
God killer..

Siddhantking · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Back to past(Part-2)

While Clark was talking to logan, he was interrupted by loud noise behind his back and he muttered under his breath and said" It looks like those idiot finally break out from that formation"

Suddenly, some black shadows started condensed and they finally take form of human and one of the man said" Clark, You son of a bitch, where do you think of running."

As there were total of 7 shadows standing behind Clark's back and all shadows were looking toward angrily with red eyes.....and one shadow is clear and other shadows were shrouded in dense auras .

Logan saw the shadows behind Clark's, but he can only saw one person clearly among them, he saw that the person looked like Chinese with thin body and big elongated eyebrows, having silver hair which were so big in length that they were touching the land and one mole between his eyebrows and his eyes were showing red glow and if someone with weak spirit watches his eyes, he may fall into illusion and never able to get out of it.

Clark finally rotates his body as he looked towards the shadows and he calmly said" Ling Chu, you are still so sissy, what do you mean i am running, you idiot can't you see i am reuniting with my brother and followers , are you so blind due to my formation that you can't even see clearly.."

Ling Chu's face completely become red with anger and his hairs were started to rise in air, like a volcano which was going to explode and he said" Good..Good..Good Clark, you can still speak like that in this situation, Clark no one can save you now and thank you for killing those 5 gods, now we can even take those 5 territories for us..."

while Ling chu was talking, he was interrupted by other member and the member said" Clark handover that item, we may let your people live and also you, but you have to abolish your cultivation"

Ling Chu looked shocked as he said angrilly towards that member who just spoke" David, are you out of your mind..." but while he was talking to david, he was interrupted by clark once more as his face became purple with anger

Clark looked at the person who just spoke and said calmly" David, you also know that i will not going to handover that item to you and if you want to fight, then let's have fight.."

David take long look at clark and finally sighs and said coldly" Clark, you don't know what is good for your, i respected your courage as you stand alone against us and strength you showed as you were able to kill 5 gods out of 12 gods alone, but now clark....."

While David was talking to Clark, Clark sent telepathic message towards logan and said to him" on my shout run towards that place and also use teleportation scrool to reach that place as soon as possible, i will try stall for time and i am sorry because of me you have to go through this but still i will always love you my dear little brother "

"....Clark, are you even listening to me " said david as he saw some movement from logan as he tried to take something out from his pocket.

"Now!!!!" said clark as he rushes towards 7 god and his body started generate golden aura with divine dragon swirling around his body and started to fight against the gods...

Now, Logan hastily uses teleportation scroll, he and his members teleported towards their destination...

"Stop them!!" said long Chu as he started to fight against Clark with other members but clark is more powerful and also burns his potential, his strength increases 10 times and was able to buy time for logan to teleport.

Finally, Logan and his members faded away as they were teleported....

As Clark saw them teleported away, he mutters under his breadth" Now, brother it is on you to stop them "

"Long Chu, you go to the ruins and stop them before they activate that item" said david angrily as he watches logan and his members faded away ...


Faraway place, A big towards was standing alone and around him were debris and many dead bodies of different kinds like some elves,goblin, human, dwarves, dragons and even angles , and inside this tower, there is an altar which is radiating a kind of energy like it was radiating from ancient time and will continue to radiate till the end of time....

Suddenly, a portal opens in front of tower and some figures rush out the portal and saw the tower and run towards it.....

"Fast, run fast, they may send someone to interfere with the ritual and activating of item" said logan as run towards the altar....

"Stop!, You little beast , Stop!" said log Chu as rushes out from the portal and rushes towards them..

A member of logan team suddenly said to logan "Captain, do you remember when you take us in your team"

Logan was stunned still he says" what the hell are you talking about this is not time for that, run, run towards the altar"

That members suddenly started burn his potential as his power suddenly got double and run backward toward Long Chu and said" Captain, finish the ritual and kill these bitches.."

"Noooo!!!Edward!!" Logan shouted hoarsely as he watches Edward suddenly blew himself in front of long Chu to buy sometime for them.

Long Chu suddenly felt like he was stuck in mud but he is after all one of the 12 gods ,no now only 7 gods remains, so he is one of the 7 gods ....so he was able release himself after a second....

Finally, Logan and his remaining members arrive in front of the altar..and put the item on top of the altar...and logan cut his hand as he bleeds and put some blood to activate it, still it required sometime to activate and seeing the figure of long Chu rushing and catching them, remaining members resolutely looked each other and started burning their potential releases their powerful strike towards Long Chu ...

Still seeing that it wasn't able them much time, they started running towards them and then....self destruct themselves....and logan closes his eyes as he can't saw his brothers sacrifice....

Boom....Boom....Boom and finally all 7 members self destruct themselves and stop Long Chu rushing figure for some seconds but it bring enough amount of time for logan to activate the item....

That item, it looked like an egg but then suddenly, its figure got obscure and then transformed into tablet with some written on it and then it changes into bracelet and...like this it changes many different figure and finally stops and merges with the altar and altar got activate and started showing some kind of ancient writing but somehow Logan was able to read it...

Logan read the text and said "Huh...make a wish then my wish is to rewind the time to the time when world league incident started to happens"

"Calculating wish status...,time required 3 sec for ...."

Finally, logan wasn't even able to read the complete sentence as Long Chu releases himself and started to run towards the logan and logan saw that it still required 3 sec and burn his potential and rushes towards Long Chu .....

Logan was able to contend against Long Chu as Long Chu was considered the weakest among the god and his body was seriously injured in fight against Clark but still as his realm above the logan he was able to manage fight on equal .....

"Remaining Time....2sec..."

Suddenly, Color of sky changes as other gods finally arrive in front of the ruin and David was standing in front of other 3 gods and one of his hand was almost separated as it was only hanging with shoulder with some muscles....and in his other hand is head of a person.....