned to Emperor Tian and asked, "Master, I gained a follower inside. According to our tradition, can I bring him back to our Chaos Sanctuary?"

Emperor Tian was momentarily puzzled. "Why not? Our Chaos Sanctuary embraces all talents. As long as he's willing to follow you, he can join us."

Xiao Yun nodded and then looked toward the entrance of the True Dragon's Nest, wondering where Zhao Wujin had gone. He hadn't come out yet.

By this time, most of the people on the field had left, only a small number were waiting for their 'disciples' to come out.

Of course, since there were still no signs of their emergence, the mortality rate was likely quite high. Consequently, their mood was quite heavy.

Among these people were the Tai Dao Holy Land's Grand Elders and the Ancient Wilderness Holy Land's Grand Elders. They weren't too worried because they were very confident in their disciples. After all, both Liu Nanshan and Zhao Wujin were unparalleled geniuses, and it was impossible for them to die inside the True Dragon's Nest.

Indeed, after an hour of waiting, Zhao Wujin finally emerged, covered in blood and looking rather disheveled.

"Zhao Wujin!" The Grand Elder of the Ancient Wilderness Holy Land exclaimed and hurriedly rushed over, supporting Zhao Wujin.

"Master, let's go over there too!" Xiao Yun said to Emperor Tian before walking toward Zhao Wujin.

"Why should we go over there?" Emperor Tian was somewhat confused. The Chaos Sanctuary and the Ancient Wilderness Holy Land didn't have much enmity or camaraderie between them.

Xiao Yun ignored it and approached Zhao Wujin, playfully taunting, "Tsk tsk, how did you end up in such a state?"

Zhao Wujin smiled wryly in response, "Just my luck. While searching for Li Chengdi, I ran into a true dragon descendant. I wanted to tame it, but its strength was terrifying. It possessed a power of 900,000 jin and nearly killed me. I barely managed to escape."

"Such a strong true dragon descendant!" Xiao Yun was a bit surprised and somewhat regretful at the same time. If he could capture it and eat it, it would certainly be quite satisfying.

Meanwhile, the Grand Elder of the Ancient Wilderness Holy Land and Emperor Tian watched Xiao Yun and Zhao Wujin converse familiarly, looking a bit puzzled. They hadn't expected these two individuals to have a good relationship.

However, at that moment, Xiao Yun turned to Emperor Tian and said, "Master, let me introduce you. His name is Zhao Wujin, and he's now my follower."

Emperor Tian rolled his eyes at this, thinking, Do I not know Zhao Wujin? Do I need you to introduce him? Hmm? Wait a minute, what did you just say?

Emperor Tian widened his eyes in disbelief, looking at Zhao Wujin and then back to Xiao Yun in shock. "The follower you mentioned, is him?"

Xiao Yun nodded.

Emperor Tian was dumbfounded, as if petrified in place.