
I Am Blind

Peterberg":yes according to the contract if contract including the contractor suffers any harm during finalisation it will be transfered to nearest intelligent species. "

God:" Oye it has never been mentioned before".

Slight misconception since no one messes with God and atleast he must have some power to be able create a mess so it created a major loophole in his residents security system against small fries like spirits.

System in higher place doesn't have leader or as such, it all depends on who has more merit or karma and thus control the world his way till next destruction but they can't meddle in daily life but can control luck and fortune.

And fortune and luck firm are naturally rule setters which governs God's decision.

Hence last god of current era is on verge of bankruptcy due to predecessors and last sole possession is his house which he used as collateral. So comes present situation where last installment has been payed to free the house for future loan.

Somato- I might have rejected but since m homeless might as well be the owner.

God:"oh mighty sir this is my last scrape of dignity plz don't make me homeless".

(u think ill act cruel so you can take advantage of me, u have severely underestimated me since u have plotted with fortune firm I'll bid my time till u r alone then take care of you hahaha ha u will see)

Somato"oh its nice having company, you can live here but next month onwards you'll have to pay rent".

God :"okay sir thank you". (punk wait and watch)


Next morning

What a morning it is nice air its time to look for work"

God ":good morning punk. Had a nice sleep haven't you, now tell me who you are and why did you plot against me or I'll send you to hell as per my privilege"

Sumato:"so nice to hear passionate speech of nice villain straight from God. Now I understand why in so many novels protagonist opposes you. By the way do you have any manners to offer for a cup of tea to your guest Hmmm".

God:"u listen to me you puny ant, cricket do you even have the right to face almighty I can do anything you r just low rung pebble in my world, ok because of people like you my words are taken lightly do you think, you novelist can do anything huh, if law wasn't their i would have first wiped your specie from my universe and before that I would have hung your head to all those who play my role as a nuisance for comedy understood you low pie hole shit".

Taking out earphone from ear

Sumato:"oh you were saying something, sorry i wasn't paying attention, I never once listened to lecture in class do you think I will give a shit to the guy who doesn't even exists".