
Numbers 17: 1-6

This is basically a story about Moses and the children of Israel. God instructed Moses to the staffs of each of the 12 leaders of the tribes of Israel. This was a time when Israelites wanted to choose someone to succeed Moses, so this is how God revealed himself to show the Israelites. As Moses collected the walking sticks, he put them next to the ark of the convenant; that is where God back then. These staffs were basically old dead walking sticks, so the following morning the staff of Aron bloomed and produce omonds it even sprouted branches. Thus Israelites knew that Aron was the next king. What o am saying is that God can change things over night, it couldn't be your marriage or your career it seems to be dead, I came to tell you that God can change things over night and that God is going to take to places that you have never been before. God bless you, read Methew 6:33