

A psychopath was close to death and wanted to go out with a bang. He died and reincarnated into Hidan, our favorite idiot op Akatsuki. COLDPROTAGONIST RUTHLESSMC BEWARE THIS STORY IS NOT FOR THE LIGHT-HEARTED IF YOU HAVE A MORAL COMPASS OR DON'T LIKE READING MC'S WITHOUT ONE THIS IS NOT FOR YOU. CONTAINS RAPE AND EVERYTHINGS ELSE BAD

Bankin · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Chapter 5

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.

"Hidan look at this."

"What is it?"

"Konaha increased this guy's bounty by 20 Million!"

"Oh, you wanna go for him?"

"Yes, there's gonna be a lot of people gunning for him. We have to get there first!"

"Yeah, yeah, let's go."

"Where is he anyway?"

"On the bounty, it says he was last spotted in the east of the land of fire. Also, before you even ask, he's a jonin."

"Ok, I don't really want to fight him then, you can."

"We're pretty close to the land of fire already, right Kakazu?"

"Yeah, just a few miles west and we'll be there."

"Yeah let's go then."

A few hours later we see Hidan and Kakazu coming across a ninja that seems to be running from the land of fire.

"Hey Kakazu, isn't that the bounty?"

"Yes, that is him."

"Take care of him quick, the leader is calling."

"Yes, he's only jonin anyway."

Kakau then rushes towards the ninja, kunai in hand. The jonin couldn't even react when sparks flew in the air.

"Oh, Kakashi of the Sharingan. What an unexpected visit."

A blonde points to Hidan. "Kakashi-sensei, is he the one?"

"Yes, Naruto. He is the one who massacred team-10."

The boy we now know as Naruto visibly started to shake. His face darkened and his temperament changed. His chakra grew dark and his features grew more feline. As the boy changed more and more Hidan got more excited.

"Kakazu, this one's mine. The leader will be happy with this."

"You're going to die today, I swear it!"

Hidan laughed hysterically. "Me? Die? As if such a thing could ever happen. I am Hidan the immortal. You should do your research kid if you want to live."

Hidan kicked off the ground heading straight towards Naruto, blade in tow. He swiftly slashed at Naruto only for Naruto to block it with a kunai.

"Oh, you're pretty strong brat. Is it the nine-tails making you so strong?"

Naruto pushed the kunai back and stabbed at Hidan only for Hidan to let the kunai pierce him. His eyes widen and he tried to pull the blade out when a hand gripped his. He then made a tiny cut on Naruto's face.

"A shame really, I want to kill you so bad. Too bad the leader needs you alive."

He jabbed his blade in his stomach and blood sprayed the air. Both Hidan and Naruto were covered in each other's blood.

"What? How is th-"

Naruto blacked out. He fell to the ground profusely bleeding out his stomach.

"Kakazu you're gonna have to stitch this guy up. Let me switch with you real quick."

"Yeah, just preserve his head."

"So, Kakashi of the sharingan. Let's see how strong you are."

Hidan and Kakashi clashed blades. They constantly swung their blades at each other with Kakashi trying hard to dodge every blow.

'It seems like when he licked Naruto's blood he changed. He then stabbed himself with his blade and Naruto took the same damage. I'll need to avoid getting cut at all costs.'

Kakashi was doing great dodging the blows with his Sharingan active but the tide of the battle quickly shifted when Hidan rushed back towards Naruto. Kakashi knew they would keep Naruto alive but he still chased for safety measures. What Hidan did however was out of his expectations.

Hidan grabbed Naruto before Kakazu could finish sewing him up and started to drink the blood coming from his stomach.

'What the hell is he doing drinking Naru-'

His thoughts were cut off when Hidan's chakra grew massively. It seemed as if two jonins just gave him all their chakra. Sweat started to drip off his back because of how absurd this power was. If what he saw was right then he gains around 50% of the chakra of a person's blood he drinks as long as he gains enough of it.

He didn't get to keep to himself long when Kakazu grabbed Naruto and fixed the rest of his stomach. He then looked at Kakashi like he was food.

"Summoning Jutsu!"

"Pakun tell the Hokage that they have Naruto! GO NOW!"

The dog quickly left the scene with Kakashi backing up his escape.

"Kakazu, go get that dog. I'll take care of blood pupil over here."

"Yeah, make sure to preserve the head."

"You said that already dimwit."

"You never know with you small brain."

Hidan then rushed Kakashi at a faster speed than before. It wasn't a lot faster but noticeable. Kakazu rushed after the dog but was quickly stopped by another person.

"Oh, I forgot you were here. I'll take the extra bounty."

Sparks flew in the air as Hidan and Kakazu clashed over and over. With one glance one could tell who had the upper hand. All Kakashi could do in this situation was defend and dodge. With Hidan's enhanced body coupled with the techniques learned from his past life, he was a monster to be reckoned with. One that Kakashi just couldn't handle.


The space seemed to warp around Hidan's head. He quickly noticed this and tried to dodge and lost his left arm.

"Damn you! Now I have to get a new one!"

Hidan then quickly ran at Kakashi blade swinging in a new pattern. Kakashi seemed drained out from using the Kamui and couldn't adapt to the new change of pace. Blood filled the air as a long slash from Kakashi's right shoulder down to his left hip appeared. Laughter sounded as Hidan was swinging around his blade occasionally licking it.

"So sad, such a strong ninja is down for the count. Goodbye, Kakashi of the sharingan."

Hidan cut off his own head and with that, Kakashi's head too came off.

A blonde smashed the table with her fist. "Damn those Akatsuki, I'm gonna have to get Naruto myself if Kakashi doesn't come back"

I feel like the pacing is a little fast. Tell me what you guys think. Kakashi is dead, tell me how you feel about such a huge change in the plot. See you soon.

Bankincreators' thoughts