
God bane

sometimes we are punished for what we lost unjustly by those who stole from us and most times there is no hope and injuries prevails but on those rare cases of other worldly opportunities for revenge abound and not even gods or demons can stop the truly broken from their goals and here begins the story of the god slayer .

Worldforger · Fantasy
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7 Chs

The Asteriol

Xan sat cross legged cultivating the strange hybrid technique from his memories while listening to the two divine weapon spirits talking to each other.

"Gah!! do you always have to be so brutal?! The beast certainly did not require such drastic and blood thirsty measures."

Taven the more Red bed of the two spirits exclaimed after they tore a level four body building scorpion tailed lion to shreds the small fragment they currently were refining the beast's blood making the dark blood churn as it rose into the air before the fragment turning most of it to steam and leaving a dark spherical pin head sized pill like substance floating above the now Fluid less beast corpse.

"Well belonging to the leader of a race forced to live in a ferocious waste land really can really make one blood thirsty you should try it."

A gruff voice replied from within the fragment.

"Come in !! I have tried to explain to you multiple times that neither I nor my wielder were aware of the predicament of your race.

"Yeah right you just felt our kind were an unthinking blood thirsty bunch of human like beasts who some help e knew how to make weapons, machines and arrays!"

The gruff voice scuffed.

Of the two, Arid was the darker one the eternal pessimist. He was also the one responsible for the blood refining of the scorpion tailed lion.

Listening to the two in the few weeks they had been together, Xan had been able to understand a lot about the source or sources of the new but extremely shocking talent he now has.

Asteriol was once a united paradise of powerful cultivators who used star force to cultivate instead of the spirit force of Xan's Lord imperial realm of which the great dragon continent was a part. But that changed for them when the experiments of one of the mad scientists overlapped with one of the ancient ceremonies resulting in the release of a strange energy which not only tore the realm apart and mutated the Asteriolans but also tore a strange worm hole into existence above the realm releasing another type of energy in massive amounts before finally closing. The result of this catastrophe?. All Asteriolans were affected in different ways most only had their core energy mutated with very minor physical changes but the unlucky few became what the others referred to as monsters. Relegated to fending for themselves amongst the mutated life forms and dangers arising from the old Asteriol as the luckier ones had constructed a new Asteriol above the old one enshrining them selves as the ones to stop the ones they now called the taints from affecting the rest of the Universe. Faced by daily threats and lack of resources especially with all the wars against the 'untainted' for their freedom, The blood Refining technique was a must although each family had their own variants. In fact it was so important that all sentient weapons had to learn it. The blood Red Ming skill simply refined the essence blood of Amy recently dead being from the blood giving the consumer some of the beast's blood line and changing the best case scenario and simply heal the consumer to an extent in the worst case scenario of course the image powers and strength of the beast also helped a lot.

apparently, the two races had been warring again when the two new kings who had been fighting were ambushed the force of the other worldly weapon used blasting them into a semi black hole into space the unresolved force pushing them into the Lord imperial realm The two shattered souls had shared a common intent towards their killer at that point so they fused into one never before quasi tainted being before fusing with the lucky Xan. Their weapons; Taven (who had been a heavenly blade) and Arid (Who had been a heaven defying battle axe) both of them imperial weapons had also been shattered. So apart from searching for the soul fragments of the two kings so as to obtain their innate abilities and memories, Xan had to also search for the fragments of the two weapons for the same reasons. The good thing was that he had the main soul fragments of the kings and the weapons.

Smiling gently, Xan stretched his open palm to receive the floating blood pill before putting it into a small bottle before storing it inside the storage ring from the bandit. He then proceeded to continue cultivating with Taven and Arid watching over him with the hope that they would grow closer to each other burning wood thin his soul.