
Omni king+priest=Omni priest fusion vs alucard(me)

Me:I want to spar with you two


Priest:are you sure about this 'poor guy he is going to die'

Zeno:can we,can we!


Me:ok the best way is for you two to fuse



Madara:ooh this battle is gonna be fun to watch


For the fight Zeno and the priest bought all the twelve universes even the the planets, all the planets, all the races, all the angels were surprised to see billions and more then quintillion's of people maybe even more and every one were looking at the huge arena

Goku:what do you think is going to happen

Beerus:shut up and watch,whatever it is, it is going to be good




ME:LETS start this

Beerus:WHAT! He is going to fight lord, Omni king

Whis:looks like its going to be a good show

Zeno+grand priest:FUSION


BEERUS:did they FUSE!

Goku:ooh that looks strong

Beerus:of course he is the omni king and the grand priest alucard is dead

Me:ok let's start

Omni priest starts to charge at me then of course I dodge and then I bring out yin-yang dragon out even though he is stronger then them, it is my fight so I fuse with him and I get black horns, 2 jet black wings, and my skin turns white and everyones attention is on me.

Then the omni priest tries to get me with a beam that's soo big,and kept on attacking with different styles and soon it got boring so I open up my mouth and there is withe and black energy that's charging and it soon becomes huge yin-yang,white,dark energy,and then I shoot it at the Omni priest then it creates a huge shockwave that every universe can feel,guess what happened after that?,the Omni priest disappeared everyone of the gods, and angels were out of there mind

Angels:father where is he!

Beerus:omni king what happened!?

Me:don't worry I will get them back

Beerus:what you mean get back

Me:I can recreate them


And then the Omni king and the grand priest was back and everyone's jaw dropped even the grandpriest.

Gp:what happened didn't we die

Zeno:we died, really

Me:yeah but I brought you back so don't worry

Gp:we lost


Zeno:that was fun

Me:I guess so

Gp:thank you for bringing us back

Me:don't mention it,if I didn't who will be the omni king



Me:it's time to go

Madara:bye everybody

Zeno:by see you soon

Me:you definitely will see us soon

Then the portal opened to the empty realm,after saying our byes we left,and we gained something good,what is it? Well senzu beans of course

Me:Madara it is our parting time

Madara:thank you for bringing me here I had lots of fun.

Me:Madara I will reincarnate you to a world that is hard,you also get to keep your powers and I will also give you two wishes and a gift


Me:yes I will pick out a poor boy rejected and called trash and you will make him more powerful and your self to

Madara:ooh that is perfect I will show people who they messing with.

Me:okay what are your wishes

Madara:this is hard

Me:okay then I will make you a deal you won't refuse

Madara:what's the deal

Me:I will give you 1% off my power


Me:think about it

Madara:true your power is so much I bet 1 percent is strong enough to beat those two guys before

Me:it sure is

Madara:I accept

Me:and the gift is my blessing

Madara:thank you so much Alucard I will never forget you, and I hope I will see you soon

Me:I hope to see you soon to

And then me and Madara parted it was a sad moment but I have to go somewhere, where?

I don't know.

Me:I think a cultivation world will be good for me.

(I will try to update daily which won't be much of a problem,sometimes I might update more in a day but I will try not to drop this,I doubt I will drop this because the novel is just beginning)