
God I will beat you in your own game

once there was a looser hopeless man in the world who has nothing goes right in his life he just continuesly fails in his life whatever he is trying to do every next beautiful women he saw passing by the road they call him mad in front of his face that's how bad he looks and he just fired from every job he get because of his overthinking and his slow weired behaviour he just lost every hope from this fucking world but he never lost hope on himself he has strong belief on himself that whatever bad will happen to himself one day he will shines like no one will ever does and despite doing suicide he continue to live his life with his full belief and passion and he just gives his everything in his work he do lots of meditation but his situation is never change because his belief in his life God himself really impressed in his belief and ask him his wish first he never believe that God himself comes in front of him then suddenly he remembers all the hate and disrespect he gets in his pathetic life and he makes such a wish that he himself becomes the god .God just don't hesitate to fulfill his wish and give him very immense godlike power but after that with his increase power his hate also increases towards this world and he becomes the dengerous threat to the world and the responsibility to save this world is comes to the shoulder of The GOD himself does God will becomes successful to save this world...............

Raging_dragons · Fantasy
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15 Chs

the looser man

Once there was a man named Alex who seemed to be the unluckiest person in the world. He was in his mid-thirties, but he had nothing to show for it. He had no job, no family, and no friends. He lived alone in a small apartment in a rundown part of town, and he barely had enough money to pay for his rent and his meals.

Alex had always been a dreamer. He had big plans for his life, but nothing ever seemed to go right for him. He had tried many jobs, but he always ended up getting fired or quitting after a few weeks. He had also tried to start his own business, but it had failed miserably.

Despite all his failures, Alex never lost his faith in himself. He believed that someday he would become successful and famous, and he would prove everyone wrong. He spent most of his time reading self-help books, watching motivational videos, and meditating. He believed that positive thinking and visualization would help him achieve his goals.

One day, while Alex was meditating in his apartment, something strange happened. He felt a sudden surge of energy coursing through his body, and he heard a booming voice in his head.

"I am pleased with your belief in yourself, Alex," the voice said. "I am God, and I have decided to grant you one wish. Choose wisely, for your wish will have consequences."

Alex was stunned. He had never believed in God or any supernatural beings, but he could not deny the voice in his head. He thought for a moment, and then he spoke his wish.

"I wish to become a god myself, but not fully. I want to have the power and the knowledge of a god, but I want to keep my humanity and my free will. I want to be able to shape the world according to my own vision, but I also want to be accountable for my actions. And I want to play a game of politics and power with you, God, to see who is the better ruler of the universe."

The voice was silent for a moment, and then it spoke again.

"Your wish is granted, Alex. You are now a god with powers equal to mine, but remember, your wish is not perfect. There is a flaw in it, and you will discover it soon enough. As for the game you propose, I accept. Let the game begin."

With that, the voice faded away, and Alex was left alone in his apartment, feeling more powerful and more confused than ever before. He knew that his life would never be the same again. He was a god now, but he was also a man, with all the weaknesses and doubts that came with it.

Alex decided to test his powers, and he created a small ball of fire in his hand. He marveled at the intensity of the flame, and he felt a rush of excitement and fear. He knew that he had to be careful with his powers, for he could easily destroy the world if he wanted to.

He also knew that he had to be careful with his game with God. He had challenged the most powerful being in the universe, and he had to be prepared for the consequences. He had no idea what kind of game God had in mind, but he was determined to win it.

Alex smiled to himself, feeling the thrill of the challenge. He had nothing to lose and everything to gain. He was a loser no more. He was a god now, and he was ready to play the game of his life.

Alex spent the next few days experimenting with his newfound powers. He created small objects out of thin air, levitated furniture in his apartment, and even teleported himself to different parts of the world. He felt like a child with a new toy, and he was amazed by the possibilities that lay before him.

But he also felt a sense of unease. He knew that his powers came with a great responsibility, and he had to use them wisely. He had made a bold move by challenging God to a game of politics and power, and he had to be prepared for the consequences.

Alex decided to seek advice from the wisest person he knew, an old man named Albert who lived in a small cottage on the outskirts of town. Albert was a retired professor of philosophy, and he had a reputation for being a wise and insightful man.

Alex teleported himself to Albert's cottage and knocked on the door. Albert opened the door, and he looked surprised to see Alex.

"Hello, Alex. What brings you here?" Albert asked.

"I need your advice, Albert. I have a problem, and I don't know how to solve it," Alex said.

"Come in, come in," Albert said, gesturing for Alex to enter.

Alex walked into the cottage, and he saw that Albert had a large library of books on philosophy, religion, and science. He felt a sense of awe as he looked around, realizing that he had a lot to learn.

"What is your problem, Alex?" Albert asked, sitting down on a chair.

"I made a wish to become a god, and now I'm playing a game of politics and power with God. I don't know what kind of game he has in mind, but I know that I have to be prepared for anything. I don't want to make a mistake that could have dire consequences," Alex said.

Albert looked at Alex with a serious expression. "Playing a game of politics and power with God is not something to be taken lightly, Alex. God is a being of infinite wisdom and power, and he has a plan for the universe. You must be careful not to disrupt that plan, or you could cause a great disaster."

"I know, but I also know that I have the power to make a difference. I want to use my powers for good, and I want to prove to God that I'm worthy of being a god," Alex said.

Albert nodded. "I understand your desire, Alex, but you must remember that power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. You must be careful not to let your powers go to your head, or you could become a tyrant."

"I know, but how can I be sure that I'm doing the right thing? How can I know if I'm playing the game well?" Alex asked.

"You must trust your instincts, Alex. You must listen to your heart and your conscience. You must be true to yourself and to your values. And you must be willing to accept the consequences of your actions, whether they are good or bad," Albert said.

Alex nodded, feeling a sense of clarity. "Thank you, Albert. You've given me a lot to think about. I'll do my best to play the game well."

"I'm sure you will, Alex. You're a good man at heart, and you have the potential to do great things. Just be careful not to let your ego get in the way," Albert said, smiling.

Alex smiled back, feeling grateful for Albert's wisdom. He teleported himself back to his apartment, feeling more confident and more determined than ever. He knew that the game had begun, and he was ready to make his first move