
God I will beat you in your own game

once there was a looser hopeless man in the world who has nothing goes right in his life he just continuesly fails in his life whatever he is trying to do every next beautiful women he saw passing by the road they call him mad in front of his face that's how bad he looks and he just fired from every job he get because of his overthinking and his slow weired behaviour he just lost every hope from this fucking world but he never lost hope on himself he has strong belief on himself that whatever bad will happen to himself one day he will shines like no one will ever does and despite doing suicide he continue to live his life with his full belief and passion and he just gives his everything in his work he do lots of meditation but his situation is never change because his belief in his life God himself really impressed in his belief and ask him his wish first he never believe that God himself comes in front of him then suddenly he remembers all the hate and disrespect he gets in his pathetic life and he makes such a wish that he himself becomes the god .God just don't hesitate to fulfill his wish and give him very immense godlike power but after that with his increase power his hate also increases towards this world and he becomes the dengerous threat to the world and the responsibility to save this world is comes to the shoulder of The GOD himself does God will becomes successful to save this world...............

Raging_dragons · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Final showdown

The day of the final showdown had arrived. The sky was dark and foreboding, and the air was thick with tension. Both God and the man knew that this was the moment that would decide everything.

The man had spent years preparing for this moment, gathering allies and building an army to challenge God. He knew that the odds were against him, but he was determined to fight to the bitter end.

God, on the other hand, had watched the man's rise to power with a mix of amusement and concern. He knew that the man was powerful, but he also knew that he was flawed. He had hoped that the man would come to his senses and surrender peacefully, but it seemed that he was intent on pursuing his reckless quest for ultimate power.

As the two sides prepared for battle, the man addressed his troops. He spoke of the injustice of God's rule, of the need for a new world order, and of his vision for a future where mortals would no longer be subject to the whims of a divine tyrant.

God, meanwhile, stood atop a mountain, watching the man's army gather below. He said nothing, but the look on his face spoke volumes. He was not amused.

The battle began with a clash of swords and a shower of arrows. The man's army charged forward, screaming battle cries and waving flags. God's army stood firm, their shields locked in a tight formation.

The man was at the forefront of his army, his sword flashing in the dim light. He fought with ferocity, striking down God's soldiers with ease. He was like a whirlwind of death, sweeping through the battlefield and leaving a trail of destruction in his wake.

God watched from above, his face grim. He knew that the man was powerful, but he also knew that he was not invincible. He had a plan, and he hoped that it would be enough to turn the tide of the battle.

As the man and his army approached, God lifted his hand and called forth a massive storm. Lightning crackled across the sky, and the wind howled like a banshee. The man's army faltered, their ranks broken by the fierce winds.

But the man was not deterred. He raised his sword and charged forward, his eyes fixed on God. The two met in the middle of the battlefield, their swords clashing in a shower of sparks.

The man fought with all his might, but God was too powerful. He deflected the man's blows with ease, his sword moving like lightning. The man was forced back, his feet sliding in the mud.

God raised his sword, poised to strike the final blow. The man closed his eyes, ready for death.

But then, something strange happened. A blinding light filled the sky, and a voice spoke out, loud and clear.


God lowered his sword, his face filled with confusion. The man looked up, his eyes wide with wonder.

The voice spoke again.

"This fight is pointless. You are both powerful, but you are also flawed. You cannot rule alone. You need each other."

God and the man looked at each other, uncertain.

The voice continued.

"You must work together, as equals. You must share your power and your wisdom, and together you can create a new world order. A world where mortals and immortals live in harmony, where power is shared and justice prevails."

The two looked at each other again, and then nodded in agreement.

And so it was that the man and God came together, sharing their power and their wisdom. Together, they created a new world order, one that was just and fair, where mortals and immortals lived in harmony.

The man eventually died

As the battle raged on, the God and the man continued to exchange blows, each one determined to come out victorious. The man had grown in power, but so had the God. The stakes were high, and the fate of the world hung in the balance.

The man summoned all the power he could muster and launched a massive attack at the God. The God responded with a counter-attack that sent shockwaves throughout the universe. The two forces clashed, creating a blinding explosion that lit up the skies.

For what seemed like an eternity, the two continued to fight, each one evenly matched. But as time wore on, the man began to feel his power dwindling. His energy was waning, and he knew that he could not sustain this battle for much longer.

The God, sensing the man's weakness, seized the opportunity and launched a final, devastating attack. The man tried to defend himself, but it was too late. The attack hit him full force, and he was thrown back, crashing to the ground.

The man lay there, barely conscious, his body broken and battered. The God stood over him, looking down at him with a mixture of triumph and sadness.

"It is over," the God said. "You fought well, but your ambition was your downfall. You wanted to be a God, but you were not ready for the responsibility that came with it. You brought destruction and chaos to the world, and for that, you must pay the price."

The man looked up at the God, his eyes filled with regret. "I am sorry," he whispered. "I was foolish. I didn't understand the true meaning of power. I only wanted to be strong, to be invincible."

The God sighed. "Power is not about being invincible. It is about responsibility. It is about using your strength to protect and serve, not to dominate and destroy. You have much to learn, but I am willing to teach you. Will you accept my guidance?"

The man nodded weakly, tears streaming down his face. "Yes, please. I don't want to cause any more harm. I want to make amends and help make the world a better place."

The God smiled. "Good. Then let us begin."

And so, the God took the man under his wing, teaching him the ways of true power and responsibility. The man learned the value of humility and compassion, and together, he and the God worked to heal the wounds that had been inflicted upon the world.

In time, the man became a respected and beloved figure, known for his wisdom and kindness. He had come a long way from the ambitious and reckless man he once was, and he was grateful for the opportunity to make things right.

The world was a better place for his efforts, and though he knew that he could never truly make up for the damage he had caused, he was content in the knowledge that he had done his best to make amends.

The man smiled, his heart filled with gratitude and peace. He had come a long way, but he knew that there was still much to learn. He looked up at the God, who smiled back at him with love and understanding.

Together, they walked into the future, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.