

Millions of years has passed countless of Gods and Devils with inhuman abilities has passed away along with the flow of time. A prophecy was declared thousands of years ago that a great calamity shall befall the world leading to total annihilation. the heavens shall bestow a savior to humans who shall help them during the time of calamity. Xiaofan a 15 year old kid whose parents where brutally murdered has to live his life in hell,torment and betrayals from his fellow humans it was quite unfortunate that xiaofan grew to witness the darkside of humanity making him swore to destroy humans unknowingly to the world that they just turned their savior into a devil who would bring chaos to the world. Join xiaofan on his path to the summit of power. Extract from the story: "how can this be you are no human you are a monster!" "Hehe!,that's right I am a monster who the heavens and Earth shall bow down to!! " "lightening strike TRIBULATION OF HEAVEN AND EARTH".

Author_juice · Fantasy
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4 Chs


Xiaofan walked slowly into the forest there was really no danger whatsoever so xiaofan continued strodding forward without much thought, after walking continuously for an hour xiaofan decided to rest he sat under a giant tree as he catched his breath xiaofan closed his but at that instant he felt a fierce wind coming towards him xiaofan quickly opened his eyes only to see a sword coming towards him tilting his head slightly the sword passed his side as it pierced threw the tree , xiaofan balanced himself as he stared at the person only to see a group of youth standing close by he noticed they were all wearing the same uniform. " Why did you attack me "? Xiaofan asked although he wasn't surprised because the people in front of him were humans so he knew it was in their behavior . "Hehe! I thought it was a monster beast, who would have expected that a human would be all alone in the forbidden ground and also naked" The youth who had struck xiaofan previously muttered as he wore a mocking smile, "What do you want?" Xiaofan asked despite being naked in front of foreign people he wasn't the least bit ashamed, "well it so happened that we are in need of a slave to scout the way for us"The youth said as he put on a mischievous grin , "sorry am not interested" xiaofan said as he decided to ignore this people,

 hehe!! Who asked you to leave? The youth sneared as the five surrounded him seeing this xiaofans facial expression became solemn all his super powers have not yet reach the mastery that he would be able to attack with , suddenly xiaofan grinned as shadows started surrounding his body the five youth became tensed they haven't seen such power before in a short amount of time they were surrounded by thick darkness that they couldn't see each other, what's going on the youth leader cried out in alarm , xiaofan ran away in the midst of the chaos , since he was the owner of the shadows he could also see clearly so it wasn't hard for him to get away.

After a while of running xiaofan came across a cave without second thought xiaofan walked into the cave it was dark so dark that one wouldn't be able to see anything.but due to the fact that xiaofan possessed the shadow ability it was really not difficult for him to make out some things he knew that the more mastery he had the more clearer he would be able to see in the dark.xiaofan realised that it might be dangerous in this forest so he decided that it would be best for him to comprehend the lightning to 10% so he will be able to attack with it, xiaofan sat cross-legged as he focused on the first spiralling circle xiaofan immersed his mind on the Golden circle that was flickering with golden spark, lightning started flickering on his body.

 2 hours, 6 hours, a day, 2 days , xiaofan was still in a state of meditation Xiaofan opened his eyes although the lightning around his body was evidently bright and stronger than before he still has not reached 10% mastery, now xiaofan was really hungry as he hasn't eaten for days now, he started contemplating on what to do going out now will be dangerous as he still couldn't attack with his powers gritting his teeth xiaofan went back into meditation.

Three Days Later a terrifying golden lightning exploded in a cave Turning the entire cave into dust a tiny figure with with no clothes was sitting under the sun where the cave ones where the figure slowly opened his eyes as all the golden lightning retreated into his body the youth stood up as he let out a deep breath this figure was obviously xiaofan after 5 days he have been able to increase his lightning mastery to 10% xiaofan was stunned he never expected that the power of lightning would increase drastically after increasing his mastery from 5% to 10% it was really unexpected , xiaofan stretched his finger towards a tree, crackling sound was heard on his index finger as golden lightning surrounded his arm. boom!! a piercing sound rang out the tree that was standing opposite xiaofan could no longer be seen as the tree has been burnt to ashes, "such destructive power" xiaofan was amazed by the destructive power xiaofan decided to go search for fruit that were edible so he could extinguish his hunger, xiaofan walked slowly into the forest.

 after 30 minutes of random walk xiaofan had eaten many edible food making him satisfied xiaofan Suddenly heard sound of fighting coming from a distance xiaofan walked towards the sound after a while he noticed a boy and girl fighting a monster beast that has the shape of a tiger he noticed that the pair were struggling in dealing with the monster beast that was twice as tall as a human xiaofan didn't really care about them as he turned around to leave before he was stopped by a feminine voice. wait!! please help" the duo had heard the sound of footsteps so the female yelled for help although she couldn't turn to look at the individual due to the Beast he was fighting but what she heard next made her almost spat out blood , "No" xiaofan replied coldly before he continued walking he didn't care if they died or live as you know that if he was in their shoes they wouldn't care also, but Xiaofan changed his mind as he stopped before turning around staring at the duo who were now slowly falling into disadvantage as the pair saw that the human has come back they were delighted they were shocked to discover that their fellow human would really not help them in such crisis but what they heard next almost made them spit out blood "what can you offer" Xiaofan asked expressionlessly "friend do you have to do this now how about you lend us a hand first we can discuss the rest later" the male youth finally said as he took a quick glance at xiaofan he was surprised seeing that it was just a kid and was also naked the little hope he had was extinguished at this moment he knew that there was no way a kid could help them defeat a level 5 monster beast , "why don't you place your request if we are able to accomplish it we will definitely reach an agreement" the female replied as cold sweat now filled her flawless face.

 "Okay" xiaofan said, give me a minute he added as he started pondering what he needed

 seeing this the female youth cursed under her breath, how could someone be this heartless? she thought,"fine I need a set of clothes and you will also take me out of this forest as I don't know where I am" xiaofan said.

 the ladt scoffed who the hell wouldn't know that he's in a forbidden ground after coming here himself? She thought before replying, "deal" she replied with a smile, "all right" xiaofan replied he is only helping them because he needs someone to take him out of here, he stretched out his index finger aiming at the monster beast, a piercing sound was heard as the smell of something burnt could be perceived.